Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1877: Meals cannot be destroyed


Su Lei stunned all three and did not understand the meaning of Chen Yu's words.


Suddenly, a loud noise erupted, and a huge shock wave rushed directly over. The three of Su Lei got close and took four or five steps backwards, patted his **** on the ground and looked at the distance in shock.

The loud noise rang from two hundred meters away from a few people. A huge white beast emerged from the sand.

The beast is very large, a kilometer long, resembling a tadpole, with sharp edges on both sides, seven eyes on the forehead, all vertical pupils, flashing faint red light, which is frightening.

In particular, above his body, the white armor, reflecting the light, knew that it was extraordinary.

"No! It's a sand blast ghost, isn't this guy in the depths of the starry desert? How could he appear here!"

Su Aoxue's face changed suddenly and was shocked.

These days, they dare not go deep into the desert hinterland, because the hinterland is far more dangerous than the extension.

Even before Chen Yu said that he came across the desert, Su Ao Xue only believed that Chen Yu had come around from the outer area of ​​the starry desert, and did not think that Chen Yu had the ability to walk from deep in the desert.

"Oh my god, sand explosion ghosts! I heard that this thing is a fellow of Daojing Cheng! How can it appear here! It's over! We're over!"

Su Lei patted him on the ground, widened his eyes, and his legs were shaking.

Su Ya and Su Si, who were not so good, were horribly drooling.

"Ready to fight! Mrs. Chen Yun, stay aside, don't drag us behind, four of you, follow me! Only by going forward can we get a chance to live!"


Su Aoxue frowned and drank, like an arrow, burst out and rushed towards the ghost.

"Damn! Kill!"

The three of Su Lei also reacted, knowing that if they ran away, there would be no chance. At the moment, they all rushed up!

"You stay away and wait for it to be affected."

Su Xiaoran looked dignified, lifted up all Zhenli, and ran to the ghost.

Five people surrounded the ghosts in the middle, madly tilting various martial arts, and wanted to seize the opportunity while the ghosts just appeared.

Chen Yu's face was a little strange.

"I didn't expect that I was despised?"

She laughed at herself and found a stone on the side. Chen Yu sat on the stone with her hands on her chest, watching the battle in front of her with interest.

The strength of the five is very good, and the combat experience is relatively rich. Although there is a gap between the strength and this ghost, they cooperate very well with each other, and they have a good way to attack and defend, and for a time, the ghost has fallen into the wind.

But it's only a matter of time!

Ghostly, after all, is a confession, and as a fierce beast, he is unusually fierce. Here is his home field. After falling into the downwind at the beginning, it is fierce, but a moment later, he started a crazy counterattack Fight with five people.

The wind was raging, the streamers were vertical and horizontal, bursts of blast, and madly scattered around.

Some rubbles rushed directly to Chen Yu, but only three meters away from Chen Yu, there seemed to be a layer of invisible air hood. Once the rubbles were in contact, they all disappeared into powder.

It was just Su Aoxue, five of them, all fighting at this moment, and they didn't see this scene at all.

"Damn! This guy is so great! Our attack couldn't even break his armor!"

Su Lei yelled, sweating heavily on his forehead. With a glance at Chen Yu sitting on the ground, Su Lei was furious.

"Fuck, some of us are playing so hard here, he's better, sitting there, and doing nothing!"

Su Ya Leng hummed.

"What can he do? The five of us cooperate tacitly, and there is a way to fight together. He is here, and he can't help or say nothing, and it will destroy our cooperation. It is useless to come!"

"That's it! He doesn't count as a combat force at all, a soldier who is dead is here to come! Can't count on him!"

Suzie didn't even look at Chen Yu, and was still fighting against the ghosts.

Su Xiaoran pursed his lips and said nothing, but in his heart he agreed with the words of several people.

Chen Yu is here now. Not only is it useless, but it will drag them down!

"This guy is very thick and has amazing defensive power. He uses five yuan to strike! The last stroke!"

Su Ao-xue stopped drinking, and several others made a fierce look, glanced at each other, and nodded heavily.

Five yuan combined attack is their strongest attack method, and now, this is only the case!

"it is good!"

The four roared together, madly raising their true power to the highest level.

When they got together, the five of them waved out at the same time. The surging real power was transformed into ten beams of light. They were intertwined in a spiral shape in the sky and turned into a huge angry dragon.


The ghost screamed a strange noise, and the whole body was shining brightly. From his mouth, a fiery red beam of light suddenly burst out, and he was hit hard by the attack of five people!


The attacks from the two sides collided in the sky, and the air flow furiously dissipated to the surroundings. The sandy land with a radius of ten miles was all sunken, and a huge gap appeared on the sandy land!


The five screamed, all flew out, squirting blood in their mouths, and hit the desert fiercely!

Everyone's breath is very weak. The blow just now has exhausted all their power!

"Did you succeed!"

Su Lei looked at the ghostly haunted by the thick smoke in the distance, looking forward.

When the smoke cleared, the expectation on his face became despair!

The sand blasted ghostly and unharmed!

"It's over! This guy, it's amazing! We're dead!"

Su Aoxue's face changed suddenly, a little despair.

Their strongest attack turned out to be useless to ghosts!

"Fuck, I, I don't want to die!" Su Lei shouted, almost crying. The fear of death shrouded him deeply.

"Hey, Mrs. Chen Yun, you run away! If you don't run, you will die here!"

The place where Su Xiaoran fell was right next to Chen Yu, and he immediately said.

Chen Yu glanced at the girl unexpectedly, but at this time, she still worried about her comfort.

Not bad.

Clapping his hands, Chen Yu stood up, step by step, slowly walking towards the violent ghost.

"Mr. Chen Yun, you, what do you do?"

Su Xiaoran asked for a moment.

Chen Yu smiled, "It was so easy to join the Su family, I don't want you to die like this. This is a sneaky, let me come."

Step by step, Chen Yu slowly walked past the five!


You come?

Several people froze.

"Come back! That's not something you can provoke! Don't seek your own way!"

Su Ao-xue was so frightened that she suddenly yelled, her face anxiously.

But it's late!

The sneaky growled and roared, and had already rushed to Chen Yu! The blade-like counter-foot, crossing the sand on the sand, like a dirt dragon, has a terrifying momentum.

You can even smell the smell.

It's over!

In the eyes of the five, Chen Yu is already dead!

At this moment, Chen Yu's fist tightened, and a smile appeared in the corner of her mouth.

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