Slippery again?

He, fuck!

Around the audience, the corners of their mouths were pumped fiercely. Is this something that slippers can explain! This is clearly intentional!

Who has slipped his hands and will directly waste others' Dantian with one palm?

"I didn't expect this person to be so crazy! Even Sun Hong's threat was not in his mind, but Sun Yun was dismissed in the presence of Sun Hong!"

"This guy is really a ruthless character. He killed Wen Liang, destroyed Sun Yun, and was extremely powerful. I am afraid that he can compare with the top Tianjiao this time!"

"I don't think so. Those top arrogant, all are extremely horrible, this guy, want to compare with those people, a lot worse!"

Everyone looked at Chen Yu and talked a lot, but between words, there was a profound shock!

"You, you **** !!! Cousin, help me, help me !!!"

Sun Yun lay on the ground, mourning in hysterics, tears and snot flowing a lot.

She never expected that under the circumstances of Sun Hong's speech, she was even abolished!

Chen Yu's sudden cut off her practice path! Makes her almost crazy!

"What's your name? Hitting the dog depends on the owner, you, too!"

Looking at Chen Yu, Sun Hong's face was as cold as ice!

He didn't care about Sun Yun's life or death, but! He cares about his face!

What Chen Yu did was a provocation to him!

"Chen Yun too." Chen Yu said lightly.

"Okay! The sixth house election, if there is something, you must come! Don't let me down."

Then, the figure of Sun Hong has disappeared.

Chen Yu smiled and broke the communicator with one foot.

"A little **** threatens me? Funny."

"let's go."

Turning around, Chen Yu returned to Su Xiaoran and others, greeted several people, and went straight to Leap Star.

"Mr. Chen Yun! You **** it! You **** it! My cousin, he will not let you go! You wait! Hahahaha ..."

Sun Yun was lying on the ground, facing the direction where Chen Yu left, hissing and exhausting, the sky was full of resentment, and everyone felt a numb skin and some heart tremors.

"It seems that this kind of friction is indispensable for the Six Houses this time."

Someone murmured, and everyone nodded in agreement.

Indeed, as the people said, with the approaching of the sixth house elections, all major forces have reached the Leap Star. Frictions and battles between each other have also become more frequent.

In these battles, some people also stood out and became the bargaining capital for all.

"Have you heard? The grandson of Yihailou, and Tianjiao of Sanjianmen, fought for a seat! In the end, if not the elders of the two parties are present, both will be born and die!"

"I also heard of one thing. There was a big battle in the wasteland before. The battlefield was extremely fierce. There were more than a dozen scorched corpses. I couldn't tell who it was. I heard that it was the result of a fierce battle between the two parties!

. . . . . .

This is all the rumor on the Leap God.

Among these things, Chen Yu's name has also been mentioned constantly!

Offending Haotianyuan's election leader, such a thing can be said to be a rebellion, and it is very impressive.

Chen Yu's name, naturally, also passed to some people's ears.

"Oh, blatantly let Sun Hong's face sweep the floor? This Mrs. Chen Yun is a bit powerful."

A man, sitting on the ground in a forest of Leap Star, wiped the sword in his hand. And beside him, there are the dead beasts of a place, piled up, hundreds of feet tall!

On the other side of Yueshen Star, in the 10,000-meter abyss under the sea, a figure quietly suspended in the cold and dead water.

Suddenly he opened his eyes and burst into two strong rays.

"Mr. Chen Yun? Although she has some strength, she is not qualified to become my opponent!"

After that, he closed his eyes again.

In another place, in a city of Yuejinxing, a woman in white sits on the top of a building and looks at the surrounding scenery quietly.

"Mr. Chen Yun? Stupid!"

. . . . . .

Various evaluations were staged in various places of Leap Star.

Chen Yu didn't know this.

At this time, after arriving at Leap Star, they came to a city and found a hotel to stay.

After eating, Chen Yu and others gathered in a quiet tea house and chatted quietly.

"Teacher, look, this is some information I collected about this election."

Su Xiaoran took out a booklet and handed it to Chen Yu.

"Huh? One hundred heroes?"

Chen Yu frowned, looking at the name on the cover, with some surprises.

"Yeah, this is said to be Wang Wenjun, known as the Thousands of Operators, in the ancient building of Wangjia. He listed 100 people who can definitely enter the Sixth House in this election.

Chen Yu nodded.

The ancient Wangjia building was heard when Chen Yu arrived at Yueshenxing. This is a well-known force under its door, known for gathering intelligence. Wang Wenjun, it is the old man of Wangjia, the current landlord!

The gold content of these hundreds of people is evident.

Opening the book, Chen Yu turned page by page, and on each page, a character was recorded, including the person's exercises, the state of practice, and so on.

One of the things that most concern Chen Yu is the existence of the top ten!

Among the introductions of these ten people, one was noted.

The rare world is arrogant and can be combined, but not combined. All in pursuit, perfect union!

Perfect fit.

Chen Yu's eyes narrowed.

Concentrating on the state of consummation, in order to break through the state of Tao, in addition to the accumulation of true power, the most important thing is to be in harmony with the Tao.

However, in line with the Tao, there are also differences in different levels.

The first is the rank of the right way.

There are three thousand roads, and the trails are uncountable. Some roads are inherently powerful, and some roads are difficult to cultivate. Therefore, there is also a difference between the two ways.

In addition to the difference between Tao and Tao, the more critical point is the degree of harmony with Tao!

If calculated in terms of percentages, some people only match 10%, while others can reach 70 or 80%, or even more than 90%!

The perfect combination of Taoism is the degree of conformity with Taoism, to 100%!

The higher the degree of conformity with the Doctrine, the greater the achievements that can be achieved in the future. Generally speaking, Hedao can meet more than 50% to ensure that it can step into the Tao. Going up, each step is extremely difficult.

In the last life, Chen Yu entered the realm of perfection, which was perfect perfection. He also knows how difficult it is to get there.

It seems that all people have big ambitions. Only in the end, too few!

Chen Yu smiled, and continued turning down unconsciously. On the last page of the book, he stopped, his face became weird.

He even appeared in this booklet? But since it appeared, why is it like this?

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