Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1942: The turning point!

"Haha, shame, how shameful! Mrs. Chen Yun, you are really eye-opening. I didn't expect that you could achieve such a result? Admire, admire! You are really the first person in the Six Ancient Courts!"

Sun Hong stood up and pointed at Chen Yu, all with pleats on his smiling face.

So happy!

The previous suffocation, it seems that this time, everything is out!

The others in the Sixth Courtyard looked at Chen Yu's eyes at this moment, all with extremely contemptuous smiles.

"It's ridiculous that I waited. I was still worried that he would enter the Sixth Yuan? I knew that the first two hurdles would be enough for him to go into trouble. Why do we need to spend a lot of time?"

"Yeah, it's ridiculous. Even if his performance is even more amazing, then what? But it's just a chicken and a dog!"

Road test score is zero. What this result represented, they could not understand.

This shows that in this lifetime, Chen Yu has no chance to succeed together.

Throughout his life, it is only in the state of conscientiousness!

In history, Tianjiao did the same. Its performance was extremely dazzling before, but when it got stuck in the realm, it was like a crowd.

And obviously, Chen Yu is like that!

Even more than that person, at least, those Tianjiao still have a chance, but Chen Yu has no chance at all!

Everyone looked at Chen Yu's eyes, and they became extremely complicated.

Stunning in the reverse performance of the first two levels.

At the same time, I was shocked by the dimness of the third stage!

The top ten Tianjiao looked at Chen Yu incredible. Someone even burst into laughter.

"Oh, ha ha ha ha, ridiculous, really ridiculous. I didn't expect that in the end, this would be the result. Even if he was great before, what about it? His future is destined to be stepped on by our feet!"

Someone covered his forehead and laughed, filled with pleasure and contempt.

The people on the side immediately nodded with a smile.

"It's true. In this life, he can't step into the realm of amalgamation, and we are already two people in the world. It is ridiculous that we previously thought that we couldn't catch up with him for life. But we didn't expect to turn it all over It's him, he can never catch up with us! "

Hao Yingxiong looked at Chen Yu, with a slight loss and alienation on his face.

"Unfortunately, I still wanted to compete with you in the future. It seems that there will never be such an opportunity."

Dong Qingwen's face was indifferent, and he slightly glanced at Chen Yu with a sense of pride.

"In the future, we and him are the people of the two worlds. Why bother with him?"

Zheng Yuansheng nodded, with a disdainful smile on his face.

"That's right, the future battle is between us, Mrs. Chen Yun? Oh, a few years later, he is only worthy of our negotiation. Maybe at that time, we will still remember that we were stepped on our feet. Yes, there is such a wonderful existence. "

Hearing a few people, An Cangsheng frowned.

What these people say is a bit excessive!

However, she also knew that what these people said, although ugly, was true!

Staring at Chen Yu, An Cangsheng could not help but sigh.

Perhaps this is not a good result.

After all, Chen Yu offended the people in the Sixth Courtyard. If he really entered the Sixth Courtyard, I am afraid that the future will not be better.

Hey, be an ordinary person.

So thinking, An Cangsheng was relieved.

However, when Chen Yu heard what Zheng Yuansheng and others said, he turned around and looked at a few people, a sneer appeared in the corner of his mouth.

"Not a level? Believe it or not, even if you step into the road, I still kill you like a chicken and a dog?"


Zheng Yuansheng and others, their faces changed fiercely, their faces were even more ugly.

"Huh! It's just arrogance! We can step into the Tao, but you can only stay in the meditation realm. Sorry to say that it is on a par with us? When we step into the Tao, we must defeat you!"

Zheng Yuansheng said.

"Why, you only have this confidence when you step into the union?"

Chen Yu smiled sarcastically, making Zheng Yuansheng and others breathless.

That's true. Now they really don't have the courage to challenge Chen Yu!

Although unable to step into the realm of cohesion, Chen Yu's current combat power is absolutely against the sky, making them afraid to say more.

Seeing a few people looking at each other, Chen Yu sneered and stopped paying attention to them.

It was just in my heart, but I couldn't help sighing.

He did not expect that the third level would even test this kind of thing.

This has to be said to be a mistake.

It seems that the idea of ​​entering the Six Houses has failed. Only after waiting to see if there are other ways to get the opportunity to listen to the teacher.

After thinking about it, Chen Yu walked back to Su Xiaoran and others.


Su Xiaoran and others looked at Chen Yu, trying to comfort Chen Yu, but found that Chen Yu was not lost at all.

"Anyway, it's just that this pillar is too bad to carry my Tao. I can definitely step into the situation."

Chen Yu is very confident, he must step into the union.

Only when he keeps getting stronger, can he find out the secrets of the frontier, go to Tianfeng Xuansu Palace, see his woman, and find out why he was born again.

Only by stepping into the amalgamated realm can he enter the ethereal realm of the amalgamated realm with an ethereal bead.

There, he was able to explain everything to Xiao Xuaner!

Sun Hong heard Chen Yu's words and couldn't help laughing.

"It's a joke. A guy with zero affinity says he can step into the realm of union? Who gave you courage? Tell you, you can't even enter the gate of the Sixth Courtyard!

"The door to the Sixth House is closed to you forever! Hahahahaha ..."

The ridiculous laughter rang through the audience!

But, just then, a laugh suddenly spread far away!

"Oh, the door of the Sixth House was closed to him, but the door of my seventh house was opened to him!"


Sun Feng was startled and looked at the sky in the distance.

Not only Sun Feng, but everyone present also looked in the direction of the sound!

In the sky, two clouds, one black and one white, blended into each other and turned into a Changhong. It struck quickly and reached the high altitude above the heads of people, and then stopped!

An old man with white hair, standing in the air, watching the crowd quietly, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

Behind his head, a golden Fuxi hanging plate, suspended there, slowly turning, there is a mysterious atmosphere.

"Who is this person?"

Looking at the old man, everyone was stunned, full of curiosity.

Zheng Yuansheng and others, frowning, his face confused.

"Father, is he?"

Sun Hong turned his head and wanted to ask Sun Feng, but before he finished speaking, Sun Hong stayed.

What did he see?

His father, at this time, was full of horror, and there was a large swath of cold sweat on his forehead.

Sun Feng's face trembled, and he swallowed after half a full span.

"You guys are born!"

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