Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1973: Mando humiliation!

"This, this is to defeat Chen Yuntai as a game!" Someone said with shock.

At this time, six people were like tigers, flying towards Chen Yu!

Everyone had a sneer on his face, like a hungry wolf seeing its prey, his eyes gleaming with dim bloodthirsty.

"he's mine!"

Li Haoyang gave a low drink, his body glowed with light, and the whole person turned into a streamer. There was a round of sun behind his head, which was a lot faster.

"Don't think about it! I'm the first."

The person beside him waved a long sleeve, and behind him, two tornadoes emerged, pushing him forward, as if flying leaves, running towards Chen Yu.

"Hum, don't fight with me!"

The beast emperor's court broke a drink, kicked one foot on the ground, and gave out a blast, a powerful force of counter-shock, prompting his speed to soar.

Each of the six displayed their means, all of them screaming fast!

His Holiness nodded and was quite satisfied.

The strength of the six members, although nothing in his eyes, is very solid.

"You said, who can beat Chen Yuntai first? I think they are from Xianxianyuan. They are elegant and their speed is the fastest!"

"No, you are wrong. The Beast Emperor Yuan refined its physical combat skills and moved like a thunder. It must be them, and it is the final winner!"

"Oh, do you have eyesight? Didn't you see that Li Haoyang has already taken a lead?"

Everyone froze and took a closer look. Sure enough, Li Haoyang's body is indeed closer to Chen Yu than others!

Not yet a smile, a proud look.

"Li Haoyang of our hospital has the image of Supreme Respect! It seems that the myth of Yiyuan will end today!"

Looking at Zhou Yunyi, Aung Gang didn't want to ridicule yet, but found that Zhou Yunyi shook his head again and again.

"What? Regret? Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in the world."

"Why, why bother, why bother asking for trouble?"

Zhou Yunyi's words made him not yet embarrassed.

No response yet, the mutation has happened!

Just when the six of Li Haoyang reached Chen Yu in five meters, Chen Yu's eyes were cold and he swung with one hand!



A huge gas wall suddenly rushed to six people! This is something that Chen Yu waved between her hands!

not good!

The six of Li Haoyang's eyes flashed, and his heart jumped at the same time.

From above the air wall, they felt an insurmountable threat!

The six yelled in unison, the explosive power wanted to block the gas wall, but as soon as they contacted, they suddenly found that there was an unstoppable force from above the gas wall!

As if, heaven and earth hang down, Taishan is top! Can't resist at all!


The six yelled, the bodies that had just moved forward quickly, all flew out! They plunged their legs into the ground, plowed out two deep trenches, and withdrew for hundreds of meters, and then stopped!

The hustle and bustle of the discussion stopped abruptly, and everyone in the Six Courts stared at the scene, looking at it inconceivably, with a look of surprise.

With a wave of his hand, Li Haoyang retreated six people! ? how can that be! ?

"Me, my God!" An Cangsheng covered his mouth, his eyes shook.

The masters of the Six Courts all stood up suddenly, with a shocked expression, and never again had the proud look.

"Huh !? This kid!"

Even the Supreme Master, he looked forward suddenly and looked at Chen Yu with a look of surprise.

Chen Yu's move just now, he saw very clearly, it is the pure physical force that blasts the air to form an air wall, and blasts out six people!

This kid has such powerful physical strength?

His Holiness's eyes flickered, and his mood shook.

Human race, among the ten thousand races, is not known for its body, and it is not easy to have such powerful physical strength.

"It's interesting, it's interesting." Being well-dressed, His Holiness's interest in Chen Yu grew stronger.

In the distance, six of Li Haoyang stared at Chen Yu, eyes full of shock and anger.

So many people watching! Moreover, His Holiness also looked at it, which should have been their chance to perform, but now, they were pumped out by Chen Yu with a wave!

What a shame!

Those gazes were like a thin needle, and they felt uncomfortable!

"Damn! Why is this kid so horrible? If we go on like this, we will all become foils! Everyone, beat him together! Otherwise, our chance of becoming a disciple of the saint will be taken by him!

The other five nodded solemnly.

Needless to say, Li Haoyang also knows the stakes.

With a roar of Qi Qi, six people moved at the same time!

"Lieyang Haotian!" Li Haoyang roared, and the big sun behind his head suddenly rose up into the sky, becoming brighter and brighter, and the road around him continued to be integrated into the big sun.

"go with!"

Li Haoyang roared sharply and pointed at Chen Yu Yaoyao. Da Ri fell from the sky and hit Chen Yu fiercely!

The scent of destruction, accompanied by the blazing air current, was like Hao Sun's sinking.

On the ground, as Hao sunset, it instantly cracks!

At the same time, the other five people all burst into full force and attacked Chen Yu!

Everyone's attack has a strong flavor of Tao! It feels scary.

Suddenly, the attack of six people fell from six directions of the sky, as if the gods were extinct!

"My God, all six of them have sacrificed their killing tricks! Who can resist this ?!"

Shocked, appeared on everyone's face.

However, in sharp contrast, it was Chen Yu's face without waves!

Sixth Avenue attack is about to fall, Chen Yu, but motionless, but at the end, smiled coldly, his eyes flashed suddenly!


Stop drinking, a shocking dragon yin, suddenly rising into the sky! With the sound of Long Yin, it was ding dong ding, nine consecutive bells!

Above Chen Yu's head, there is a chaotic scene, which is faint, but the breath is revealed! It is just that the breath is different from normal. If it is an ordinary person, there will only be one breath of doctrine, but in this chaos, there is a breath of various doctrines.

It seems that this **** is the source of all things, including everything!

And at the very center of chaos, there seems to be a villain standing against his back, dominating everything!

When the vision appeared, the attack of the six people, when they were about to meet Chen Yu, disappeared in the air!

That's right! Just dissipate!

As if they had never attacked!


His Majesty's face suddenly changed, and he stood up suddenly, staring at Chen Yu.

"His! This, this is, heaven and earth Zhongming, Wandaopiyi! What caused the heaven and earth Zhongming vision, yes, this kid !!!"

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