Heavens Gift Pack: Start with One Punch Man

Chapter 803: The city defense army and the light and shadow council are here

Lin Beihe 4068 suddenly found out.

Things don’t seem so simple!


Tornado doesn't put Mark on the opposite side at all.

But the real...

Think from the bottom of my heart.

The people who are up to the people are people, and the people who are down are people.

They all have equal rights to survive!

This means...

Violence cannot be used against the Chinese citizens.

To be more blunt...

Can't rebel!


Once killed.

It violates the principle of equality for all.

after all……

Everyone is equal.

Citizen, why deserve to be killed?

To be more blunt...

Tornado wants.

It is a war without bloodshed!

Everyone can live an equal and safe life.


4068 looked dull.

To be honest...

Take his head.

Can't even think of it.

What kind of world will it be!



Lin Bei was also silent.


See Lin Bei silent.

The tornado flushed immediately.

A face of shame:

"I know, my request is too much."

Talking and talking.

Tornado burst into tears, and apologized, covering her face: "Lin Bei, sorry. I'm so greedy..."

The words are not over yet.

"Don't blame yourself."

Lin Bei interrupted the tornado, shaking his head and chuckles: "It's not that your thoughts are too selfish."

"It's just that I'm a little surprised!"


That's right!

Lin Bei could not even dream of it.

What Tornado wanted to do was actually socialism.

what is this?

Sing the Internationale.

Let the spirit cage world have red flags everywhere?


Think carefully.

"Why not?"

Lin Bei said.

Nine-year compulsory education, he was not in vain.

politics class.

Not for nothing!

Thinking of this...

"it is good!"

Lin Bei grabbed Tornado's hand:

"Let the two of us work together to turn the spirit cage world into a beautiful paradise with red flags everywhere."


Tornado was stunned.

4068 was also stunned.


They don't even know.

Lin Bei, what exactly is it talking about.

What red flag, what beautiful heaven, what international song.

I don't understand it at all!


Although they do not understand.

But in my heart I always feel: It seems so wonderful?


Tornado and 4068 became excited: "Lin Bei, let's start right now!"


"and many more."

Lin Bei squeezed his chin and said.

Before officially building socialism.

They have a problem to solve.

That is the title!


Socialists are like-minded people.

and so……

Be called gay!

Just like...

Lin Bei called the tornado.

We should call it kindly: Comrade Tornado!

The tornado is called Lin Bei.

Also be kindly called: Comrade Lin Bei!

In this way...

The problem is here.

How should they call 4068?

Comrade 4068?

That's not appropriate.

So, the time has come to name 4068.

And in accordance with the wishes of 4068.

He must.

It must have the same surname as Lin Bei, which is Lin.

And the name...

Lin Bei thought for a moment.

It is better to take a sign of the opposite.

Name 4068 Lin Nan.

That is...

"Comrade Nan... Zhi?"

4068 said his name with a strange face.

do not know why……

He always feels.

The name.

It seems that there are other meanings hidden.


Not important anymore.

Comrade Nan... Zhi.

Very satisfied with my new name.


The problem of title is also solved.


I'm going to shake off my arms and do a good job!


Just returned to Xiacheng.

Comrade Tornado and Comrade Nan.

Haven't had time to make a big splash.

More than a dozen blue-clothed law enforcement officers surrounded them.

"We are the city defense army."

The leading middle-aged man introduced himself with a cold face: "I am the captain of the city defense army, Victor."


Comrade Nan was stunned on the spot.

He has just joined socialism for five minutes.

Was caught?


It turned out to be Victor, the captain of the city defense army.

Is this too exaggerated?

Thinking about...

The city defense army who claimed to be Victor said with a cold face: "No. 4396, No. 1520, and 4068."

"You are suspected of murdering two Citizens."

"What can I say?"



Comrade Nan breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, it wasn't that socialism was exposed.


and many more!

Murder the Venerable?

When did this happen?


Comrade Nan found out.

Lin Bei and Tornado's look was very plain.


They already knew about it.

In other words...

People, I'm afraid the two of them really killed it!


Whether or not.

I'm afraid the city defense army.

All of them must be taken away directly.

Can be.

When the city defense army was ready to do it...

"Light conceives all beings, all beings follow the shadow..."

Accompanied by a nauseating prayer.


The heavy warrior in the red mech has appeared again.


This time.

It is not the protagonist.


One stood beside him.

Young man with long blond hair in a shawl.


Lin Bei's eyes narrowed slightly.

Nodding to Comrades Tornado and Comrade Nan.

Want to be socialist.

The first one is to defeat this guy.

Get rid of feudal ideas.

Hang up and fight the Lord of Light and Shadow!


Comrade Tornado nodded earnestly, indicating that he had written it down.

And Comrade Nan.

His face was bitter.

Brother, we are all in deep siege.

Can you keep a low profile?

as predicted……

A cultist wearing a red hood jumped out immediately, pointing to Lin Bei's nose and cursing:

"The mere people."

"How dare you call the name of the head of the meeting? No wonder you dared to say such a rebellious thing."

The red mecha soldier on the side also gave a cold snort.

The warhammer in his hand paused.

To show threats!



Lin Bei's eyes were indifferent.

In accordance with the rules of equality for all.

He is naturally qualified to call Charles directly.

As for...

Will this.

Provoked the anger of the red mecha warrior.

Lin Bei really didn't care.


According to everyone's equal choice.

The red mecha warrior, if you attack him.

He is natural.

You can also fight back!

And once a situation of "beating each other" is formed.

Lin Bei is too good at it!

Thinking of this...

Lin Bei's eyes.

He even showed a look of expectation.


"Big dog!"

Charles stopped the red mecha soldier.


He raised his head high.

Light blue eyes.

Looking down at Tornado and Lin Bei coldly.

"The Lord of Light and Shadow is here."

"I heard."

"You two lay people."

"On the ground, there seems to be an arrangement for the Lord of Light and Shadow."

"Very dissatisfied?"

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