Heavens Strongest Superman

Chapter 126: Fulfilling promises

"Come here! And by the way, I'll send you money!" Chu Yang responded, saying that he had thousands of dollars in cash and stuffed the back office ...

"Have you got my other sword?" Seeing Chu Yang sending money to himself, Jing Tian remembered something he had said to Chu Yang and said immediately.

"Last time I went to the lock demon tower, I got it! Hmm! Your other sword is the town demon sword!" Chu Yang took out the town demon sword from the system space.

"Zhen Yaojian!" Seeing the appearance of Zhen Yaojian, Xi Yao couldn't help screaming, she couldn't be more familiar with this sword.

Looking at the town demon sword, Sedum immediately reached out and touched it ...

"Buzz!" After being touched by Sedum, the town demon sword suddenly hummed!

"Zhen Yaojian, disappeared for a long time!" Sedum's eyes flashed a little recalling authentic.

Seeing Sedum wanted to recount the past with his sword, Chu Yang handed the town demon sword to Sedum ...

"No, the town demon sword is an artifact, and it is probably aggrieved to follow me. You should keep it by yourself! It should be very happy to follow you! And, this can be used as my dowry for the dragon sunflower." Watching Chu Yang hand the town demon sword into his own hands, Jing Tian quickly opened up and refused, and then returned it to Chu Yang ...

"You may have misunderstood what I meant. I just want to lend it to you and didn't say I want to return it to you ..." Seeing Jing Tian misunderstood his meaning, Chu Yang explained.

"..." Hearing Chuyang's words, Jing Tian's embarrassing batch ...

"Since you are here, Chu Shaoxia, come and have breakfast with us!" Seeing the embarrassment of the atmosphere, Xi Yao said quickly.

"Yes!" Chu Yang nodded, then looked at Xi Feng, "Want to go together?"

"Thank you for your kindness, but I still have to go back with Shui Bi, so ..." Wen Yan said, Xi Feng declined the invitation of Chu Yang.

"Let's go! You go first! See you in the future!" Seeing Xi Feng say this, Chu Yang is not good at retaining each other ...

"I'll have a chance to see you in the future! Xifeng will leave now!" After Xifeng held his fist in respect of Chuyang, he left ...

"Let's go!" Watching Xi Feng leave, Chu Yang looked back at Jing Tian and others.

"During our absence, Yuzhou opened a new restaurant. I heard that the food is pretty good. Why don't we go there for dinner?" Jingtian suggested.

"Okay! Ok! Listen to Biping said that their chicken **** is very delicious !!" Xu Maoshan drooled.

"It's delicious! What about Hongkui's girl? You can't find her anymore!" Said Xu Maoshan, and Jing Tian patted his head.

"Oh!" Xu Maoshan wiped the saliva at the corner of his mouth, and some minor grievances were justified, and then he went looking for the red sunflower ...

However, after a while, Hongkui and Xu Maoshan came together and saw that the number was almost the same, and Jing Tian took everyone to the restaurant.

Restaurant ...

After eating halfway, Chu Yang put down the tableware ...

"Brother-in-law, why don't you continue to eat? Is the food unsuitable or not?" Seeing Chu Yang eating and eating, he put down the chopsticks, and Jing Tian was a little puzzled.

"I want to tell you something!" After glancing at the crowd, Chu Yang said solemnly.

"If you have something to say, why! Why did you make it so serious?" Jing Tian laughed suddenly when he heard what Chu Yang said.

"I'm leaving!" Chu Yang said calmly.

"Leave me, leave me! What to say!" Wen Yan said, Sedum did not take it for granted, and there was a banquet all over the world. Anyway, I have a chance to see you in the future.

"I mean leaving the world ..." Chu Yang explained what he meant.

"Are you going to die?" Hearing Chu Yang's words, Jing Tian's face was full of shock, and there was a little worry in his eyes! After all, this is my brother-in-law! What would his sister do if he died?

"Dangdang!" Hongkui was shocked when he heard Sedum's words. One was unstable. The bowl and chopsticks in his hand fell to the ground, and the rice in the bowl was spilled on the ground ...

"Sister, are you okay?" Sedum was a little worried and authentic.

"I'm fine!" Hongkui shook her head ...

"Jingtian, don't say that I'm going to die, I mean to leave this world, I'm going home!" Seeing Jingtian misinterpreting his meaning, Chu Yang frowned.

"Go home?" This time, not only Sedum, but everyone else ...

"When you were in Divine Realm, you should have heard the conversation between Tiandi and me. I am not a person in this world, but because some tasks need to be completed in this world. I came from other worlds. Now the tasks are completed. I also It's time to leave ... "Chu Yang said calmly.

"It turned out to be just home! Fortunately, I thought you were going to die! My sister can't stay alive!" After listening to Chu Yang, Jing Tian was relieved ...

"I really want to kill you !!" Chu Yang said staring at Sedum.

"Hey, there are so many people who want to kill me, how old are you? Don't talk anymore, eat food and eat vegetables. Since you are going to go home, you have to pay for it this time!" Jing Tian smiled with a smile on his face, and then asked Xiao Er to take another bowl and serve a few more dishes ...

It was only early, but everyone just had lunch ...

Yongan Dang ...

Chu Yang looked at the deep pit full of silver in front of her, and looked back at Jingtian said: "The money that promised to make you the richest man has been put in it, we are cleared up! Well, you remember to find a few for Maoshan Brothers Daughter-in-law! Don't treat him badly! It's also helping me fulfill my promise! "

"Maomao is my brother, and I must give him a lifelong event and give him a fulfilling life !!" Jing Tian nodded.

"Then I'm leaving ..." Chu Yang patted Jing Tian's shoulder and then left ...

"Take care of my sister!" Looking at the back of Chu Yang's departure, Jing Tian said loudly, Chu Yang didn't reply, but just made an OK gesture with his back to Jing Tian.

Out of the inner hall, Chu Yang planned to fly back to Tangjiabao, but did not want Hongkui to stand in front of him at this time ...

"Do you have anything?"

"I want to go with you!" Hong Kui said coldly.

"Don't hate me?" Wen Yan said, Chu Yang said with amusement.

"I still hate it, I hate it!" Hongkui replied, and she would never forget that Chu Yang's letting Longkui dry was still disgusting when she remembered it!

Of course, the most important thing was that at that time, he was one with Dragon Sunflower. When Dragon Sun helped Chu Yang to do that, he was also injured.

"Why go with me?" After hearing the words of Chu Kui, Chu Yang quickly asked, he really didn't understand the woman's thinking ...

"Because your arms are very warm, I like it very much." Hong Kui stared straight at Chu Yang, looking intently.

"Hug warm? I will hug you more after that!" Then, Chu Yang took the red sunflower into his arms and flew towards Tangjiabao ...

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