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Shen Cong's first hunt was the White Dragon King.

The white light that blooms from the White Dragon King's body definitely holds many useful secrets for him.

"The situation of the Tribe of the Three Kings proves that the wisdom of the fire spirit is obviously more difficult to grasp than the wisdom of the beast. Even if it is a nuclear-level evolutionary beast, human beings have tamed it for a long time, which is enough to wear down the wildness of the evolutionary beast, but the fire The wildness of the spirit comes from the 'blood'."

Hunting and preying on creatures such as land is the thinking that the spirit of fire has already possessed in the initial chaotic consciousness.

That's why Shen Cong always believed that the spirit of the fire seed was the "natural enemy" of the earth's creatures.

As a predator and a mechanic of one of the eight new intelligent races on the earth, Shen Cong did not allow higher-level life on his head, let alone natural enemies.

Therefore, it was his duty to hunt and kill the spirit of the fire seed.

The Baijiazhuang settlement is also located in a medium-sized oasis. The White Dragon King is lying in a lake. The lake seems to be a hot spring, bubbling and bubbling. On the surface of the water, you can see some exposed golden nuclei. The grade of the golden nuclei is not very high, but the White Dragon King grabs one from time to time and chews it, which is very satisfying.

But its comfortable days are coming to an end.

Shen Cong, who had figured out the combat power of the settlement, knew that no one here could stop him, not even a single enemy. However, Shen Cong didn't directly rush into the settlement to snipe and kill the White Dragon King. Firstly, he didn't want to kill the same kind indiscriminately, and secondly, he also prevented traps in the settlement.

The coercion was released, condensed into a thread, and rushed directly to the White Dragon King in the hot spring.


Stimulated by Shen Cong's particle-level coercion, the White Dragon King instantly woke up from a nap, then became furious, jumped out of the hot spring, and rushed towards Shen Cong.

In its consciousness, this is a provocation from a lower creature, which cannot be forgiven.

The White Dragon King exploded, and the entire Baijiazhuang settlement also boiled.

"What happened to Lord White Dragon King?"

"Could it be people from the Sword King tribe invading?"

"Contact the White Dragon Envoy and ask him to ask Lord White Dragon King."

"Master White Dragon King has already walked out of the territory, follow quickly."

The people of the White Dragon King's tribe moved out in groups, but they couldn't keep up with the speed of the White Dragon King. In addition, Shen Cong deliberately hung the White Dragon King to make a detour, and quickly threw the humans away.

Came to a valley.

The valley is very desolate, far away from the oasis and the rich zone, and belongs to the barren zone.

There are actually not many areas in such a barren zone on the earth, and the activity concentration between the sky and the earth has skyrocketed several times, which has already given the earth a new lease of life.

"You are the White Dragon King?" Shen Cong used a special cicada language activity wave to communicate with the spirit of the fire seed. This was something he learned from the golden man he captured, and it was not difficult.

With particle-level perception ability, Shen Cong could easily grasp everything about active waves.

He stood on the roof of the Vajra Fortress, and Huang Daxian and the four-legged dragon on the left and the right were equivalent to Dharma protectors.

The active wave of the White Dragon King scanned Shen Cong and his party back and forth, and was not in a hurry to attack. Obviously, its wisdom was enough to overcome the impulse.

It's looking.

Shen Cong was waiting.

After a long time, the White Dragon King also responded with this special cicada language: "I am the great White Dragon King, who are you, are you strong, human?"

"What are you?" Shen Cong's words were not mocking, but asking what kind of life it was.

But obviously the White Dragon King doesn't know what he is: "I am the great White Dragon King, a human being, submit to me, enshrine to me, sacrifice your pets to me, and I will protect you."

"So we can't talk anymore?"

The White Dragon King roared: "Surrender to me!"

"Can't we just communicate well?


"Surrender to me!"

Shen Cong shook his head, the current state of the fire spirit was obviously not suitable for communication. Although its wisdom was already very clear, giving Shen Cong a feeling that it was clearer than that of a human being, but its lofty attitude also inherited the arrogance of human beings.

"Having learned wisdom from humans, you should be obedient. Why are you yelling at me?" Shen Cong responded lightly, and then moved.

With a flick of the finger: "Huang Daxian, four-legged dragon, give it to me!"

Huang Daxian and the four-legged dragon immediately rushed towards them fiercely. A nuclear-level golden beast and an ultimate golden beast cooperated very well. Although the strength was not as strong as the spirit of the fire seed, it was not easy for the spirit of the fire seed to kill.

While facing the battle, the White Dragon King was furious: "Damn humans, damn beasts, who offend the great White Dragon King, all deserve to die, die to me!"

The White Dragon King's combat skills are very exquisite. One can tell at a glance that he has experienced many battles, and his attack and killing everywhere is the key. Even Shen Cong could see some traces of martial arts routines, especially the two front paws of the White Dragon King, which swelled in the wind when they were swung, and turned into two big knives.

But no matter how subtle it is, it is destined to be a tragedy.

Huang Daxian and the four-legged dragon were just holding back, and Shen Cong was in charge of the real killing move. Fort King Kong rushed into the battlefield with a roar, the five-fingered unicorn arm directly inserted into the body of the White Dragon King, fixed the position, then swung the Mushroom Sword, and with a single stroke of the sword, one of the White Dragon King's front paws was chopped off with a big knife.

"Roar!" The White Dragon King roared wildly.

His body trembled suddenly, and he threw away the Vajra Fortress. With a sharp elbow, he knocked Huang Daxian into the air, and his hind paws stepped on the four-legged dragon, breaking free from the restraints.

All of this was not predicted by Shen Cong.

When it broke free from its shackles, Shen Cong was ready to rush into the broken wound of the White Dragon King with a nuclear radiation knife in his hand like a whirlwind. The two radiation nuclear knives stimulated strong active light waves, like deep well drills, drilling directly to the most central position, constantly destroying the white Shenhuo system along the way.

"There is a lot of resistance. This kind of white magic fire seems to be..." Shen Cong felt the abnormality of the white magic fire, but it was not the time to understand the white magic fire, so he rushed directly to the position of the super brain.

Outside, the White Dragon King was just about to go mad, trying to crush the Vajra Fortress, Huang Daxian, and the four-legged dragon, when suddenly his whole body froze.

Then he fell to the ground and rolled around.

The body quickly wriggled and deformed, trying to push Shen Cong out of the body.

But these are all in vain, the particle-level mechanic has reached a new realm of life, with super destructive power. In the end, Shen Cong rushed to the super brain with the power of active light waves, cut off half of the connection between the white god fire system and the super brain, and paralyzed the White Dragon King.

Not yet dead.

Guided by willpower, the Vajra Fortress charged again, dismembering and shrinking the body of the White Dragon King. Huang Daxian and the four-legged dragon hugged the dismembered White Dragon King to complete the final capture.

Only then did Shen Cong put away his knife and climbed out, returned to the roof of the Vajra Fortress, put on his sunglasses, and re-uttered the language of the spirit of fire - cicada: "Now let's have a good talk."

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