Heavy Armoured Truck In Post-apocalyptic World

Chapter 784 Super Large Combined Chariot

Lake Winnipeg is still some distance away from the city of Winnipeg.

The accumulation of ice and snow here is obviously not the radiation area of ​​the fire island or the oasis. The King Kong-Sky-grabbing vehicle is walking on the ice layer of the lake, and its speed is not fast.

After more than an hour, it was getting late.

The King Kong-Sky Rover finally came to the location marked as Winnipeg on the map of the ultra-thunder navigator. However, there is still a vast expanse of white snow here, and there are very few traces of animals on the snow surface. Naturally, there will be no human footprints, or scratches from cars or sleds.

"Winnipeg is not inhabited by humans. I am now going east to Thunder Bay." Shen Cong continued to communicate with experts from the Academy of Sciences.

His communication with the North American Survivor Organization this time is not just for him to face alone. The experts, scholars, and officials of the new government will be his important advisors.

Of course, Shen Cong would choose to pass back the problems he faced and the information he got.

The new government can be used by him, but he will never be dominated by the new government.

Thunder Bay is already located in the Great Lakes region, a small city on the northwest shore of Lake Superior. Before Shen Cong arrived at Thunder Bay City, he saw the environment change along the way.

A few minutes ago in Winnipeg, there was still a world of ice and snow, and now there was no one there. Now the snow has melted, and the grass is lush, gradually entering the grassland.

"The fire energy began to dissipate... This is the radiation area of ​​the oasis or fire island."

There are fire islands and oases, maybe humans will settle here, Shen Cong began to look forward to it. The King Kong-Sky-grabbing vehicle is running at high speed. With the advancing distance, sparse trees gradually appear on the grassland, and the number of evolutionary beasts also begins to increase, swimming around, but they are all small evolutionary beasts.

When the King Kong-Traveler advanced to the small town of Ignas, which was tens of kilometers away from Thunder Bay, in the blurred field of vision of the Sky Eye radar, I suddenly saw a huge chariot moving slowly.

It is the mechanical product of man.

"Finally met a human being." Shen Cong was overjoyed at first, then surprised, "The vision is roughly blurred, and it can be judged that this chariot is as big as twenty sky-grabbing chariots... the breath is hard to perceive, what is this?" Is the opponent's talent terrifying, or is it deliberately expanding the chariot?"

With the original fire as the center, the sky-grabbing car can extend the body to a distance of one kilometer.

That is to say,

The King Kong can be expanded into a behemoth with a radius of one thousand meters, and other vehicles and chariots can be expanded in this way. It's just that the meaning of external expansion is not great, it's just a ball of noodles being pulled into ramen. The current body shape of the sky-sweeping vehicle is the result of the optimal balance of power and structure.

"The opposing chariot is huge, but its moving speed is slow, almost equivalent to the speed of a bicycle in the old world."

"Very doubtful."

Shen Cong felt that the opponent's huge chariot had a 70% possibility of external expansion, a 20% possibility of a special structure, and only a 10% possibility of a terrifying talent.

"Super eight knot gold comes from outside the sky. According to my guess, it is the highest level of metal life, and it is likely to be the source of all evolution on the earth. If the energy is conserved, no matter how terrifying the opponent is, it can only be a super seven talent... I am now not far from the super seven talents, and the size gap should not be so great."

The most important point, Shen Cong found that he had already spotted the other party, but the other party didn't respond at all, as if he hadn't found him.

It is impossible for the terrifying existence of super seven talents to be so weak in perception.

Combining various factors, Shen Cong could conclude that this huge chariot was just a bluff. But even if there was only a slight possibility of danger, he was unwilling to venture forward.

For newcomers, caution is essential.

Thinking about it, the King Kong-Sky-grabbing vehicle turned around and made a circular motion around the opponent's tank. Observe this slow-moving gigantic chariot from every angle.

Sensing that the other party did not perceive the sky-looting car, Shen Cong began to slowly shrink the distance.

Fifteen kilometers, fourteen kilometers... ten kilometers.

The huge chariot still didn't notice him.

His eyes flickered for a while, and Shen Cong had already checked the appearance and structure of the opponent's chariot clearly: "It really is a show, this huge chariot is not some super seven-talented terrifying existence at all, but... the vehicle combat of many iron men Cars, poor quality cobbled together."

The distance was shortened to ten kilometers, and Shen Cong's active wave could already detect the other party's talent.

It's ridiculous that every part of the opponent's chariot has different talents. And there are obvious signs of patchwork on the outside, not a complete independent individual.

The shape of the combination combat vehicle is somewhat similar to a heavy truck carrying missiles.

But the power system is obviously insufficient to drive such a huge mass of chariot at high speed.

"It's very strange. The survivors here, what are they doing with the combination of vehicles and vehicles? The combination of such a cumbersome truck does not have any advantages, and its mobility and defense are all flaws."

"It's been more than three years in the new world. The survivors here are definitely not stupid. Stupid people can't deal with the spirit of fire and the spirit of fire."

"Obviously, there is a reason for them to do so."

"Then I'm not in a hurry to communicate for the time being. I'll follow up and observe for a while before I talk."


The huge combination tank, starting from the direction of Thunder Bay, drove east along the shore of Lake Superior. It took more than two hours to reach the location of Nipigon Town.

At this time, Shen Cong had already galloped towards its starting point along the trajectory of the combined chariot.

The trajectory has been extending across the border between Canada and the United States, starting from an unknown place. This place has been excavated in a large area, and it seems to be a large mine before.

Shen Cong drove the King kong - sky-grabbing vehicle, along the abandoned mine, and continued to dig deep.

Soon, a batch of black stones were dug out by him.

Get out, check.

"Rough black stone, so they came here to mine black stone."

Black stone is a special kind of ore containing spark particles. It is probably the mixed precipitation of spark energy and metal, which condenses on the shallow surface of the earth. In the area controlled by the new government, this kind of naturally formed black stone is rarely distributed. Most of them are produced in the vicinity of Changsha City, and there are a batch of high-quality black stones on the Skychet.

Although the Invasion Pile can provide powerful energy, it still needs to be supplemented by Blackstone Energy Treasure when using big moves in battle, that is, when active waves such as radiation nuclear knives and active light waves are released at high intensity.

"They already know how to use the Black Stone."

There were no top-quality black stones in the abandoned mine, so Shen Cong was too lazy to rummage around, and found that the combined chariot was indeed only here to mine black stones, so he turned around and chased after the combined chariot.

Wait until he sees the combined chariot from the sky eye radar.

An encounter is taking place on the other side.

After approaching, the battle situation came into view-the huge combined tank was being besieged by three raccoon-like evolutionary beasts of about nuclear level.

However, every time the raccoon approaches the combined chariot, before it gets close, it will be hit hard by invisible waves and sent flying outwards.

At the same time, there are countless cannon barrels that shoot out invisible shock waves. After the shock waves hit the raccoon, they can at least smash the skin of the raccoon.

The fierce confrontation lasted five minutes.

Seeing that they could not win, the three nuclear-level raccoons had no choice but to walk away in desperation and escape into the denser and denser primitive jungle.

Chasing the raccoons away, the combi tank puts its weapons away and continues at bicycle speed.

On the King Kong-Xiaotian vehicle following in the distance.

Shen Cong's eyes flickered: "The very interesting way of utilizing active waves seems to be a combination of high-frequency vibrations... If I am not mistaken in my analysis, this is the resonance utilization of active waves. Using many vehicles and chariots to launch active waves together , the strength of the active wave is enhanced after resonance."

At the moment, Shen Cong has decided that he must learn this technique.

Because he thought of the Battlestar project - the Battlestar will be the product of a combination of many vehicles. At that time, this technology can also be used to exert combat effectiveness. I believe it is infinitely stronger than the combination of combat vehicles.

"One is repelling the horizontal wave, and the other is concentrating the longitudinal wave. It is indeed exquisite!"

"There is nothing wrong with North America!"

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