In 2022, many people have already started playing manned quadcopters.

Strictly speaking, the four-axis is actually a mode of the helicopter. As long as the rotor structure is enlarged, it can carry people to the sky and escape the ground like a helicopter.

Shen Cong can't DIY a helicopter by himself, but it is still possible to expand and modify the existing four-axis to increase the load by more than ten kilograms.

He is going to design a plan to change the communication module of the UAV to wired transmission, and design it as a wired four-axis aircraft with a load of 20 kg. return.

"The theory is feasible, and it may consume more electricity, but as long as you can stay at an altitude of 100 meters for two minutes, it is enough to capture all the situation within a radius of seven or eight kilometers."

If the load could be increased, Shen Cong even wanted to change the battery to a wire for power transmission, so that the drone could last at high altitude for a long time.

It takes time to transform the wired drone, and Shen Cong hasn't done it yet, he has to be busy checking the Humvee.

After the Humvee lost its activity overnight, its activity had dropped to Pk0.054. At this time, the most primitive part of the activation structure came to light, and surfaced in Shen Cong's perception.

This is the part that contains the main structure of the Hummer such as the engine, front axle, and rear axle.

This part of the original structure is unique in perception, although the active radiation it emits is no different from the Humvee as a whole. But there was a feeling that made Shen Cong throbbing, always wanting to swallow this part of the structure and make it part of himself.

This desire to devour exceeds the desire to live the Hummer.

"What's so special about this metal?" Shen Cong frowned. He didn't like this feeling of "swallowing" very much, because it was not a feeling he could control. This feeling would drive him to act and affect his emotions. judgement.

Resisting the urge to swallow, Shen Cong had a detailed perception of the original metal structure of the Hummer.

But an hour later, apart from feeling that this part of the metal was unusual, Shen Cong had no effective conclusions.

Time slipped away like this.

In a blink of an eye, it was evening again.

After trying various methods but failing to inject activity into the Hummer, Shen Cong guided the King Kong to devour the last Pk0. 2 activity of the Hummer, completely ending the life of the Hummer.

A Hummer that came to life finally became a real scrap iron at 6:10 pm on August 20, 2022.

Or it could not be said to be scrap iron, the dead Hummer, its original metal structure still gave Shen Cong a unique desire to devour it.

This part also hides unknown secrets.

Without giving Shen Cong time to continue his research, a crisp cry suddenly came from the distant sky, attracting Shen Cong's attention.

As far as he could see, two small black spots flew over the sky quickly, which seemed to be some kind of birds.


Shen Cong was startled, and quickly jumped back on the King Kong, closed the armor, took out the hand crossbow, and opened the skylight.

At this time, the animals are basically mutated, and the flying in the sky is definitely not a simple bird, it is likely to be a mutated and evolved bird.

Looking through the binoculars, Shen Cong finally saw what the two small black dots were.

Two strange looking birds.

One of the birds is a bit like a falcon, with gray-black feathers, sharp, slender, huge beak, and steel-like feathers, it is truly mighty.

The other bird was more regrettable. It was similar to the news report "Parrot with Depression" that Shen Cong had seen before. It had a big head, a big beak, and except for the blue feathers on its wings, the rest of its body was bare. skin. Compared with the falcon next to it,


These two birds did not coexist peacefully, but flew all the way and fought all the way. Shen Cong saw the bird with depression, which had been damaged in several places, and the falcon also lost a few feathers.

"Are they coming towards me?" Shen Cong was also guessing while observing.

This is the first time he has seen surviving birds since the last days. Speaking of which, after entering the city, he found almost no new surviving animals, even flies and mosquitoes. Some flies can still be seen in the countryside, probably with animal carcasses, which can provide an environment for the flies to grow.

The city has been cleaned up long ago, and there is no room for flies to survive.

Even if human beings suffer heavy casualties, they are still the rulers of the surface, and animals and plants can only be picked.

If a free-flying bird flies high in the sky, Shen Cong can't do anything with it, but if he dares to rush over, Shen Cong can definitely kill it immediately.

The hand crossbow cooperated with the fangs and arrows, aiming at the more ferocious-looking falcon.

Just wait for the opponent to lean in.

Closer, closer, closer.

Shen Cong could see the two birds clearly without a telescope, attacking each other and approaching the King Kong.


The falcon suddenly dodges, sideways to avoid the attack of the depression bird, and then a sharp, mournful hawk cry, two sharp claws suddenly stepped on the abdomen of the depression bird, and the sharp claws directly cut through the depression bird The skin of the abdomen spilled out the intestines and internal organs on the spot.


The melancholic bird fluttered its wings and wanted to escape, but the severe injuries to its guts made it exhausted, and it fell crookedly towards the King Kong.

Shen Cong's eyes were concentrated, and the hand crossbow was firmly locked on to the victorious Falcon, just waiting for the Falcon to approach. However, as if aware of Shen Cong in the King Kong car, after the victory, the falcon did not continue to approach the King Kong, but only revolved around the King Kong at high altitude.

Shen Cong had to follow the eagle's gaze.

At this time, the melancholic bird that was supposed to fall, unexpectedly "croaked" twice, stopped the falling body in time, made a turn, and rushed towards the wreckage of the Humvee beside the King Kong. The two claws grabbed the axle of the Humvee, and regardless of the intestines dragging on the ground, he directly used the huge beak to pick up the wreckage of the Humvee.

The falcon, who was guarding against the King Kong, saw the depression bird "eating" the Humvee, and no longer cared about Shen Cong's threat. With its wings retracted, it suddenly fell to the ground and rushed towards the depression bird.

Shen Cong immediately raised his hand and shot an arrow.


The fang arrow flew into the air, and then, it flew past the falcon, and shot crookedly.

The distance was a bit far, and he was shooting overhead again. Shen Cong didn't know where the arrow was going. Just when he was about to shoot the second arrow with fangs, the falcon had already fallen rapidly and landed on the depression bird, stabbing the depression bird to death. Throwing away the depression bird, he began to eat the Hummer.

At this time, Shen Cong was not in a hurry to shoot the falcon.

He took out his mobile phone, turned on the camera, and began to take pictures of the falcon eating. The falcon is about the size of a goat, and when it spreads its wings, it looks like a cow, with a wingspan of at least 2.5m. The beak on the mouth was about as long as Shen Cong's wrist to elbow, about 25cm.

The beak is yellow, slightly curved, and appears incongruously large, like a living core.

Every time the bird's beak pecks, it can tear a small piece of metal from the frame of the Hummer. This made Shen Cong feel that maybe this falcon had mastered the use of the active core, otherwise ordinary birds would not be able to chew metal at all.

"Have the animals learned to use their activity?" Shen Cong frowned.

This is not good news.

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