
Red dwarfs are also a type of stars, but they are weaker than the sun and have a lower temperature. Humans cannot observe the light of these red dwarfs without the use of astronomical telescopes.

"No matter how shabby a red dwarf is, it's still a star."

Shen Cong in the planetary state, bathed in the sea of ​​light of more than 3,000 degrees Celsius, surrounded by endless light, scorched him with heat, but he could no longer consume as much energy as the corona.

"And now, I'm standing on the stars. I am the first human being to come into close contact with the stars. I represent a legend!"

Recently, Shen Cong's mentality was very active, and he was no longer as calm as usual.

Since he entered the astral-level cosmic fire, he can feel that a shackle on the mind has been broken. Among the known life individuals in the universe, the astral-level is the pinnacle of existence. Except for themselves, no one can kill them. .

Even the rare star sea behemoths cannot kill stars.

The reason why the violent starbreaker sacrificed himself to inherit was not because he was severely injured by the star sea monster and could not continue, but because he felt that his opportunity to evolve had been interrupted by the star sea monster. He has accumulated for a long time and adjusted all aspects of Tinder to the best state.

In the end, the Xinghai Behemoth intervened, causing the state to fall short, and the supernova explosion was doomed to fail, so it was a pity that he chose to inherit.

When the path of evolution is cut off, living is really meaningless for the cosmic fire whose emotions have all been wiped out.

Perhaps one day sooner or later, Shen Cong will also wipe out his emotions for a long time.

But at least for now, he still has a complete personality, a sound humanity, and is trying to maintain a sound self.

Experience the vastness of the universe and the magnificence of the future with a "human" self.

As long as he doesn't die, he can have endless years, pursue solid eternity, and reach an incredible state of life.

Struggle for more than a hundred years to reach the current state.

Enduring so much loneliness, how could it be possible not to be excited, excited, and overflowing with a sense of accomplishment.

"Gliese 581, you have witnessed the rise of a legend, if the earth's civilization can continue, you are destined to be recorded in history.

And now is the moment for you to contribute to history, Tinder grains, all belong to me! "

The steel planet has not deformed, but the shells have been opened one after another, and countless structures similar to satellite wings are extending out. This is the spark particle catcher.

The principle is similar to those fire seed collectors he installed in the spirit ball, they are all used to absorb fire seeds.

Of course, under the blessing of the stars, these spark particle catchers have a stronger adsorption force on the spark particles scattered on the surface of Gliese 581.

Tinder grains are special isotopes of metal elements, and most of them are born inside stars. Only the violent material reaction inside stars can produce such a magical substance as tinder grains. In the memory of Phantom Wings, the creation of parasitic sources and the study of causal thinking have all explored the essence of the fire seed.

Just didn't find any results.

Shen Cong conducted a more microscopic structure study on the tinder particle, but did not find that it was so different. It was still composed of quarks, electrons and other leptons. If we conduct structural research on quarks and electrons, there may be more microscopic particles, and they can even be divided into infinite divisions.

Of course, not all scientists support the concept of an infinite fraction of matter.

It has also been suggested that particles are composed of a short section of energy strings that vibrate constantly, and that the entire universe is composed of countless energy strings. Different strings vibrate in different ways and shapes to form different particles.

This is superstring theory.

Others believe that the end of the microcosm is the macrocosm, just as going around the earth will return to the origin. Down the micro, and finally back to the macro. Liu’s short sci-fi "The End of the Microcosm" describes that after the bombardment of quarks, the world becomes a negative film of the universe, and everything is reversed.

"I support superstring theory. Only the vibration of energy strings can cause radiation fluctuations!" Shen Cong stretched out the spark particle catcher while his thoughts wandered, "As for whether superstring theory can unify gravity and quantum mechanics, it depends It doesn't matter to me, let's leave it to the scientists to think about it."

Think about it.

The thoughts in Shen Cong's mind became firmer: "I'm at the stellar level now, and I can already perceive quark-level particles. Once I successfully carry out a supernova explosion and enter the more wonderful neutron level, it is likely to involve more microscopic or more Esoteric knowledge, these are what I lack...I don't have the talent to study high-energy physics."

"So, I have to guide a few scientists to become star-level cosmic sparks and help me with scientific research."

"I must shoulder the job of a human prophet."

Thinking of this, he sighed with a little interest: "I thought that I would never intersect with the earth again, but I didn't expect that in the end, I still couldn't break away from the human community..."


Hundreds of huge fire seed catchers made Shen Cong look like a ball full of feathers.

The original silver-gray shell reflected strong light under the light of Gliese 581, but compared with the intense light of the entire planet, Shen Cong looked more like a small black spot.

Countless tinder grains are brought out by the rising air mass inside the star, and compared to other gaseous substances in the photosphere, the tinder grains are very thin. However, Shen Cong felt that the concentration was quite high, countless times higher than the concentration of fire seeds in Huozhou and Oasis. The full fire energy was captured by the trap, and quickly solidified into a frost-like substance.

The frost is then absorbed and transported to the interior of the steel planet as an energy reserve.

It's a boring job.

It takes about three days to capture the tinder particles in the safe area before they can be reduced to a concentration that is not suitable for capture. Then Shen Cong needed to pass through the dangerous area where prominences and flares might occur, and enter the next safe area.

Fortunately, with curved surface flying technology, the danger can be avoided.

while capturing.

Shen Cong was also constantly perceiving the surrounding time and space. The stellar-level cosmic fire had dealt with time and space the most. He had to get familiar with time and space as soon as possible and study it thoroughly. Only in this way can we control time and space, use time and space to fight, travel, create wormholes, and traverse the universe at any time.


A month and a half passed.

Shen Cong successfully collected the fire seed grains in the fifteen safe areas of Gliese 581 below the standard concentration line, accumulating about one-fiftieth of the remaining resources.

In other words, the fire seed resources obtained by mining a red dwarf star are equivalent to one-fiftieth of the legacy of the violent star breaker.

Not much.

But the advantage is that there are countless stars, all of which are the places where the fire seeds are provided.

"Collecting the fire seed resources of the stars by myself is the most suitable for me. Now, like the predecessors of the star-level cosmic fire seeds, I need to polish my fire seeds to the best state, for the only time in my life, and the brightest time. prepare for the supernova explosion."

Shen Cong put away the fire seed catcher.

The steel planet shakes the space-time network around it, accelerates forward, and breaks away from the gravitational field of Gliese 581. When reaching the corona, enter the surface flight and quickly pass through the high temperature area.

Came outside Gliese 581.

Fly to the outer reaches of the galaxy.

He didn't dare to create wormholes inside the galaxy. After all, it was just a new star-level cosmic fire, and the control over the space-time network was not so strong. When wormholes are created inside the galaxy, they are most likely to be affected by stars and hot Jupiter planets, resulting in instability of wormholes and disasters at any time.

All the way to the outside, it didn't take long to break away from the huge influence of Gliese 581 on the space-time network, and came to the void.

The steel planet quickly locates the direction and distance of the solar system, and begins to perceive the surrounding space-time network, looking for a suitable space-time node. Time and space are like a crumpled paper ball, with countless extension possibilities, breaking every node, the communication position will be different.

A quarter of an hour later, Shen Cong's fire suddenly jumped.

"found it!"\t (.)

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