No tires, no dashboard, no seat bag, no rearview mirrors, no front and rear lights, and even the fuel tank is rotten. This is the current look of this living motorcycle.

Instead, on the bottom of the car, there was an iron cage that seemed to be welded on, which was intact.

Suppressing the idea of ​​swallowing, Shen Cong cruised back and forth on the plastic rabbit and motorcycle frame, filling up a specific plot context.


Before the doomsday struck, the owner of the motorcycle was about to sell rabbits. He saw the meteor fell and ran away. The rabbit was locked in a cage and did not run away, so he suffered the same changes as Shen Cong. The motorcycle is alive, and the plastic rabbit has established a connection with the motorcycle.

It must have gone through a tortuous experience in the middle. Both the plastic rabbit and the motorcycle survived, but the plastic rabbit obviously did not know how to use the activity, and could only let the motorcycle absorb the activity and repair it on its own. The heavy rain a while ago did not flood this highland, and the plastic rabbits survived.

So I went out alone to find food. Maybe I found the Vajra by induction, until Shen Cong caught him, and I forgot the motorcycle frame if I had something delicious. Then he felt that Tairitian and Tumor Pig had infringed on his own site, and even wanted to devour the motorcycle, so the plastic rabbit became irritable.

Then there was the series of things happening today.


There are many loopholes in this story. For example, why are car wrecks concentrated in this area? For example, what do plastic rabbits eat these days? For example, why did the Doomsday Storm not kill plastic rabbits and motorcycles with almost zero protection? Another example is why the closer the car wreck is to the middle zone, the higher the degree of rust?

All kinds of unknown.

But the main plot line, Shen Cong thinks this direction is right.

When he saw an active motorcycle skeleton, his brain instantly connected many unthinkable questions together-every upgraded creature has an active core.

He is the only one who has no relationship with the plastic rabbit, and it happens that Shen Cong has a mysterious connection with the Vajra, and the plastic rabbit has a mysterious connection with the motorcycle frame.

"In this case, I and the Vajra, the plastic rabbit and the motorcycle, did not actually jump out of the active core. I just don't know, is the Vajra my active core, or am I the Vajra active core?"

This thought made Shen Cong vaguely excited.

He is very concerned about the active core.

Because it is easy to infer from the upgraded sign of the upgraded monster that the active core is an important source of promotion.

The meteor shower destroyed the old world, and it seems that it also brought the magic power beyond imagination, changed the lifeless metal, and distorted the appearance of normal creatures. So in front of Shen Cong and all the survivors, there are actually only two ways to choose.

The first is to find a solution to reactivity, to kill the fact that metal "lives", and to cure the changes brought about by reactivity.

If not, there is only a second way to choose, accept the reality brought about by activity, and strive to use activity to find opportunities for evolution, so that you can live your life.

Regardless of the choice, activity is something that needs to be thoroughly understood.

The source and center of activity-the core of activity, is a topic that Shen Cong needs to study urgently.

In fact, in Shen Cong's heart, he looked forward to the second path. The human body was too fragile. He saw that his parents were so simple, and he fell into a pool of blood in a car accident, so fast that he couldn't even blink his eyes. Perhaps only he himself understood at that moment how much he wanted to become a Superman and reverse everything. Even if he couldn't change it, he could escape far away.

In a flash, more than seven years have passed, and now there is a chance to become a superman before him.

Just grab it gently.



Shen Cong took a deep breath and suppressed the chaotic thoughts. He yearned for evolution, but he was even more afraid that activity brought about not evolution but disaster, so he tried hard not to let himself produce too much illusory hope.

Without hope, you will not be disappointed and return to a normal state of mind.

Turning his head, his eyes are on the plastic rabbit and the motorcycle frame, patrolling back and forth.

"Which one is the active core?"

"Is it a plastic rabbit? But for a plastic rabbit, I have no desire to swallow it. So it is a motorcycle? If the motorcycle is the core, does it mean that the Vajra is also the core, and I am just an extended shell?"

Shell, core.

It doesn’t matter which type of Shen Cong is, because between the Vajra and him, he is absolutely dominant. All actions are expressed through his willpower. In that case, is there any difference between the core? .

Of course, you have to figure it out to make it more convenient to exercise targeted for activity.

After thinking about it, Shen Cong released the desire to swallow in his body little by little, and slowly stretched out his hand to stroke the motorcycle, trying to swallow the activity of the motorcycle.

no response.

Shen Cong tried his best to control the activity in the body, trying to absorb the activity of the motorcycle, but as usual, he did not have the ability to absorb activity. The activity in his body is either ingested by meat or exchanged by the Vajra, which cannot be absorbed naturally from the outside world.

This method does not work, there are two remaining methods worth trying.

One is to cook the plastic rabbit and eat it, and the other is to guide the Vajra to devour the motorcycle.

"If eating plastic rabbits is useful, the devouring idea should have arisen. The greater possibility is that you need to guide the Vajra to swallow it." Shen Cong guessed, then concentrated and began to control the Vajra with willpower.

The Vajra is like an extension of his body, and the activity is the nerve bridge erected. When a thought arises, the Vajra can respond. The huge body of the Vajra and the densely packed activity also expanded Shen Cong's perception, allowing him to feel more activity outside.

In this time of perception, a fireball appeared, a fireball composed of active.

It's a motorcycle skeleton!

The fireball-like activity, the concentration of external radiation is so high that it has never been seen before, and it produces a visible magnetic field that absorbs free activity from the outside world all the time.

Seeing all this, Shen Cong's desire to swallow in his heart became stronger and stronger, and he couldn't help guiding the Vajra, and suddenly absorbed it into the flame.

As soon as it touched, a large circle of activity of that group of flames was greedily absorbed by the Vajra into the car, and it gave back a warm feeling to Shen Cong in an instant.

"This is swallowing! Sure enough, it is more than ten times faster than simply absorbing free activity from the outside world!"

After eating the marrow and knowing the taste, Shen Cong once again aroused the activity of the Vajra, absorbing the activity from the fireball.




At this time, the plastic rabbit locked in the iron cage suddenly screamed frantically, bumped into the iron cage, his red eyes staring at Shen Cong.

In those eyes, there seemed to be anger and fear shining.

Shen Cong only glanced at the plastic rabbit faintly, and then continued to devour his activity, his attention was replaced by devouring thoughts.

Every time he swallows a bite of activity, what he gives back is the refreshment that can stir the soul. The activity exchanged by the Vajra increased at a speed visible to the naked eye. The limbs and skeletons were flooded with activity. The numbing Ascension affected the strength of every muscle, every piece of skin, and every organ.

The active fireball of the motorcycle skeleton dimmed quickly, and even the roar of the plastic rabbit began to feel weak.

After Shen Cong controlled the Vajra to swallow it six times, the plastic rabbits were no longer moving, and the motorcycle fireball was dimmed to the point of extinguishing. At this time, the Vajra responded with a "feeling of fullness", as if it had reached the saturation point of swallowing, and could no longer swallow it.

In fact, even if the Vajra could still be swallowed, Shen Cong would not dare anymore. His body exchanged too much activity in a short time. There was nothing in the beginning, but now I feel that, like a fire, my mouth is dry, my face is flushed, and my body temperature rises rapidly.


Shen Cong hurriedly got up, rushed to the material compartment, unscrewed a bottle of mineral water, and drank his stomach. Not enough to quench my thirst, I unscrewed another bottle...a series of three bottles of mineral water, which relieved my thirst and heat a little.

The body seems to have just steamed in the sauna.

Sweat dripped down his cheeks, pattering, and Shen Cong even saw himself as hot steam rose up. Touched his forehead, at least forty-five degrees of fever, so scared that he quickly hugged a bucket of water, and his face was against the bucket to dissipate heat. Such a hot temperature will burn your brain for a long time.

After ten minutes, Shen Cong finally brought down his own temperature.

I am afraid after a while, and the phagocytic activity is refreshing, but the result of swallowing too much is not good. This time, fortunately, he closed his hand in time and there was no problem. If he swallowed one more time, his body might ignite spontaneously.

Walking out of the material room, wiping his sweat, Shen Cong fixed his eyes on the iron cage.

The plastic rabbit in the cage lay motionless, and the frame of the motorcycle had also degraded from its previous dark silver luster to a dull gray, and it was no longer shiny.

I probed the breath of the plastic rabbit, as well as breathing and heartbeat.

Just fainted.

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