Heavy Truck Chariot In The End Times

Chapter 56 The Limit Vajra

All night, Shen Cong was restoring his own body and thinking about the cause of the accident and the issues involved.

Evolutionary imperfection...

The activity limit of the Vajra...

Shen Cong's own position in evolution...

Active gas-liquid-solid three form change theory...

Has his encounter encountered other evolutionaries? How did mutants, evolution beasts, half-orcs, and evolution trees move from the Lv0 era to the Lv1 era...

Or, is the division of Lv0 and Lv1 really correct and reasonable?

The sleepless night gave him plenty of time to think, and gradually filled his brain with a lot of specious information.

Shen Cong is very good at making associations. If a person says one more sentence, he can even make up his mind completely. After he goes back, how to plan to murder himself and put the countermeasures into action.

Often think too much.

In the current apocalypse, Shen Cong has seen many types of upgrades.

Plant upgrades are generally due to the metal gradation of the bark, and most of the surviving trees are tall trees, and there are almost no shrubs and herbs, at least he has not noticed it. Some evolutionary trees will bear fruit, and the killing peach trees will bear active peaches, and they can also consume animal carcasses.

The upgrade of animals is much more complicated. General evolution beasts are active cores with strengthened bodies, upgraded physical signs, and signs of metal gradual changes; some evolved beasts do not have active cores, such as evolutionary failures, such as ferocious cats. The plastic rabbit is an example of the iron beast combined with the vehicle.

Shen Cong does not have much contact with the animals in the sea. The dog alligator is probably a kind, and the triangular drumstick on the tail is like an active core. It is a failure case, there is no active core.

Insects are also animals, and they belong to evolutionary beasts. Shen Cong has not seen many insects, but they are very special. Diggers can drill in the sand, their body changes greatly, and they have active cores; the dwarf ant colony is large, and the queen can produce upgraded ants, all with active cores; the blowfly itself is not an evolutionary beast, but it was cultivated by Shen Cong Next, there will be a first-generation mutation and a second-generation upgraded.

As for humans, Shen Cong still has very little contact with them-according to the survivors, there are three upgraded directions, mutants, half-orcs, and iron men. But Shen Cong thought, roughly classified into two kinds, mutants and half-orcs can be regarded as the same kind, but half-orcs belong to the mutants that failed to upgrade.

He has seen half-orcs twice, the active core is obvious, but the animal nature has suppressed the human nature.

He has never seen a mutant or an iron man, except he is also an iron man.

In fact, apart from the higher IQ of humans, the way of upgrading is not much different from that of animals. In general, upgraded is only between plants and animals, there are obvious differences, and the rest are internal differences between animals and plants.

Don't consider plants, just say that animals are upgraded.

Shen Cong previously believed that iron talents are the most powerful way to upgrade. Compared with the gradual change of a part of the metal into an active core, the gentle strengthening method of iron talents is safer and more efficient. However, the "gaseous-liquid-solid hypothesis" was made up by the brain, and this crisis quickly shook Shen Cong's thoughts.

Perhaps mutant talent is the safest and most efficient upgrade direction.

Shen Cong can imagine that if he hadn't been delayed several times, he would have been killed by the runaway activity at breakthroughLv1. So other iron men, especially those with a smoother absorption and activation process, mean that they are very dangerous?

Did any iron man die because of this? If not, how did they solve this problem?

This answer requires contact with the iron man before making judgments.

At least Shen Cong felt this huge obstacle from himself-the path of upgrade or evolution, as if blocked by fog, could not see the direction, and was full of crisis at any time.


When he was most motivated, the activity gave a head start.

Shen Cong felt more and more that he needed to obtain more information about activity.

There is no way to obtain it in a short time, unless he immediately ran to Hefei City, reunited with the army, and exchanged information from the army. Vajra broke through Lv1, and now there is no further information, and there is no way to continue to upgrade, unless Shen Cong wants to come again and lose control of its activity.

However, Shen Cong is even more nervous about the stagnation of strength.

He was afraid that he would fall behind step by step, and the evolvers in the southern part of the city did not have reference value. His goal was the evolvers in big cities and war zone military districts. The end of the world is a crisis and an opportunity. He wants to keep himself as a predator at the top of the food chain, rather than a low-end predator.

"So, what went wrong between me and the Vajra? How should the Vajra grow next? How can I strengthen it?"

With severe physical damage, Shen Cong did not leave the Vajra. He is currently underestimating his strength. An ordinary person can kill him. He doesn't have the slightest sense of security and dare not leave the Vajra for half a step.

The Bull Demon King Totem has been dismantled, and without the strong storm, the speed at which the Vajra absorbs free activity has dropped to a very slow level.

However, slowness did not stop, just like breathing, Shen Cong could not stop the intake of the Vajra. After accumulating to a certain amount, the out-of-control activity will still be exchanged.

This is his urgent problem.

Fortunately, Shen Cong calculated that the Vajra could only be exchanged out of control after it had accumulated to an active level of Lv0.01. With such a large amount of activity, it would take three or four days for the Vajra to ingest it.

Within three or four days, he was safe.

In fact, there are three or four days to recover his body, and he can basically get better. With his current physical fitness corresponding to his Lv0.954 level, his out-of-control activity is repeated again, and he can no longer cause too much crisis. On the contrary, Runaway activity can also Ascension his physical fitness.

It's just that the out-of-control activity is not resolved, and the Vajra can't increase its strength, which is terrifying and will make Shen Cong feel insecure.

Insecure is tantamount to letting him die.

"Perhaps, my level is not enough, which dragged down the Vajra upgrade?" Suddenly, Shen Cong thought of a possibility.

He is the core of the Vajra, or the Vajra is the core of him, it doesn't matter, they are the unity of life, in other words, they are a whole. The Vajra is already Lv1, but Shen Cong is only Lv0.954, and it has been brutally strengthened after losing control.

The two are not synchronized.

"Siphon phenomenon!"

"Water at a high place will continue to flow to water at a low place through the siphon."

"It's very possible, maybe this is the key-I and Vajra must be in the same level in order to progress. I only pursue the level of Vajra, thinking that the break through of Vajra will counteract me and strengthen me. This is a misunderstanding of thinking. I and the Vajra are two sides of the integration. I ate the active peach, which can also be used on the Vajra!"

The more I think about it, the more I think it is possible.

The life-integrated Vajra and him are far beyond the material limit, and there is a difference in activity between each other. It is very likely that a siphon will occur like this.

This is also in line with the "gas-liquid-solid" hypothesis he speculated. It is precisely because the activity is like water that the siphon will occur.

Followed the train of thought.

Shen Cong continued to think deeply: "Or, I have overlooked something, what is the Vajra?"

The Vajra is a modified heavy truck. At first, only the frame part was alive. Then, under the guidance of Shen Cong, it passed through the alloy little by little to make the whole body come alive.

But, back to the beginning, what if the Vajra was just a pickup truck?

Does that mean that the Vajra will reach Lv1 as long as the van is fully active? What if a truck is towed behind the truck? Part of the Vajra or not?

Under Shen Cong’s modification, Vajra has added many components, such as car radio, 15A radar, camera-closed circuit television system (display), infrared camera-closed circuit television system, external armor, RV Life structure and other systems, as well as Such external components as periscope, solar charging board, small refrigerator, water tank, totem of Bull Devil, etc.

These were all incorporated into the overall part of the Vajra by Shen Cong.

Others like the materials in the car, notebooks, mobile phones, U disks, X-ray machines, drones, remote control cars, inflatable dolls, etc., are not included in the overall Vajra... The explosive change of the armor consumes the activity of the Vajra , Also not included in the overall, and other equipment after being alloyed by the Vajra, also not included... How can these be summarized?

Thinking about it this way, Shen Cong suddenly realized that he had indeed overlooked a lot of problems.

He never gave the whole Vajra a definition! He used the Vajra to inject the overall activity as a weight and measure, and it was determined to be Lv1, but the concept of the Vajra is vague and can even be changed.

Today, one more steel plate was added. After alloying, Vajra plus steel plate is added as a whole; tomorrow, one steel plate is dropped, which is Vajra minus steel plate as a whole.

Weights and measures themselves cannot be accurate, so how can we quantify the level system?

How to define the Vajra number?

Shen Cong immediately thought of the ability of alloys. Will the Vajra have an alloy limit... When the alloy reaches enough materials, it can no longer continue to alloy?

"Test the limits of the Vajra?" Shen Cong's eyes flickered.

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