Heavy Truck Chariot In The End Times

Chapter 79 New Quantization System

Wo Niu Mountain Park is an urban comprehensive park in Juchao District. The urban area of ​​Juchao District is developed around Wo Niu Mountain. According to the direction of Wo Niu Mountain, Shen Cong could easily determine where he was currently stopping.

At the intersection of Renmin Road and Tuanjie Road, next to it was originally a big shopping mall-Chaohu Store, the capital of business.

Shen Cong checked the surroundings and found no traces of survivors, half-orcs, or evolutionary beasts. After he was safe, he put a hunting clip around, and he finally relaxed his tight nerves and fell asleep comfortably.

The next day, the spirit was restored to its best condition.

After checking the surrounding conditions, exercising, and adjusting everything to the best, Shen Cong began to study Wang Gen's vehicle Hummer. He must complete the system research before the Hummer's activity ran out.

He designed many kinds of plans to be studied.

Such as "Vital signs changes after the vehicle loses its core", "Can the Vajra alloy Hummer be used", "Can the mandatory output of the Hummer ensure life", "Comparison of the active radiation of the Hummer and the Vajra", "Activity Can it be transferred as a whole", "The consequences of dismembering the Hummer", "Try to find the first part of the Hummer's activity", etc.

There is no logic, basically he figured it out there.

He wanted to study these issues a long time ago, but the Vajra was a vehicle integrated with his life, and Shen Cong did not dare to use the Vajra for research easily.

The motorcycle of the plastic rabbit was a very good research object, but unfortunately it was swallowed by the dwarf ant colony.

Now it's time to use the Hummer to do research.

Hummer's activity declines much faster than dead animals lose activity. In one night, the Hummer lost about pseudo Lv0.02 activity.

The "gaseous-liquid-solid" hypothesis has been demonstrated in many ways.

The experiment was carried out step by step. While experimenting, Shen Cong constantly monitored the surrounding wind and grass. Now the drought is getting more and more serious, and the daytime temperature almost reaches 50 degrees Celsius. Such a high temperature is enough to heat ordinary survivors to death, which forces most people to hide in the basement during the day.

Only dare to go out in the evening.

Therefore, the nesting area during the day is quiet, without human voices, machine noises, cicadas, and animal calls.

Shen Cong first guided the Vajra and swallowed the Hummer once. The swallowing went very smoothly. It directly consumed the active amount of the Hummer's pseudo Lv0.01 and made up for the loss of the Vajra in the battle last night. But only this time, Shen Cong stopped swallowing.

It's not that I'm afraid of killing the Hummer directly, but the siphon phenomenon of the Vajra, like a sword of Damocles, hanging over Shen Cong's head all the time.

He can't let the Vajra's activity exceed a certain amount, otherwise it will siphon and overflow the extra live **** and transmit it to Shen Cong.

After swallowing once, Shen Cong recorded in detail the process of Vajra "digesting" the activity of the Hummer, which is a synchronization of radiation frequency.

Then Shen Cong guided the Vajra to alloy the Hummer. The method he used was to use the radiation frequency of the Vajra to interfere with the radiation frequency of the Hummer, so that the radiation frequency of the unmanned Hummer was synchronized with that of the Vajra. degree.

Shen Cong wanted to know, in this case, whether the Hummer became part of the Vajra or remained independent.

The result was disappointing.

Although the Vajra successfully interfered with the radiation frequency of the Hummer and synchronized the frequencies of the two, it still has a very strong repulsion and cannot be alloyed at all.

"Why is this, is it a difference in level? The radiation continuity of the Vajra and the radiation continuity of the Hummer are mutually exclusive?"

"It's not like...Continuity is a variable. When the Vajra interferes with the frequency of the Hummer, it should be possible to change the continuity... There must be a variable that I haven't figured out."

Shen Cong frowned in contemplation.

After the siphon phenomenon occurred on the Vajra, Shen Cong had doubts about using continuity to judge grades. After learning that the continuity of mutants like Zhang Tianshen was not proportional to the degree of reinforcement, this doubt became even greater. So he always wondered if he had missed a variable.

"What is the variable?"

Shen Cong continued to compare the activity of the Vajra and the Hummer, and studied every aspect of the details.

After several hours of comparison, Shen Cong finally found a hint of mystery. This mystery originates from the inside of active radiation, that is, the state of the combination of active and metal.

Shen Cong has always looked at the active and active metals separately.

"This is a misunderstanding of thinking. Although the activity is drawn from the air, the active'life' is based on the existence of metal and other substances. The combination of the two can produce the state of'life'. This cannot be viewed separately and must Viewed as a whole, the two together construct life."

"Then, this overall state is called the source of life-no, it's a bit vulgar, or the source of activity is more sensational!"

When Shen Cong interpreted the active source, he immediately plunged into the new experiment with excitement. He wanted to determine whether the active source was a variable that had been missing before!

He listed a bunch of active cores as experimental subjects, and used new thinking to detect active sources.

The source of activity is a very delicate state. It is not a specific structural substance, but a conceptual collection, which is expressed through frequency and other means. In other words, it is a projection of the whole, a mathematical concept.

Shen Cong also described it badly.

Must go to a forced explanation-probably a "water bottle theory" can be assumed.

The Vajra number is equivalent to-a water bottle.

The activity is equivalent to-water.

The source of activity is the capacity of the water bottle.

The continuity of radiation is how much water is currently in the water bottle and how many graduations it has reached.

Therefore, according to the capacity of the water bottle and the scale of the current water filling, it is possible to calculate how much water is still short to be filled. This is equivalent to knowing the current level of the water bottle.

Calculated with a 100L water bottle, 20L of water is currently installed, which means that the current level is Lv0.2; 50L of water is installed, the level is Lv0.5; 80L of water is installed, the level is Lv0.8; Filled with water, the level is Lv1...

Apply the water bottle theory to the level of evolution.

It can be easily and conveniently calculated, what is the limit value of the active source of the Vajra, the continuity of radiation is the current active amount, and what is the level of the Vajra.

"The amount of water in the water bottle indicates the weight. When converted into evolution, continuity represents the amount of activity. The amount of activity is how strong the combat effectiveness is. In this way, the activity value is used to express the amount of activity and combat effectiveness. The unit is set to H; Vajra’s current active amount is 1.025H, the limit value of the active source is 1.584H, and the level is Lv0.647..."

Shen Cong then found the active source of the Hummer, and calculated that the active source limit value of the Hummer after being corroded by strong formic acid is 1.193H, the current level is Lv0.175, and the active amount is 0.208H.

The limit value of the active source of Bull Devil is 0.658H, the current level is Lv0.327, the active amount is 0.215H; the limit value of the tumor pig active source is Pk0.596H, the current level is Lv0.314, the active amount is 0.187H; still eating The limit value of active source of mature larvae is 0.411H, the current level is Lv0.224, and the active amount is 0.092H; the limit value of active source of pupalized ant larvae is 0.350H, the level is Lv0.254, and the active amount is 0.089H......

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