Hedonist Sovereign

Chapter 1014: Lingdaozi is coming

Hua Xianyue’s heart is full of emotions. From the point of view of Qin Feng’s nervous and eager look, Hua Xianyue determined that Qin Feng really knew the unintentional teacher. Fire??????????. ?ran?en`

However, the unintentional teacher and sister have joined Jingyi, and then they are separated from the dust. The memory of the previous life disappears. From then on, there is no such thing as Xu Ruorou. Only the genius female disciple who has left a quiet place in the world has no intention.

This is the rule of Jingyimen, but anyone who joins the martial art, from now on seeing the red dust, is not involved in the secular, although Huaxianyue wants to tell Qin Feng, but there is no way to break the rules of the martial art...

"Xinyue girl? Do you have to listen to me?" Qin Feng anxiously shakes the arm of the flower fairy.

Huaxianyue suddenly returned to God, and his look suddenly became cold: "Sorry, you are afraid to admit the wrong person. That is my unintentional teacher. I grew up with me in the martial art. I have been in the sect of the sect for 22 years. This is the first time I left the sect, how could you know her..."

Hua Xianyue still lied, she has no other choice!

Qin Feng was almost fooled by Hua Xianyue. He almost thought that he really admits the wrong person, but Pikachu was still jumping in Qin Feng's arms. This pet was originally given to Xu Ruorou by Qin Feng, and witnessed by Pikachu, Qin Feng. It is Xu Ruorou that determines that there is no heart.

"Xinyue girl, why are you lie to me?" Qin Feng suddenly had some heartache.

At the beginning of the two people in World of Warcraft is also a life and death, but did not expect to meet again, as if things are human.

Hua Xianyue’s heart is a little empty. She doesn’t know how Qin Feng sees herself lying, but since she lie, she insists on sticking to the end: “Why should I lie to you, you still don’t want to entangle the unintentional teacher, She is the body of cold and yin in a hundred years. Now I follow my meditation. The achievements in the future of Wudao are immeasurable. Maybe this is a better life for her..."

Hua Xianyue did not know what Qin Feng and Wuxin had before, but Huaxianyue only knew her after watching the unintentional teacher and sister jump off the cliff.

Since the unintentional teachers and sisters have chosen to jump over the cliff to understand their life, Hua Xianyue believes that the predecessors of the unintentional teachers and sisters are definitely not satisfactory. Otherwise, why do they dare to be born alive and not willing to be strong?

"Ling Fei, brother, who hurt you like this?"

Suddenly there was a roar in the void, and the voice seemed to come from a faraway place, and everyone looked and saw no figure.

Lying on the ground like a mourning dog, Ling Fei jumped up in surprise and looked around: "Lingdaozi brother, where are you? You come, some people dare to provoke the majesty of our star gate Come and teach the stinky boy who doesn't have long eyes!"

Lingfei’s voice fell, and the entire empty venue was in a deadlock!

No one in front has recognized Lingfei, and he does not know his identity, but everyone is dumbfounded...

Star Gate? Ling Daozi?

This is the star gate of one of the five lords of the foreign martial arts, and that Lingdaozi, isn’t it the strongest who won the position of the martial arts ally in the previous session?

Five years ago, Ling Daozi’s early nine-layer strength dominated the martial arts. No one was able to compete in the juniors under the age of 35. Now, in the past five years, Lingdao has reached a realm. No one can imagine...

"Hey! Where is the ignorant madman? Dare to find the trouble of the Star Gate, Laozi today let him not die!"

Silence for a long time, the void once again uttered a roar, a black shadow flashed quickly, I do not know when, a man wearing a black robe, face cold has stood by Ling Fei.

Ling Fei seems to be as excited as seeing relatives, and forgets the pain in his body: "Brother, you really came... that is the stinky boy, he not only hurts me, but also the two younger sisters, brothers Be sure to do the heavens!"

The identity of Huaxianyue and Xu Ruorou was also reported. This time, everyone can no longer be calm, and the four weeks suddenly exploded!

"I rely on! The two fairy goddess turned out to be a quiet person. It is no wonder that a fairy scent is said to be a ruin that remains in the ancient ruins. It comes with some arrays, and it is like a fairyland. Disciples are naturally fairies..."

"Hey! This kid really wants to be unlucky. He even hurts the star disciples in public. He also sings a two-faced fairy. His strength is very strong, but before the hidden facade, this inner nine-layer opponent is simply Not worth mentioning!"

Everyone is constantly talking, but they are not optimistic about Qin Feng’s voice.

Qin Feng is indeed very powerful, this is an unquestionable fact!

But in the face of the huge hidden door sect, the strength of one person is strong, but it is just a stone attack!

Hua Xianyue and Xu Ruorou both went to Lingfei, and Huaxianyue looked worriedly at Qin Feng. She also knew that Qin Feng was going to be miserable this time.

Xu Ruorou is always looking like a lost soul. Since Qin Feng just said something to her, Xu Ruorou’s quiet and long-lasting heart suddenly moved. She tried hard to recall the previous things, but found that the memories before Jingyi’s door were empty... ...

Ling Daozi has already looked up Qin Feng up and down, and his mouth sneaked a sneer: "Hey! The garbage in the early nine-story area is also dare to scatter here, and immediately smashed ten heads, I will leave you a whole body!"

Ling Daozi is the martial arts ally of the previous session. He is a domineering side leakage. The arrogant momentum is more than that of Qin Feng.

Huaxianyue's brows wrinkled more and more tightly. She wanted to ask Qin Feng for her love, but this time she came to Lingdaozi. In front of this kind of character, Huaxianyue did not qualify for speaking.

Qin Feng has been in a daze, wondering why Shen Xianyue concealed his things. At this moment, Qin Feng suddenly woke up and looked at Ling Daozi who stood opposite. He said faintly: "During the daytime dreaming here, is there a problem with your brain?" ?"

Surrounded by awkwardness, everyone was shocked by Qin Feng’s arrogance!

Ling Daozi had a sigh of relief. He really didn't expect anyone to dare to talk to him like this.

"Okay, very good... I like to pack up wild dogs that don't know how to be tall, you are one!"

Ling Daozi is the martial arts lord. He has his own arrogance. In the foreign martial arts, whoever sees him does not respectfully say hello and flattery, Ling Daozi has not heard anyone talk to him for more than four years.

The air suddenly tore, no one can see how Lingdao disappeared. In the eyes of Qin Feng, Ling Daozi was flying fast and turned into a black shadow. The speed exceeded the expectations of Qin Feng. He had not had time to react. The whole person has already flown out.


The loud noise spread, and everyone found that Qin Feng was in the deep pit.

From the beginning to the end, Ling Daozi is only a time when he is not at zero, and he is standing at the edge of the deep pit at the moment, standing with his hands on his back, looking down at Qin Feng under the deep pit, his face is disdainful.


The screams sounded from all sides!

Qin Feng is a move to break the Wudang thirteen sword array, a palm to fly Zhang Tiandao and Ling Fei's cattle, even if everyone thinks that Qin Feng can not beat Ling Daozi, but at least a ten strokes and eight strokes is not a problem, but did not expect , Qin Feng defeated so crisp?

This punch came too fast, and few people in the East Qing Xue did not return to God.

Qin Feng was lying in the center of the deep pit and there was a wave of ripples. Ling Daozi is now in his early 40s, and he has reached the top of the nine-layer peak. He was only in the early nine-story five years ago. Three small realms, this speed is also very scary.

The strongest inside the nine-layer peak, Qin Feng is not encountered!

He even saw even more powerful people, even the white feathers of the medicinal sect was killed by Qin Feng, but it was a strong one.

However, it was only with the help of Ouyang Feng that the killing of the infuriating period was strong. Now, in front of many foreign martial arts people, Qin Feng does not intend to release Ouyang Feng, which is very easy to leak the system.

Qin Feng had a battle with Huaxia Zilong Su Xiaotian in the cliffs of the cliff, and tried his best to defeat Su Xiaotian. For the nine-layer peak, Qin Feng was not afraid. He was only accidentally, and he was in the middle of the move.


A loud noise came from the deep pit, and the surrounding arguments and some ridicules were completely swallowed up.

A purple light shadow flew out, and in an exclamation, everyone saw the figure of Qin Feng floating in the air.

He wore a domineering purple thunder robe, the cloak behind him was swaying with wind, and the purple current flashed on the armor, which made people feel fearful.

In the hands of Qin Feng, it is a fiery dragon gun that passes through the fire. When one person shoots a gun, it is like a **** descending from the sky!

Ling Daozi stunned a bit, looking up at Qin Feng, who was full of blood in the air, and thought thoughtfully.

next moment! Ling Daozi disappeared into the original place, and a fist in the blink of an eye fell in front of Qin Feng.


The fire dragon gun rotates in the air, and several fireballs fly off!

Ling Daozi looked at the sky and the fire was just a sneer, even ignoring the fireball and welcoming it, but when the fire of destruction hit the inner air barrier on the surface of his body, Ling Daozi’s face changed greatly, which is the magic of the magic repair. Flame, the intensity of this flame has absolutely reached the level of infuriating fire...


The fireball continually hits Lingdao and returns his hard-hitting scorpion back to the ground.

Surrounded by excitement, the situation that has been reversed has made everyone not understand.

After Ling Daozi landed, he avoided a dozen fireballs lightly, and looked at Qin Feng in the air with a cold eye. The big hand suddenly slammed and a sword light flew out from his cuff.

call out!

The air burst, and the speed of the sword is as fast as lightning.

Qin Feng had not had time to close, Jianguang crossed, pierced Qin Feng's arm, blood as a note, Qin Feng was shot down from midair.

Just landing, a black shadow emerged, Ling Daozi fell from the air, the soles of the feet rotated a strong internal gas, have not fallen, the ground has begun to crack!

The onlookers don’t know how many meters they have retired, and their heartbeats are still!

It is said that Qin Feng’s fight with Wudang and Ling Fei is fabulous enough, but compared to the current hard battle with Ling Daozi, the previous fight is simply a pediatrics.

Ling Fei’s eyes were full of shocks. He already understood that Qin Feng had kept too much fighting with him. Even Qin Feng used only six or seven percent of his strength, and now the peak battle, Qin Feng and Ling Daozi It’s all out of power, this is the real battle of the strong...

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