Hedonist Sovereign

Chapter 1029: Eight tiers

Qin Feng’s voice fell, and the audience was shocked!

The disciples of Binghu Mountain have a big mouth and a look of unexpected look.

Thousands of illusion children's old-fashioned face was green, and she did not expect Qin Feng to suddenly retreat when she was killed. This kid did not play cards according to common sense.

"You, what do you say? You are not bidding?" After a long time, thousands of fantasy children have come back.

Qin Feng smiled and said: "Yes! You are a big elder of the Ice Lake Mountain. For this auction, it is necessary to win. Why should I bid with you? It is better to sell you a face, this hundred pieces of Lingshi you take Going well, if you take up a big deal for me, if I want to get your iceberg mountain afterwards, don't deny it..."

Qin Feng smiled brilliantly, thousands of illusion children only felt that there was a blood in the chest, and almost vomiting blood.

"You, how can you give up the auction? You can increase the price soon, and this can be tolerant and dare to lift the bar with us. It is really a shame."

One billion yuan and five orange spirits to buy a hundred pieces of Lingshi, this is definitely a loss of home sales, thousands of fantasy children were originally to pit Qin Feng, but did not expect to dig a big pit She jumped in. She now uses a variety of radical methods to stimulate Qin Feng. As long as Qin Feng adds even a dime, thousands of fantasy children will immediately quit.

Everyone has long been embarrassed!

Everyone can understand it. This Qin Feng is playing with the big elders who are teasing the ice lake. Even the ice lakes, one of the hidden five tyrants, dare to play. Everyone is really shocked by Qin Feng’s guts!

"You can rest assured that I will not increase the price. I am a one-on-one. Since I promised to sell you a face of Ice Lake, I will never rob you of the baby. You still buy it yourself."

Qin Feng smiled and looked at the thousands of fantasy children, her nose was smashed.

Thousands of illusion children are even more stupid to understand, she was really given a hole in the eyes of this young boy, the ice lake mountain in the martial arts for a hundred years, is the first time to encounter such awkward things, that thousand children There was a strong airflow in the old body, as if to shoot Qin Feng at any time.

"Cough! Thousands of illusion elders, since this Xiongtai has withdrawn from the auction, then this hundred pieces of spiritual stone is your ice lake, and please ask the thousands of elders to go through the corresponding procedures with our disciples of the Star Gate..."

Ling Daozi has long felt the murderousness of the thousands of fantasy children, he can not be chaotic by the ice lake.

This time, the Jianbao Conference is headed by the Star Gate. If anything happened, what is the face of the Star Gate outside the martial arts? What's more, Ling Daozi knows the identity of Qin Feng. He has to wait for Jian Bao to end and personally seize Qin Feng.

The atmosphere in the hall instantly fell to the bottom of the valley, and the air around it began to freeze!

The disciples of Ice Lake Mountain smoked smoke on the top of their heads. The teeth of thousands of children were crushed, but in the end she still unloaded her inner air. She blinked Qin Feng and turned to follow the disciples of Xingchenmen. While going through the formalities...


Thousands of illusion children left, surrounded by a big gasping voice, everyone was quickly crushed by the release of the ice lake mountains.

Qin Feng didn't care about this at all. My heart was still a little cool. Isn't it one of the hidden five tyrants? Is there anything good to bear?

The auction will continue, but the treasures in the back will no longer be able to enter the eyes of Qin Fengfa. He simply went to the corner to sit and rest, waiting for the people behind the ice lake to secretly follow the Jianbao meeting. Block Lingshi is coming back...

"Mom! That stinky boy is too arrogant, dare to fight against our ice lake, is this awkward?"

"Thousands of fantasy elders, we must not let go of that kid, otherwise the ice lake mountain is a joke in the outer martial arts!"

"I just investigated it. The grandson is really hidden enough. Since no one knows his identity in this hall, some people say that he is a new disciple of Biyue. This is a nonsense, a little Biyue view. Do people dare to offend our ice lake?"

The disciples of the Ice Lake Mountain gathered together to complain again and again. Thousands of magical children handed over the money and the orange sword, and took out a hundred pieces of Lingshi.

"Give the old lady shut up!" Thousands of illusion children are still screaming with anger, and directly vent their anger to a group of disciples.

Everyone was scared and trembled, and immediately calmed down!

Thousands of illusionists threw the Lingshi bag to a disciple and said with a cold face: "You two have given me the kid, so that the treasure will be over, I want him to disappear completely on the earth!"

Thousands of illusionous children commanded out, and the disciples of the ice lakes were very excited. Two of them discipled to Qin Feng in the corner, and the eyes kept watching Qin Feng, fearing that he would run away in the next second. Look like that.

"You kid is crazy? Why do you want to offend the people of Ice Lake Mountain?" The East Qingxue rushed to the opposite side of Qin Feng.

Qin Feng quickly pushed the snow out of the East and said harshly: "You don't come close to me, flashing far away..."

The lungs of the snow in the east are going to be blown up. She kindly cares about Qin Feng. As a result, is Qin Feng the attitude?

"You don't touch me, I will go by myself. You offended the people of Ice Lake Mountain, just waiting to collect your own body."

The Eastern Qingxue snorted and returned to the crowd on the side of Biyueguan. Qin Feng smiled and shook his head. He must be dangerous tonight, so he deliberately took the snow in the east, otherwise he would only bring this young lady to kill. The disaster...

The auction lasted for more than two hours, and thousands of treasures on the two exhibition stands were all auctioned.

Lingdaozi can't wait to stand in the crowd, shouting loudly: "While martial arts heroes, tonight's Jianbao will stop here, there will be two days of treasures tomorrow night and the evening, and I won't get the baby tonight. The brothers and sisters don’t have to be lost. I believe that there will always be treasures you can see in the next two nights..."

When Ling Daozi had passed the scene, everyone had begun to slowly disperse!

Qin Feng quickly mixed the crowd and went out. When others moved, they found that everyone in the ice lake had followed him.

Thousands of warriors flocked out, and the picture was extremely chaotic. Qin Feng was constantly changing positions in the crowd, but the disciples of the Ice Lake Mountain were all true masters, and even Qin Feng was not smashed all the way.

At this time, Qin Feng had already walked to the open space outside the Chuanzhong Restaurant. The moonlight was cold and green, and the surrounding area was dark. Qin Feng flew all the way. After a few minutes, he had already arrived at the abandoned building group in the Devil City.


A muffled sound spread behind Qin Feng. He had a small pit on the ground where he had just settled. He followed an angry voice behind him: "Bad boy, dare to hang your aging mother, it is just looking for death!"

The sound just fell, a virtual shadow has come to Qin Feng, it is the thousand magical children of the ice lake, as for the eight-layer disciple of the ice lake, but it is left behind.


I couldn’t think too much. Qin Feng’s backhand was a group of devastating fires. The flames flew and exploded in the wind, instantly illuminating a small piece of empty space behind Qin Feng.

"Hey! The worms and tricks, let you see and see the ice lakes tonight!"

Thousands of illusion children saw that the fire of destruction did not hide at all. The body suddenly appeared a layer of turbulent internal air barrier. The fireball lingered in her body and hovered around but could not get close.

But at this moment, the color of the play on the face of the thousands of illusion children suddenly changed, showing a shocking light: "This, this is not a magical fire? Is it true fire... You, you stepped into the truth Gas period?"

Thousands of illusion children and Ling Daozi are the strongest in the nine layers of the peak. At the beginning, Ling Daozi also looked down on the fire of destruction of Qin Feng. They saw that Qin Feng was young and obviously would not break through the period of true gas. He thought that This is the flame that the magic repair releases, but the intensity of the flame is too hot, and it quickly burns the airflow of the thousands of children.

"What a real fire, you can taste the flames of the uncle!"

Qin Feng clap is also a three-ball fireball flying out, thousands of magical children look great, never dare to look down on the power of this devastating fire.

She did not go on hard resistance, the slender figure moving fast in the dark, and in the eyes of Qin Feng have become a phantom, the speed is really amazing.

"Thousands of fantasy elders!"

"Bad boy, don't hurry up and squat, kneel on the ground and give us the ice lake mountain gimmick to admit..."

Qin Feng and thousands of illusion children have played several rounds. The genius disciples of the icy lake mountain rushed over. They just started to yell at these people. Qin Feng said nothing, a fireball was shot.


The explosion in the air continues!

In the eyes of the six disciples of Binghu Mountain, there was a sneer in the eyes. Obviously, the fire of destruction was regarded as an ordinary magical fire. Two of the disciples jumped directly to the fire of destruction, and this scene scared thousands of children. cry.

"Come back, the flame..."


The words have not been finished yet. The fire of destruction has ignited the two people who rushed up first. The flames are rising, and they immediately take a height of four or five meters. The two disciples can’t see the figure in the flames. I heard the screams of tears in the flames...

The remaining four disciples who didn't rush up were scared and stunned!

They know about six of them in five!

Friends of the book shortage can see!

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