Hedonist Sovereign

Chapter 1048: Killing the Sima family

Those who are wide and lack of eyes, speak extremely arrogant, the East Qingxue can't listen to it, Qin Feng is Huaxia Qinglong, where the garbage can be pointed to Qin Feng, the Oriental Qingxue began to be Qin Feng distressed.

"You all shut up, a group of idle social scum, how dare you talk to my man? Hurry and go!"

The plain snow in the east suddenly shouted, and those who were wide and scared directly shut up.

There are seven or eight young ladies in the crowd. Their homes and postures are inferior to the oriental snow. Usually they look at the oriental snow and are touted by the whole of Kyoto. These women have long been smoldering, now the snow in the east. Angry, those women can't help it.

"Cut! Isn't it the people of the Eastern family, what is it?"

"That is, we kindly invite you to the party. If you don't go, you will pull it down. Whoever asks you to go is the same."

"I have heard that the snow in the East is very proud. The whole city of Kyoto is not visible. When I saw it today, I was really scared to death. I even found this garbage without identity. Is this your high vision? ?"

The women besieged the East Qingxue one person, the Oriental Qingxue simply did not fight them, and the gas was straight.

"Qin Feng, you will help me teach them, these **** bully your fiancee!"

Oriental Qingxue is not very likely to quarrel. She has developed a kind of dependence since she went to participate in the Wulin Conference with Qin Feng. When she encountered unhappy things, she and Qin Feng spoiled her, so that Qin Feng helped her settle.

Qin Feng touched the back of the oriental clear snow, the other hand flashed out, not waiting for everyone to react, slap the Sima Xuan to the ground.

Those curses and laughter stop!

A group of thousands of people looked at Sima Xuan who fell to the ground, and the scared eyes fell out.

"Xuan Shao, you, are you okay?" Several women gathered around, and helped Sima Xuxuan up.

Those who don’t know Qin Feng’s wide and squeaky teeth, rushed up to prepare to work with Qin Feng. Liu Chao’s several people have long been scared, and seeing the situation is about to develop into an unmanageable situation, these people can no longer help, quickly Turn around and run, like an escape.

"Hey? Liu Shao, Gao Shao... Where are you going?"

"Hey! Xuan Shao was beaten, are you coming back to pick up the wild boy and run a fart?"

The restless unconsciously still shouted Liu Chao several people, but they ignored it and ran like crazy to run away.

Seeing that Liu Chao’s group of people ran away, the rest of the ** was so depressed that it was strange.

"What's special, you dare to play Laozi, do you know who Laozi is? I want you not to die!"

Sima Xuan was helped by the squatting, glaring at the half-face of the swollen old man, and his eyes screaming at Qin Feng.

The voice just fell, Qin Feng was a slap in the palm of his hand.

This time, Sima Xuan's face is also swollen and old!

"I really don't know who you are, or do you introduce yourself?" Qin Feng smiled at Sima Xuan.

Sima Xuan did not expect Qin Feng to dare to do it, and his nose was stunned: "You see it clearly, Lao Tzu is the young representative of the Sima family, Sima Xuan..."

The Sima family is so prestige in Kyoto, Sima Xuan now reveals his identity. He thought that Qin Feng would be scared and beg for mercy, then he would sneak into the urine. As a result, he looked at Qin Feng and found that the younger brother had no reaction at all, just like a scorpion. same.

"Hey! Laozi has reported the name, how did you not respond?" Sima Xuan rushed to Qin Feng.

Xiaoli is not aware of Qin Feng’s position in Kyoto. He saw that Sima Xuan was wearing a magnificent dress, and he was worried about Qin Feng. The Oriental Snow was sneer, and he was ignorant by Sima Xuan. The move made me laugh.

"Oh? What happened to the Sima family? What reaction do you want me to have?" Qin Feng smiled and looked at Sima Xuan, just like watching a silly fork.

Sima Xuan slammed, this kid is not afraid of the Sima family? What is he coming to?

"You, you shouldn't be a foreigner? Even my big Sima family haven't heard it? That's one of the four big families in Kyoto. It's a minute to get your waste!"

Not only is Sima Xuan’s reaction to Qin Feng somewhat puzzled, but the seven or eight broad and small golds are also somewhat incomprehensible.

However, everyone soon understood that it was definitely the fact that this bandit identity was too low and had never heard of the upper class society in Kyoto.

"Xuan Shao, still with the kid's nonsense, you just have one sentence, we immediately kill him!"

"Dare to do something in Xuan in Kyoto, this kid is also alive and tired..."

The crowd began to scream again, and the snow in the east was somewhat unsatisfactory. The cold wind on Xiaoli’s body was once again blown up, as if they were going to teach them at any time.

Qin Feng is still holding two women, pat on the back of the two women with their hands to appease their emotions, while smiling at Sima Xuan.

"Of course, I know that the Sima family, I just didn't hear the name of your garbage. But Sima Tu and Sima Xiang know that the two **** are suppressed by me."

The voice of Qin Feng fell, and the rest of the people were all dumbfounded. Sima Tu and Sima Xiang were both young representatives elected by the Sima family. The man who brags the cows does not draft drafts.

"Haha! It’s really laughing at you. Why don’t you say that the Sima family’s family will see you when you meet you?” There was a wide smile and a backward smile.

Qin Feng took a slap in the palm of his hand, and the guy's handsome face suddenly swollen like a pig's head.

"You said this is not for me, yes, the Sima family's homeowner saw me want to tie me up, but I am too lazy to take care of him!" Qin Feng said seriously, not at all joking.

The other few are laughing and laughing, and they are afraid to be beaten. Secondly, they are really shocked by Qin Feng’s arrogance!

That is the owner of the Sima family. No one in Kyoto has dared to say what Qin Feng had just said. This is a serious problem. No one dares to talk in this place.

Sima Xuan is the most shocking and amazing person in the crowd!

Others don't know much about Sima Tu and Sima Xiang, but Sima Xuan is a member of the family. Of course, I know how these two brothers fell into **** from a brilliant moment.

The two brothers were offended by a man named Qin Feng. It is said that Qin Feng is similar to everyone. Sima Xuan finally realized an extremely serious problem. He looked at Qin Feng carefully. This guy is almost as big as himself.

"You, who are you?" Sima Xuan finally remembered to ask Qin Feng's identity, and his voice was a little trembling.

Not waiting for Qin Feng to open, Oriental Qing Xue proudly grabbed Qin Feng, screaming at the crowd and said: "Your big dog eyes are clear, I have only one of my uncles in the East Qing Xue, Qinglong Qin Feng of China..."


Everyone sucked a sigh of relief, and the faces that were scared were earthy!

Although Qin Feng is not often in Kyoto, the legend of Qin Feng is spread everywhere in the upper class of Kyoto.

The name Qin Feng is very loud and has been made into a godly existence by the major families in Kyoto. However, all family disciples will be severely warned. Whoever sins in China will not offend Qin Feng.

Although the people present have heard the name of Qin Feng, but because Qin Feng rarely appears in public, there are not many people who have seen him. These people have never seen Qin Feng, or they will not dare to kill them. Qin Feng is shouting.

"Qin, Qin Feng's predecessor... Rao, spare the younger brother once, the younger brother does not know Taishan, I really don't know that you are Qin Da Shao!"

Sima Xuan was afraid of what to bring, and scared directly to the ground, and the body kept shaking.

Qin Feng looked lazy and looked at him a bit, and casually kicked Sima Xuan to a side.

The remaining broad and small money quickly gave way to a boulevard. No one dared to say a word more. The women who had previously said that the snow in the East had no vision, this will be pale, and I am afraid that Qin Feng will find them trouble.

"Qin, Qin Da Shao... Where are you going? I will drive you to you?"

Looking at Qin Feng three people walking away, there are a few broad and leisurely back to God to chase up, today everyone is offended Qin Feng, they want to recover this contradiction as much as possible, now all with the younger brother's gesture to go to Bajie Qin Feng I can't wait to give Qin Feng a gimmick.

"Qin Da Shao, people have just had no eyes, you must not go to the heart... If you are not happy, people will be disposed of by you!"

"Qin Da Shao, you just returned to Kyoto, people are free tonight, do you want to go to my villa for a night?"

A few women also came back to God, and ran straight up to go to Qin Feng.

These women are all long-legged wave sisters, dressed in fashion and sexy, dressed in a flattering and affectionate, generally men see them have to go nowhere, let alone they are also bright and proactive to tease Qin Feng.

Qin Feng did not speak, and these women were chaotic. Anyway, it was Qin Feng.

However, the Oriental Qingxue and Xiaoli were not happy. The second woman’s face was cold. The oriental snow cleared a few women who posted it and stumbled: “What do you want? Qin Feng is my fiancé, you still Do you want to face?"

Those big ladies in Kyoto are usually very proud, but now they are completely disregarding the image. Just like they did not hear the reprimand of the Qing Xue of the East, they continued to squat on Qin Feng.

"Qin Da Shao, people don't mind doing your little three. Oh, a big man like you, three wives and four squats are normal. You can't always look at the cold face of the oriental clear snow every night? No mood at all. !"

"The woman in the East Qingxue certainly has no experience. If Qin Dashao does not disappoint it, Susu can accompany you every day. What kind of tricks can come."

After learning the identity of Qin Feng, these women are also going out.

They really want to have a relationship with Qin Feng. If they can get the favor of Qin Feng, it will be of great help to their family, and these women have also heard about Qin Feng. It is said that Qin Feng used to be a big boy. I love the beauty very much, which is the main reason why these women are crazy.

After Qin Feng had Zhao Lingxian's women, his eyes had already reached a certain level. Where can they see the frivolous women in front of them? Although they are good in appearance, they are worse than the eastern snow. Even if Feng is done with the Oriental Snow, it will not be chaotic with these people.

"Okay, you all stand far away... Who has a car, send me to the old house of the Sima family!"

Qin Feng originally planned to come back to Dongfangyuan and return the oriental clear snow to the Oriental Ming Wang. This lady is also a very troublesome woman. Qin Feng does not want to bring her with her.

However, suddenly encountered Sima Xuan, Qin Feng changed his mind, he must first go to the Sima family, this family should also give way.

"Qin Da Shao, clear snow, you go to my car!"

A five-family Liu family's broad and less smiled haunted Qin Feng, Qin Feng looked at Liu Jie's face is not difficult to see this Liu family disciple, put a hand to let him go to drive the car.

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