Hedonist Sovereign

Chapter 1377: Identity exposure

The flames of the golden eagle are not long, it is fast, it is like a ghostly flash in the air.

Ling Zhenfeng and Joe's eyes are stunned outside, feeling as disgusting as eating flies. They are the highest-ranking heads of the two cities. They did not expect to be deceived by a small priest.

The few elders who were still preparing for the hard battle had already given up the idea of ​​fighting. The sights were brushed to the sky, and their eyes moved with the flames of golden eagle, and they looked like a fierce look. segment.

"Oh, yeah, we all got the trick of the kid, let's temporarily join the league, let go of the kid and say..."

Joe’s screaming wry, screaming like thunder!

Ling Zhenfeng's old face is black, and he has already shot a hand toward the sky: "Hey! The ants in the area are just a palm!"

A huge palm print appeared in the void, and the spirit of the wind was not the head of the spirit beast. Even if it was seriously injured, it caused an air to burst under the palm of one hand. The speed of the palm print was fast, as if the arrow was shot, and the flame would be directly Gold carving in the picture.


The screams of the golden eagle were heard from the sky, and its golden feathers fell into large pieces.

A flash of powder disappeared, and Qin Feng had already fled on the flying sword, but his heart was shocked. If it is not the flame gold carving with the body blocking the palm of the wind, he is now afraid of life is difficult to protect.

Qin Feng couldn’t understand the realm of the spirit of the wind, but his palm was comparable to the six-layered strong one. The wings of the flame golden sculpture seemed to have been seriously injured. Even the flying ability was gone, from the height of 100 meters. Straight down to the ground.


A strange wave of energy spread, and the golden eagle that was seen to be planted on the ground suddenly disappeared. The souls of the people were very different. They waited for the loud noise when they landed, but they could not hear the movement for a long time.

"The kid is still not dead, he actually has a flying sword..." Ling Zhenfeng suddenly exclaimed, and Qiao's soul face changed instantly.

Everyone looked at the sky in the night, only seeing a powder when it was hidden, but it was not a powder flying sword.

"Who is this kid? Did you get a rare powder?" Qiao soul was shocked, he could not touch Qin Feng.

Ling Zhenfeng did not care so much, both eyes were light, staring at Feijian can not move his eyes, suddenly it was two palms.

"Who is who he is, he will die today!"


The two palms were shot, falling on two peaks, and half of the peaks collapsed.

Ling Zhenfeng did not put Qin Feng in his eyes. He saw that Qin Feng had no real gas fluctuations. Even if Ling Zhenfeng was seriously injured, he had the confidence to smash the palm ants.

Qiao Soul also quickly recovered, and when he mentioned the big knife, he chased it toward Qin Feng. Now everyone has discovered that Qin Feng has a flying sword and they want to take it for themselves.

Joe night has not yet died, and he barely sat on the ground with a sigh of relief. When he saw the pink flying sword flying in the air, the old man was full of shocking colors. The flying sword used by Qin Feng seems to be like this?


The war that had just been calmed down again, and the soul did not know when it had come to the sky, and it was hollowed out, but it blew the ground a hundred meters long.

Qin Feng can't run the infuriating, can only force the flying sword to escape, the ground behind him is constantly bursting, the violent infuriating speed is approaching, making his heart eager.

"The surname Joe, your kid dare to yin, I want you not to die!"

Qiao Soul already knows that he was deceived by Qin Feng, and the anger of the fire is a slap in the face, but he just felt that something was wrong when he just shouted, and he was surnamed Joe.


However, Qin Feng took a few shots of fireballs. The fire of destruction was inspired by the magical wolf of the flame wolf.

Joe's soul is not seen, go to the fire!

In these infuriating eyes, the flames of ice come with them, these moves are looking good, but there is no lethality.

Only when the fire of destruction fell on Joe's soul, his look suddenly changed. This flame was ten times stronger than the real fire, and it reached the level of the real fire of the beast.

The fire instantly ignited the body of Qiao's soul, and a pair of people would burn everything. The soul of the soul was thrown aside with the big knife, and it fell to the ground and painfully rolled back and forth.

The crowd glimpsed and looked at this scene incredibly!

The kid who didn’t even have the temperament actually knocked down the head of Qiao’s soul? Soon, several elders of the Jichen came back and quickly chased Qin Feng.

Joe’s face became more and more scared, and the fire of destruction was so familiar. It was not the flame used by Qin Feng in the secular world. But this person did not look like Qin Feng. It was really unclear for Joe. mind……


The loud noise in the distance is high, and a new round of war has started.

More than a dozen monarchs of ages chased Qin Feng and attacked them. The elders of the beasts of the beasts also came back to God. When they were about to shoot, they were shocked and looked at the direction of the beast.

A roar of wild beasts came out from inside. There were more than a dozen soul birds flying in the sky, and a beast that was black and pressed on the ground. The ground that was running and shaking was shaking vigorously.

"There is a wind, what is going on?"

The soul of Qiao has extinguished the fire, his eyes are red and bloody, and the spirits of the spirit and the beasts of the beasts are dumbfounded. They are also confused.

The shadow of the black flashes, the spirit of the wind has fallen in front of the crowd, and the orc who flew up and screamed: "Qiao Shi? How did you come out? You came just right, the spirit beast encountered a big enemy. First, help me to destroy the kid who stepped on the flying sword..."

When the wind is unclear, the innocent is standing on the ground and giving orders.

The Orc Legion is getting closer and closer, and Qiao Shi rides on a three-headed ice wolf and takes the lead in the front of Ling Zhenfeng.


He has no nonsense, and controls the three ice wolves to jump into the air. The ice wolf is a big mouth, and several ices are shot at the wind.

The ice is like a sharp arrow in the night, and the ice is frozen in the same place. The figure of Qiao Shi has arrived, and the long sword is taken down from the waist.


Jianguang has not yet fallen, but sees the ice on the body of Ling Zhenfeng suddenly burst, the strength of this old man is unfathomable, and both of them have broken their arms and they are so angry that they can be so violent.

The scattered ice cone became the blade of attack. Joe was caught off guard, and several blood holes were pierced on the thighs and arms. Then Joe’s family anger roared. Some people saved the teacher, and more people controlled the beast. The family launched a fierce attack.


The orcs that played this time are all Warcraft, and there are even a few beasts.

The roar of the orcs is earth-shattering, and the flames of the sky are chilling, and there are several spirit beasts that can release lightning.

Even if the wind is strong, but it is also scared off by this fierce attack, he fled all the way to the empty valley thousands of meters away, and the little elders who are stunned have not figured out the situation, have been tragic in this fierce Under the offensive.


Under the night, the shadows of the four people, but also the real strong respect, the heads of the six martial arts gathered together, surrounded by more than 20 great elders, this battle is a heavy casual, genius disciple like cannon fodder It’s too early to die, little elders can’t keep their lives...

There are only 20 people left, the lowest strength is the six layers of infuriating, and the six heads are stepping into the eight-layered atmosphere, but they are all seriously injured, and now they can play half of them. Skills are rare.

"The surname of the spirit, Laozi is really going to be killed by you!" Joe's soulful arrogance, even the white star fight and the vanity of the aunt have some complaints and blink of an eye.

In the face of everyone's reprimand, the spirit of the wind and even the rebuttal can not say, this spirit beast suddenly changed, but he really did not expect.

"Now that these are still fart, everyone is working together to destroy this group of beasts..." Ling Zhenfeng shouted.

Although this is said, everyone is full of panic, but the Orc Corps consisting of hundreds of Warcraft and Spiritual Beasts, if everyone is at the peak, there is no need to be afraid, but it is hard to say now.

"I, I think of it, then, that kid is Qin Feng, the first person in the world of martial arts, Qin Feng..."

The silent night of Joe suddenly burst into exhalation, everyone was shocked, the name of Qin Feng, they are no strangers, and now they are being chased by all the holy gates of the Eight Great City Pools of China.

"What? He is Qin Feng?"

"How did you not say before? Are you deliberate?"

"Is this kid not in the outside world? How can I enter the land of China?"

After Qin Feng’s identity was exposed, the people even forgot the surging Orc Legion, and there were countless doubts in their hearts.

Joe night looked bitter and felt the murderousness that came from all around. He said quickly: "This, this kid changed his face, I can't recognize it before. It is also the flying sword he used and the flame made me suspicious. Now that the spirit beast of the beastly sect is rebellious, I conclude that the kid is Qin Feng, who also controls a group of orcs in the secular world..."

Joe night explained the situation, everyone was shocked!

It seems that Qin Feng really came, but how did he enter the land of China? This kid is really crazy, and one person dares to run into the door to open the killing. Isn’t he a strong five-layered esteem? Why is there no real gas?

One doubt came to my mind, but they had no time to think about it. The hundreds of Orc Legions had advanced, and more than a dozen soul birds in the sky had sprayed with flames of rain.


When the wind flutters in the air, the huge palm prints are suddenly condensed, and the three-headed birds directly fly, and the half-day fire is also smashed.

"Don't think about it, kill those people first!"

Ling Zhenfeng screamed and awoke everyone, and more than 20 infuriating men and women launched a counterattack. They are now seriously injured. When they are shot, they are killing. The wave of offensive is extremely fierce, and they have suppressed the Orc Legion. It’s down.


Above the sky, Qin Feng turned into a flash of light, he already knew that his identity was exposed, his eyes were full of murderous, and these people can not keep one at the moment, Qin Feng wants to destroy them.

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