Hedonist Sovereign

Chapter 1398: Distress

The girls glimpsed, and the instinctive step back, looked at the police with vigilance. fast

Three men came, dressed in uniform white robes, and the pattern of ice flowers was engraved on the chest of the robes. The man who spoke stood at the forefront and looked the best. The other two followed him.

"Sorry, we don't have time to drink tea." Thousands of illusions are the oldest of the women, instinctively standing in front of everyone.

Xuanqian pays attention to the lines and sweeps through the girls in turn. His face looks calm, and his heart has already set off a stormy wave. This beautiful land is like a cloud, but he is still attracted by the beauty of these women. Most importantly, there are eight people gathered. fairy.

"Oh! Don't be afraid of women, I am not malicious. I have self-reported the identity of the martial art. What else do you have to worry about?"

Xuan Qianzhong, a gentleman's polite performance, let the girls relax a little.

Just as they were preparing to go to the streets to find someone to ask about the situation, then Huayan asked: "This son, don't know where this campfire city is?"

Xuan Qianzhong and the two disciples behind him slammed. On the land of China, who knows the city? This is the only public city pool that brings together the disciples and the poor of the eight major cities.

"Women, don't you know the city of bonfire?" Xuan Qiang's brow wrinkled and began to doubt the identity of these women.

The hearts of the women are nervous, and they dare not expose their identity in the absolute situation, so they will die.

The Huayan reaction was fast enough. He quickly said: "The son has misunderstood. We came from other places. Although I heard about the city of Campfire, it was the first time I came here, so I am not familiar with it."

The doubts of Xuan Qiang’s face dissipated and smiled. “It’s the same. In fact, I am also coming to the city of Fenghu for the second time. I usually practice in the martial art. It’s rare to come out once...”

"This bonfire city is the only public city in the land of China. People gathered in the eight major cities. Because of the crowds, the security of the bonfire city has always been bad. Seeing the eight female sorcerers is also a cultivator. I don't know which sacred disciple?"

Xuan Qiang said a lot of information, and heard the shock of Xu Ruorou’s heart.

They always thought that the door to the situation is the same as that of the foreign martial arts. It is a land of cultivation in the wild mountains and mountains. However, from the perspective of Xuan Qianzhong’s words, it seems to be a huge country, and there are still eight cities.

Although full of doubts, but the girls are not good to show, it is necessary to show their feet.

"Sorry for the son, we were told by the elders when we went out, it is not easy to reveal the information of the sect..." Hua Yan continued to write the scorpion.

Xuan Qiang has no suspicion, and many disciples will actually hide their identity, in order to protect the address of their martial art from being discovered, because many people will follow the disciples to find the martial art, and everyone has to be careful. .

"Oh! It is no harm, since the eight chivalrous women are really holy disciples, then we are better off together. When the technology exhibition is over three days, there will be many martial arts disciples coming, and eight beautiful women and girls are beautiful. It would be dangerous to act alone..."

Xuan Qianzhong always maintains a gentlemanly appearance, and no one will think that he is a bad person.

Although Xu Ruorou’s eight women are still somewhat prepared, they are not as vigilant as they were when they first saw him.

“Is there a technology exhibition here?” Xu Ruorou exclaimed.

Xuan Qianzhong learned that the eight women were the first to come to Fenghuocheng. It is not surprising that they did not understand the science and technology exhibition: "Yes, the science and technology exhibition after three days is very worth seeing. There are many unheard of sights in the Science and Technology Museum. Baby, I heard that those things are all brought in by the outside world. As for whether it is true or false, it is difficult to know..."

The girls looked surprised. I didn't expect this museum to have a science and technology museum. They all had a glimmer of hope in their hearts. If Qin Feng was also in the city of Fire, he would definitely participate in the Science and Technology Museum.

"The son, don't know where the science and technology museum is? When is the specific opening time?" Xu Ruorou has decided to go to the Science and Technology Museum to look at it and ask him carefully.

Xuan Qianzhong did not answer directly. He said with a smile: "You ladies, my room is in front, it is better for me to invite everyone to go to the room. This science museum is a long story, everyone is sitting down for a cup of tea. Slow chat."

The girls looked at each other and hesitated in their hearts!

They feel that Xuanqian is not malicious, but after all, in the unfamiliar situation of life, the eight women always have their own defense.

Xuan Qianzhong saw their hesitation and continued to say: "Oh! It doesn't matter, if you have something to do with women, I won't bother, let's say goodbye..."

Xuan Qiang said that he turned away and left. He was really willing to leave. He had already discovered that Xu Ruorou’s eight women were not familiar with the city of Fenghuo. There are still many questions to ask him to ask.

Sure enough, he went out a few steps and heard the shouting of Xu Ruorou behind him: "The son and so on..."

Under the leadership of Xuan Qianzhong, the eight women came to a restaurant and eventually entered a room on the corner of the third floor.

The room is still empty, at least eight women plus Xuan Qianzhong three people standing inside will not appear crowded, watching the girls were cheated to the room, Xuan Qian heavy eyes flashed a touch of smirk.

"Thousands of cups, thousands of meetings, you go to the women of all the women to pour tea..."

Xuan Qiang gave a sigh of relief and gave the two men a look when they spoke. The two teachers immediately thought about it and went to work on their side.

Xuan Qianzhong greeted the women and sat down. They were sitting on the wooden chairs. They seemed to be somewhat cautious. If they were not to find out the situation of the city, they would never follow the room.

"The son, please also tell us in detail about the science and technology exhibition ..." Xu Ruorou is not nonsense, she intends to ask important information immediately.

Xuan Qiang smiled, but did not rush to answer the question: "The woman is in a hurry, now the sky is getting late, this long night time is enough, let's talk slowly!"

Xu Ruorou's face changed, she felt that Xuan Qiang's smile changed some flavor: "The son, we have something to do at night, please hurry up and say."

Eight women were a little vigilant. At this time, Xuan Qiang and Xuan Qian would come over with tea and secretly gave the master a look.

"Haha! Well, then I don't delay the time of the women. You should drink a cup of tea first. I will tell you all about the situation."

Xuan Qiang handed the tea one by one to the women. Everyone walked on the street for a day and was really thirsty. Zhang Keke just wanted to drink tea and was taken away by thousands of children: "Coco, you Not thirsty, don't drink."

Zhang Keke still didn't understand it. He screamed at the thousands of magical nursery rhymes: "Who said that I am not thirsty, you will return the tea to me."

Thousands of illusion virgins said that the other women who were preparing to drink tea suddenly became alert. They already understood the meaning of the thousands of illustrious virgins. Who knows if there is any medicine in this tea?

Seeing Zhang Keke's temper, Qiao Shishi held her in her arms and said: "Coke can't be bothered, let the son go back and let us go."

Zhang Keke finally quieted down, but he saw that the smile on Xuan Qiang’s face suddenly disappeared, and the cold-blooded squatting of the girls seemed to have changed personally.

"Gongzi, what do you mean by this?" Xu Ruorou's brow scorned, and he had already run the breath of the body.

"Hey! What do you mean? What do you think Lao Tzu calls you back? I advise you to take off your clothes and lie on the ground. After you have finished playing, you can still leave you alive..."

The city of Campfire is in crisis, and the disciples of each martial art fight constantly. Even if Qin Feng stepped into the city, he was careful. Xu Ruorou’s eight women entered here and fell into the wolf's nest.

The Xuan Qiang heavy exposed the fox tail, and the eight females stood up at the same time, and the flowers were swaying, and the second whip did not say a whip.

"You are a beast, the old lady gives you some color!"

It’s awkward!

The blood shadow whip blasted a piece of air, and dozens of whipping shadows were scattered inside the house.

However, seeing Xuan Qiang’s face sneer, standing in the same place, he did not retreat. He saw the whip shadow to draw on his head. He shot a palm with his hand and the flower face fell directly to the ground.

"Yan Yan, are you okay?" Qiao Shishi scared to go to the corner to check the situation of Huayan, and the eyes of the demon were red, and the jade hand was raised, waving the slashing sword.

"Shame the sword!"

A seemingly simple sword, but after a small demon appeared a half-wheeled crescent moon, the air explosion in front of her, dozens of swords and turbulent impact.

Xuan Qianzhong still did not move, or it was easy to shoot, and the demon will also be injured.

In just half a minute, the beauty of the two peaks in the two layers fell to the ground, and the remaining few people were anxious and angry. The thousand magical nursery rhymes suddenly stepped forward and pushed the girls behind them and shouted: "If soft, You are going to take everyone away..."

When Xu Ruorou was a sigh, she couldn't make up her mind for a time. She didn't want to leave a thousand illusions, but she knew that everyone was not a mysterious opponent. If she didn't leave, she would all be ruined.

"Oh! I want to go? Are you going?"

Not waiting for Xu Ruorou to return to God, Xuan Qiang sneered, the two younger brothers have already ran to the door, like two mountains like a deadly block the only exit.

The girls were in a hurry, they realized that something was going to happen today, and they were very reluctant in their hearts. This was the third day of the coming...

"Sisters, if you can't really fight for a while, everyone will commit suicide with me." Xu Ruorou suddenly shouted.

The girls quickly understood what she meant. If they were beaten, they would have to be invaded by Xuan Qianzhong, but they would not be betray Qin Feng if they were dead.

"Oh! I really don't understand you, this group of women, do not let Laozi die? What is the pain?" Xuan Qian did not understand, he did not understand these women's heartfelt heartfelt Qin Feng.

Since the decision to fight for death, the women are no longer nonsense, Xu Ruorou took the lead in flying a sword, bursts of petals flying out of her cuffs, lingering in her body as if the butterfly danced, it is like a fairy-like scene.

This sword is not so beautiful, it hides the trick.

Xuan Qianzhong was not fascinated by the beauty of Xu Ruorou, and he took a shot to the void. He wanted to stun the group of women as soon as possible, and play them one by one...

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