Hedonist Sovereign

Chapter 1404: How is this used?

The time when Qin Feng came to the land of China was not long ago. Now he is buried in the name of the Holy Gate. He is considered to be struggling. He did not expect to encounter the system owner at this time.

In fact, Qin Feng would rather meet the ten-layer or even nine-layer strong esteem, and don't want to touch the system owner. He is the system owner and knows the power of the system...

"Can you find out the location of the system owner and the system you have?" Qin Feng asked quickly.

Xiao Xiang said: "The owner of the system, the system owner has the same system level and the same owner. You can only sense each other's existence, but you can't know who the other party is and how the other party has the system."

Qin Feng got the Supreme System for almost two years. During this period, he has been working hard to achieve the task, and now he has risen to the level of the mortal seven-level 纨绔. That's it, he has made the title of the first person in the world of China's secular world from the shackles of a single hand, and it is conceivable that the system owner of the other party is also very powerful today.

At the same time, Qin Feng thought of another thing. When he was in the area of ​​Neilwo, South Africa, he attacked the owner of the supreme mech system. Huo Shaoshi, Ling Jiu Tian and his way out, he could know the system of Qin Feng, but Qin Feng could not sense him. The system, it seems that Ling Jiutian's system level is afraid to be higher than Qin Feng...

In this way, Qin Feng thought of the battle between World of Warcraft and the beast of the beast, Qin Feng will defeat Ling nine days, but the system level of Ling Jiutian is higher than him, how can it be defeated? Could he not make a card? Or is he deliberately losing to himself?

One question after another came to mind. Qin Feng would not understand at all for a while, but he realized that he seemed to fall into a big picture. It seems that this time he entered the land of China, someone was in the layout...

"Master, according to the system positioning, can only determine that the system owner is within a kilometer range..." Xiaoxiang pig sounds again.

Qin Feng shook his head in secret. The range of one kilometer is too big. It is just that there are thousands of people gathered in this science and technology museum. It is easy to find out which talent is the system owner.

"No, the suspicion of the mine owner is very big." Qin Feng suddenly stunned.

Xiao Xiang said: "I also suspect that the Leiguan owner, the energy supply of this science and technology museum is very weird, can transform the technological products of the Chinese secular world into the use of aura to provide energy, which is not something ordinary people can do."

Qin Feng finally touched some directions and has already looked for Lei Wanzhong in the crowd. The guy is walking around the hall, from time to time to introduce the effects of different technology products.

After some observation, Qin Feng discovered that Lei Wanzhong had not cultivated at all. Is this guy really the system owner?

In the past ten minutes and a second, Qin Feng’s brows wrinkled more and more tightly. He suddenly heard the small sound of Hua Xiaozhen’s mosquitoes in his ear: “Joe, Joe, can you accompany me to go to the huts?”

The land of Shenzhou also shouted the bathroom into a thatched room. Qin Feng took a moment to return to God: "Are you in a hurry?"

Hua Xiaozhen’s little face is red, and I don’t know what it is: “No, no, me, I...”

Seeing her twisting and pinching, she couldn’t tell why, Qin Feng simply took her to the bathroom. When I arrived here, Qin Feng discovered that the restrooms of this science and technology museum were built according to the external style. Suddenly stupid.

"Joe son, this, what is this? How to use it here?"

Qin Feng was a little dumbfounded. He confirmed that there was no one in the ladies' toilet. He took Hua Xiaozhen into a pit: "You go to the toilet. I am at the door and I will not peek."

The pit in this bathroom was still empty. Qin Feng stood at the door and turned to Hua Xiaozhen. Hua Xiaozhen did not come to the toilet, but she looked at the toilet in a stupid feeling.

"Joe son, hey, don't go to the toilet, you, you sit down in the chair..."

Qin Feng saw Hua Xiaozhen as a chair and almost laughed out: "Xiao Zhen, why don't you go to the toilet to come here?"

Hua Xiaozhen grabbed the breast implant in his hand and tweaked it for a while. He finally said with courage: "I, I will not use it, Joe Gongzi...you teach me."

When Hua Xiaozhen was in a daze, she was always thinking about the size of the problem. She finally decided to breast enlargement. Since Joe likes to be big, she has to satisfy Joe’s preference.

Just finished, I saw that Hua Xiaozhen had begun to undress, and when Qin Feng returned to God, the jacket of this Nizi was taken off.

Qin Feng’s eyes were round and round, and Hua Xiaozhen’s figure was good.

Hua Xiaozhen shyly bowed his head and grabbed the hand of the machine and trembled: "Joe, how can I use it?"

Qin Feng really wants to laugh and cry. He bought a breast enhancement device to study energy problems. He did not expect Hua Xiaozhen to take it seriously. Just looking at her perfect body, Qin Feng couldn't control it. He walked over and turned on the power button.

The sound of the machine came, Qin Feng had not heard this kind of voice in the land of China for a long time. He was a little embarrassed in his heart, but pretended to be the same as someone else.

"Ah... Joe, Joe, son, this thing is so strange?" Hua Xiaozhen suddenly yelled, scared and sat down on the toilet.

Qin Feng said to the machine: "Like the method I just massaged."

Hua Xiaozhen took the machine silly, according to Qin Feng’s words. Qin Feng stood on the side and was going crazy, but he still endured it. He really didn’t want to bully Hua Xiaozhen’s stupid girl.

After ten minutes, Hua Xiaozhen has already played the massager, and she is proud of Qin Feng’s smile: “Joe, is this correct?”

Qin Feng couldn't help but glance at her: "Yes! You should put on your clothes first, and wait for you to massage before going to bed."

Hua Xiaozhen obeyed the massager and dressed her clothes in front of Qin Feng. She didn’t care about being seen. She had already identified herself as Qin Feng’s person in her heart, and she only worked as a Qin Feng in this life. People are close to each other.

When the two walked out of the bathroom, the hall of the Science and Technology Museum was more lively than before. Everyone is surrounded by the round table, as if it is to start bidding for the finale of this year's science and technology exhibition.

Lei Wanzhong is standing on the stage and said to the microphone: "You friends, the products of this year's science and technology exhibition are almost auctioned. Below the auction of the baby in the bottom of the science and technology museum, I can guarantee that this baby does not have to last year. The plane that the poisonous elders took was even worse."

When the words came out, the audience cheered!

Qin Feng has already taken Hua Xiaozhen to the crowd. He is also looking forward to what the Thunder's so-called pressure box bottom technology products are.

Lei Wanzhong patted his hands, and the few men had already pushed a small display car out. The display frame was covered with black cloth and there was no object in it.

"Raylord, what is this?"

"How did you push a display car out? Is it not a baby?"

"I have already felt that the items under the black cloth are very amazing. I am so excited at the moment..."

The crowd was arguing and seeing the hot atmosphere, Lei Wanzhong was full of smiles.

He walked to the display rack and suddenly opened the black blaze. The crowd suddenly screamed. In fact, they didn't understand what was placed on the display rack. It was that they should scream out loud at this time.

"Wow! Joe, what is Dongdong on the display rack?" Hua Xiaozhen was also screaming.

Qin Feng's look is slightly dignified: "It is a hot weapon outside..."

"Ah? Hot weapon? What is that thing?" Hua Xiaozhen obviously could not understand.

Qin Feng did not say much more. He looked at the guns and ammunition on the display rack, even the bombs and small barrels.

"Thunder the owner, what are these things? What is the role?" The crowd could not hold back.

Lei Wanzhong did not explain, laughing and picking up a submachine gun, and then slammed into the roof.

Step on!

Dozens of bullets were lighted in a few seconds, and several chandeliers in the ceiling were broken down, leaving many traces of bullet holes.

In the original hall, suddenly it was quiet, and the disciples of the sacred disciples were stunned. What kind of weapon is this? Is it too fierce?

"Fellow friends, these are all hot weapons of the outside world. They are very powerful. The military who is below the fourth floor can resist the attack of such weapons."

The words of Lei Wanzhong shocked everyone!

Although in the land of China, the four-layered warrior is like a dog, but it also needs some hard work to step into the four-tiered environment. Now, just use the hot weapon to kill the four-layered strong esteem? This is too much nonsense.

"Thunder Hall owner, the weapon you just used is indeed fierce, but you are too small to look at the four-layered warrior. I am a normal disciple of the North Gang. It is the real four-layered environment. I have the confidence to block you. Weapon attack in hand..."

A young and frivolous disciple jumped out, but Lei Wanzhong was not angry. He said with a smile: "This little brother said yes, this is a submachine gun in my hand. I want to hit this weapon alone. It’s really difficult to kill the real people, but these guns can’t be used anymore. This is a new type of laser gun. The launch speed is very fast and the power is huge. Let’s first give you insights...”

Lei Wanzhong grabbed the big hand and picked up the laser gun with a cool shape. He just fired a shot at the roof, and a red light shot, and suddenly the ceiling penetrated a crack.


A lot of gravel tiles fell, and the movement brought by that shot was huge, scaring many holy disciples to scream.

"This, this attack is comparable to the infuriating five-layer strong attack?"

"The light is so fast that you can't hide it without paying attention."

"This weapon is amazing, how many stones are sold?"

Bullet-type firearms can't attract these holy disciples, but the laser gun is still very strong!

Not long ago, those disciples who went out to fight in the hero city and the Chinese team confronted each other. Many people were injured by high-tech hot weapons. Now these weapons have been brought into the land of China by Lei Wanzhong, which is really eye-opening...

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