Hedonist Sovereign

Chapter 1463: Snow beast

Qin Feng did not want to come to the ice city, he was inexplicably dropped from the poisonous day city to this side. Please search (Book Fan Building) to see the most complete! Novel

However, since they are all here, Qin Feng intends to make a turn in the ice city. The harvest of the poisonous day city is not small, he is thinking that there will be some gains in the ice city.

Two waves of people will march forward. Qin Feng rode a fire dragon horse with Xu Ruorou, and the other disciple gave up a martial horse to ride on thousands of magic and Qiuya.

All the way down, Qin Feng learned that the eight old people are the disciples of Baicaotang. The Baicaotang is similar to the medicine. It is a martial art based on refining medicinal herbs and collecting Lingcao Lingzhu.

The name of the old man is Baiweizhen. The one who came to the ice city is to hunt snow beasts and collect cryolite. The second is to find some rare and rare herbs in the millennium iceberg.

"Qiao Shaoxia, you are really not afraid of cold, after a long time, I have not seen you squatting." Bai Wei really looked at Qin Feng incredibly.

This way down, Bai Weizhen eight people wearing cotton trousers are frozen and shivering, but see Qin Feng four short-sleeved shorts with nothing.

Qin Feng has a good impression on Baiwei. These people are not bullying them, and the reason why Baiwei really proposes to team up, is actually to take care of the next Qin Feng.

"Oh! We are used to the habit of freezing, this cold is nothing." Qin Feng casually said.

Xu Ruorou and the three women did not believe in his words, but the three women all walked along and felt warm, and they still have some problems they don’t understand.

All the way, Qin Feng and Bai Wei really talked quite happily. According to Bai Weizhen, they are going to learn the Snow Beast Canyon, where the snow beast camp is. However, Bai Wei really warned Qin Feng not to enter the depths of the Snow Beast Canyon, as long as the snow beast can be killed in the periphery. In the view of Baiweizhen, Qin Feng’s four people are not inferior, but Qin Feng has not explained much...

This extremely icy snow in the ice city, I can't see the day. Surrounded by snow and snow, the visibility is less than five meters.

Just as everyone was moving forward, Bai Wei really suddenly changed his face, and the flying body jumped from the horse back to the air: "Everyone is careful, there are snow beasts!"


His voice just fell, and he has already fallen.

The time was loud and the wind and snow were all in the direction of his shooting. Qin Feng has already seen the realm of this person, and is in the realm of eight layers of infuriating. This kind of strength is still a very strong opponent for Qin Feng, but now he can't beat his hand.

Xu Ruorou three women have been panicked, they can not see the situation of the snow, only heard the loud noise constantly, but also came a wild beast like roar.

The seven disciples of the Baicaotang have quickly rushed to support the Baiweizhen elders, and there are disciples who confessed that Qin Feng and the four people stayed where they were, which is to protect them.

Seeing that the crowd rushed into the blizzard and disappeared, Xu Ruorou was somewhat worried: "Qin Feng, they are all good, will not have an accident?"

The three women are all kind-hearted women, and a frowning look looks at the depths of the storm. After Qin Feng discovered that he had conquered the purple scent, his vision became infinitely strong. At first glance, the scene hidden by the snow was clearly visible.

"If you are soft, stay here and don't run around. If you are in danger, call me. I have a look."

Qin Feng has already flew away. He has seen more than 30 snow beasts from the opposite snow. These snow beasts are a bit strange, like the head of a lion, the body of a leopard, but they are all white. The coat color, each snow monster has a body nearly two meters long, the limbs are strong and powerful, and the jump can span a distance of more than ten meters.

The seven disciples of the Baicaotang are of average strength. Only two of them are seven layers of infuriating, and the other five are six layers of infuriating. Under the leadership of Baiwei, the seven people are killing with the snow beasts. The group of snow beasts are not fierce, and the consciousness of the group battle is in place. Almost all of the three snow beasts have attacked one person, and the disciples of the Baicaotang have repeatedly exploded.


Under a burst of roar, three disciples have been thrown down by the snow beasts, and the snow beast opened his mouth wide, revealing the white teeth inside, a pair of stances to bite the disciples of the disciples.

Baiwei really looked anxious, and wanted to go to help but could not get away from it, but in the midst of this millennium, the snow suddenly appeared a few purple flashes, and the flame seemed to grow in the eyes, just like a few snow beasts. go with.

When the snow beast touched the purple fire, it was burnt out.


The group of snow beasts that were storming and chasing were stunned by this scene, and they stopped to scream.

They seem to be afraid of the inexplicable purple flare, but they can't find the reason for the fire. After a while, these snow beasts are not willing to leave, but they dare not go to attack the disciples of Baicaotang.


At this time, a few purple lights flew through the snowstorm. The three-headed snow beast was too late to dodge and was suddenly burned to ashes.

The remaining snow beasts could no longer be calm, and suddenly roared and fled to the depths of the blizzard. The people in the Baicaotang had a long breath and they did not dare to chase them.

"Elders, what happened to the purple fire just now?" Qin Feng did not show up from beginning to end, and those disciples were confused.

Baiwei really can't figure it out, but here is the ice city, the land of snow and ice. The most unlikely thing to see here is the fire, but there have been several groups of purple fires flying over, and the six snow beasts have been burned alive.

"Don't think about it first. Go to a few people and collect the cryolite from the snow beast that just disappeared. The rest will go back with me. You can't have trouble with Qiao Feng."

Baiwei is really authentic, and I still think about the safety of Qin Feng. Qin Feng’s heart rose a little warmly, and he had already flew back to Xu Ruorou’s three women.

"Qin Feng, how is it? Those people in Baicaotang?" The three women looked at him with concern.

Not waiting for Qin Feng to open, the blizzard in the distance ran a group of people, it is true that they are true.

"Qiao Shaoxia, are you all right?" The real taste of Baiwei has not arrived yet, and the voice first came from the snow.

When I heard the sound, Xu Ruorou and the three women settled down. Qin Feng smiled and said: "Baiweizhen is a senior, we are fine... Why are you going? Is there anything in front of you?"

Qin Feng pretends to be unaware of the situation. He does not intend to take advantage of his own strength. Instead, Bai Weizhen first thought that all four of them were rookies. Qin Feng was afraid to suddenly show strong strength and accidentally hit Bai Weizhen. The face is so embarrassing.

After hearing the voice of Qin Feng, the heart of Baiwei really hung down. He has already come to Qin Feng at this time, panting and saying: "There are dozens of snow beasts in front, but we have to run away. We better not to go deeper, or we will encounter more. Snow beast."

Baiwei really suggested that Qin Feng did not care about the snow beasts. At this time, there was a rush of horseshoes in the snow. After a while, everyone saw a group of people appearing in the snow behind them.

"Who is in front?" The group of people shouted.

Some of the true tastes of Baiwei are dignified and shouted: "I am a hundred-grass elders, and I don’t know which Taoist priests are the martial artists?"

There are many people coming in. From the perspective of their costumes, it seems to be an alliance team composed of four holy disciples.

A white-haired old man with a lightning pattern on his chest in black robe said: "The old man is the thunder of the thunderous mountain. I heard that Baicaotang is mainly based on the collection of Tiandi Lingcao Lingzhu, and will also refine various grades of medicinal herbs. I wonder if it is true or not?"

The white-haired old man has already rode to Baiweizhen, and Baiwei really feels a strong pressure: "It turned out to be the shining head... The Baicaotang is only a small pie, not as rumored as it is outside."

The rest of the people have also arrived, directly surrounded by Qin Feng several people, and three old men riding to the side of the shining, watching this posture, the three old people are also very powerful people, at least the status and shine.

"To introduce you, this is the road king of the Sansheng Road, Lu Xiao. This is the patriarch of Yun Aizong; and the ancient sword of the ancient swordsman..."

Leishan’s head shined and introduced, and the disciples of the Baicaotang did not look dignified. These four sects have heard of them, and the forces are not in the same breath as the Herbs. But now the four sects are coming from the head of the team, so what is the beauty of the people?

"It turned out that four seniors came here, and Baiwei really saw four seniors." Baiwei really said good things, he was afraid that these people are not good.

The disciples of the Baicaotang were also very eye-catching. They immediately learned the appearance of the Baiweizhen elders and said hello to the four people, but they saw that Qin Feng and Xu Ruorou were riding on horseback like nothing, and did not care about the arrival of these people.

The smile of the shining face suddenly solidified. Originally, he was more satisfied with the performance of the people in the Baicaotang, but did not expect that a man and a woman next to him did not understand the rules. He looked coldly at the other side and shouted: "Hey! Which of these four people came out? Wearing short-sleeved shorts in the Ice City, is this mentally retarded or too bloody?"

Bai Weizhen thinks that Qin Feng is coming, and he quickly gives Qin Feng a look. Qin Feng naturally saw it, but it did not seem to see it.

Bai Wei is really anxious, seeing the face of the thundering hills shining more and more cold, he quickly came out to round the field: "Sparkling predecessors, they are not holy disciples, but also the first time to enter the ice city, in your identity, why do you have a general knowledge of them? ......"

Shining but not giving the face a true face, has been riding in front of Qin Feng: "Boy, you are very embarrassed? Even the Holy Gate did not join and dare to disrespect the old husband? Do you want to stay here forever?"

Seeing the shining posture of a pair of hands-on, Bai Wei really rushed out of a sweat, he quickly rushed over: "Sparkling seniors, they are not holy disciples, so do not understand the etiquette of our martial arts, but also hope that the older generation should not have seen."

Said, Baiwei really gave Qin Feng a dark look, Qin Feng is still indifferent. However, Xu Ruorou and the three women are somewhat worried. After all, there are so many other people, and there are four heads sitting in the town, looking very powerful...

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