Hedonist Sovereign

Chapter 1467: Millennium ice crystal


The purple scent fire collided with the extreme ice and there was a loud sound. Book fan

That extremely ice is a low-level attribute of the world, but in this extremely ice city environment can be comparable to the level of the world.

Seeing that the ice thorn disappeared in the air, the look of the two-headed werewolf king changed, and the blue eyes with wisdom flashed a different color. Obviously, I did not expect that there would be a flame in this ice city?

The appearance of the purple fire seemed to irritate the two-headed werewolf king. It had a big mouth and sprayed the ice thorn again. There were hundreds of ice thorns rising from the sky, as if the ice rain appeared.

Qin Feng's heart was tight, and it was too late to release the purple scent fire. He thought between the micro-motions, a loud noise came out in the air, and the three black shadows landed instantly, all of which were giants.


The three fierce beasts such as the Giant Wings and the Devils looked at the snow and ice scenes around them. They were still playing in the fairy islands one second before. How come suddenly?

However, the three-headed Warcraft quickly woke up, and when the snow-covered beasts were attacking Qin Feng, the three Warcrafts suddenly went mad and ran across the perimeter.

There was no chaos in the scene, and the group of small snow beasts were still amazed at how many of the three big monsters that popped out, and dozens of snow beasts had been shot.

There is a sea of ​​fire between the giant wings and the mouth of the fire, but its heart is shocking. In this ice city, the flame power of its jet is twice as weak. The attack of the poisonous king is unaffected. The tail is like a long dragon sweeping around the sea. The tip of the stinger spurs out from time to time, and runs the circle of snow beasts around him.

The most fierce is the **** brown bear. He stood in the snow beast as if he had entered the uninhabited territory. Those snow beasts attacked it like a tickling, and when it waved its arms at random, more than a dozen snow beasts were shot at the same time...

With the addition of these three World of Warcraft, Qin Feng finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The two-headed Werewolf King, who had been chasing him for a sudden, suddenly stopped and rushed toward the giant wing fire magic.

The fire devil is not afraid of the Snow King, standing in the same place to spurt it, the Snow King is fierce, and a piece of ice is shot between the mouths. When the ice and fire collide, the fire suddenly dissipates, and the Snow King sprays the ice. Still flying, when it fell on the body of the fire, it made a fierce muffled sound of the hammer hitting the wall.


At the same time, it was hit by hundreds of ice, and the fire and the pain of the sky were arrogant.

It realized that its flame had lost its power in this icy city, and no longer touched the snow king, and fluttered the flesh to the sky.

The blizzard king chased the fire and failed, and screamed toward the poisonous king. The poisonous king quickly twirled his tail, and the sharp poisonous hook hit the top of the snow king. The snow king roared, and the huge body suddenly condensed a layer. The ice, the poisonous hook of the poisonous king Wang Lili did not even enter.


Snow King waved his arm and hit the poisonous king. That poisonous king is huge, and the weight has reached four or five tons, but it is such a huge thing, and it was also rolled by the snow king.

The fire demon and the poisonous king are really not the opponent of the Snow King, and the **** brown bear rushes to help the two beasts. The two World of Warcraft did not retreat, sprinting along the distance of tens of meters away, when they collided instantly, the snow earthquake opened several cracks, the loud noise shocked, causing a big avalanche on the top of the mountain.

The violent storm became more and more fierce, and the environment in this area was already very bad. When the poisonous king and the giant wing fire were restored, they could not see the sight.

The **** brown bear is also fascinated by the wind and snow. It will not be able to find the position of the Snow King for a while, but the two-headed Werewolf King lived in this snow all year round, and turned into a white shadow flying around.


The loud noise continued to blow up in the snow, as if to sing along with the whistling wind. The **** brown bear body is constantly being attacked, and it is only beaten in this snowstorm.

Qin Feng stepped on the gold wheel and flew in the air. The line of sight has been observing the whole situation. No matter how big the snow is, the effect of his perspective is as simple as it is.

Qin Feng's big hand waved, his hand had a purple long bow, and the bow of the war had no strings, but he saw him pulling the longbow.

"Arrows come!"

Qin Feng hangs in the sky and sings in the sky, bursting into the wind, and a sharp long arrow in the snow, the white light of the arrow, the arrow flashing faint purple fire, the tail has a pair of wings, it is A cloud of arrows.


Qin Feng loosened his hand and wore a cloud arrow.

That speed is as fast as a meteor, and even Qin Feng has not captured its trajectory.

However, there was a loud noise on the ground, piercing the back of the snow king with a cloud arrow, and piercing the layer of ice from the body.

"Arrows come!"

Qin Feng was once a sorghum, and he quickly flew back to his hand with a cloud arrow.

Re-targeting the shot, a purple smooth drop in the air, once again hit the same part behind the snow king.


The loud noise shook the earth, and the ice armor of Xue Wang was completely broken, but it did not seem to be seriously injured. Qin Feng is very clear about the power of wearing a cloud arrow, and it is unstoppable to wear a cloud. It can be seen that the ice that the Snow King has condensed is so strong.

"Master, it is not the power of extreme ice, and the strong ice properties can not stop the hit of the cloud arrow, it should be related to the environment of the polar ice city, here seems to hide the heaven and earth mysterious ice..." Xiao Xiang pig condensation Said the eyebrows.

Qin Feng had realized that the location was unusual and the flame was weakened. The ice properties are enhanced in this power.

Under the two arrows, he could not hurt the Snowstorm King. Qin Feng did not give up. He pulled the bow again and the archery. The speed of the flying cloud arrow was too fast. The Snow King realized that Qin Feng was attacking in the dark, but it could not hide. open……


Wearing the cloud arrow fell again and again, the loud noise continued, the snow king constantly condensed the ice armor, but the color of the ice armor weakened again and again, from the beginning of the blue to the current clarity.

I don't know how many arrows, the blizzard king finally couldn't help it. He wore a cloud arrow to pierce the hard fur of his back, and with his huge body flew over the ground for more than ten meters.


When the Snow King landed, the hundreds of snow beasts suddenly became mad, and they didn’t want to go to the Giant Wings.

Qin Feng quickly made an arrow again, wearing a cloud arrow whistling away, with a purple light flashing, those snow beasts could not stop the attack of wearing a cloud arrow, an arrow running through the body of dozens of snow beasts.

The blizzard was filled with a strong **** smell. Under the fierceness of the three-headed Warcraft wearing the Cloud Arrow and the Giant Wings, the group of snow beasts had some fears, but they always refused to leave, surrounded by the two-headed werewolf Wang Yang.

Qin Feng intended to conquer the blizzard king, and did not want to kill this group of snow beasts. He saw that Xue Wang had been seriously injured. At this time, his mind was very weak, and he quickly tried to conquer it.

A burst of different energy fluctuations lingered in Qin Feng's body. After he accepted the purple scent fire, he found that his mental strength was several times stronger. The process of conquering the Snow King was very smooth. After a while, the look of Snow King’s eyes changed. It suddenly looked at Qin Feng in the air, like seeing Dad’s ecstatic jump...

The group of little snow beasts were depressed, and the king was beaten by the enemy, but the king is now kind to the enemy, and there is a hint of surrender to the enemy.

Qin Feng has landed, the group of small snow beasts suddenly surrounded him, but after the snow king's roar, the small snow beasts retreat from the Qin Feng several meters.

"Hey... Congratulations to the host Qin Feng, successfully conquered the two-headed Werewolf King, the system rewards 100,000 points, a pair of ice wings!"

"The total balance of the host points: 149,000 points!"


The system prompts to sound, Qin Feng's idea is fretting, and a pair of blue ice wings suddenly condense behind.

According to the introduction of the system, the ice wing is formed by the condensation of ice. It is hard and can fly, and it can release ice spurs. Qin Feng jumped into the sky, and the ice wing flew between the waves for a hundred meters. When the idea was pushed, an ice thorn fell like a rain, and suddenly the snow exploded a crack.


"Master, Xue Wang said that there is a secret to tell you!" Qin Feng just landed, the voice of Xiaoxiang pig came.

"What secret?"

"It said that the Snow Beast Canyon has a double-peak snow-capped mountain. There is a thousand-year-old hail in the valley of the mountain peak. The reason why this ice city is cold all year round is the role of the millennium hail..." Xiao Xiang pig road.

Qin Feng was overjoyed. He was inexplicably dropped into the Ice City from Poison Day City, but he did not expect to be able to harvest so many treasures. Qin Feng realized that the millennium hail was a powerful presence with the fire of the heavens and the earth. This poisonous day city and the ice city were full of fire and ice. It turned out that there were heaven and earth sacred objects hidden in it.

Under the leadership of Snow King, Qin Feng came to the innermost part of the Snow Beast Canyon. There were two towering icebergs in front of him. The mountains were covered with snow and ice, and it was just chilling.

"Master, Snow King said that it is the valley of the double peaks, which contains thousands of hailstones." Xiaoxiang pig said.

Qin Feng immediately launched the ice wing on the back, and soon it fell to the canyon of the iceberg.

He now conquered the purple scent fire, did not feel the cold after stepping into the ice city, but now standing in the iceberg gorge, Qin Feng could not help but hit several sneezes.

"There are no entrances here, how can I get in?" Qin Feng turned around in the canyon.

The two-headed Werewolf King ran to an open space and suddenly began to dig in the ground like a dog. Qin Feng saw a glimpse of it, thinking that this Werewolf King was originally in two postures. It can walk as an erect like a human being, and can run like a wolf.

Qin Feng is somewhat depressed. This is a hard iceberg. The ice and snow on the surface are condensed into ice. According to the speed of the snow king, I am afraid that I will not be able to dig into the millennium ice crystal next year.


At this time, a loud noise blew at the foot of Snow King, and its big behemoth actually fell into the ground, and could not see the figure for a time.

"Master, Snow King has found a thousand years of ice crystals, you are going to follow." The voice of Xiaoxiang pig came.

Qin Feng ran down to the snow and looked down. He found that the area was empty underneath, and there was a huge underground ice palace.

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