Hedonist Sovereign

Chapter 1475: Lingxianmen Science and Technology Exhibition

Qin Feng said that he would do it. These days he shut himself in the house to build a science and technology museum.

This time he came to the land of China from the outside world. He didn’t bring any outside products at all. If he knew that the land of China was like the ancients, he had to pull a train of science and technology.

"Small pig, how is the system's technology products so expensive?" Now Qin Feng can only buy high-tech in the system, but he has 149,000 points left, and every time he spends a little, he feels distressed.

Xiao Xiang pigs squatted on the system's lottery machine, and his face looked sullen: "The master is stupid, why not buy the products of the star technology interface? The people in the land of China are idiots, and the owner can buy some Chinese technology products." Okay..."

Qin Feng wanted to refute a few words, but found nothing to say, but also secretly opened the inventory interface.

There are all the things in the inventory of the Supreme System. The technology products are all separate categories of large items. Qin Feng quickly sweeps into those technology products, and his eyes are all laughed into crescents. It is really cheaper.

"A light bulb is only a little bit? Give a grandfather a hundred light bulbs!"

“The refrigerator is 100 points? It’s still a Siemens double-door cell respiratory-grade refrigerator. The price is tens of thousands outside, come to five.”

"The TV is also cheap, so come ten."

"I rely on, a box of 12 condoms is only 1 point? Come to a hundred boxes... Wait, what do I buy this stuff? How does this stuff mix into the technology product interface?"


Qin Feng suddenly entered the interface of ordinary technology products from the star technology interface, and the feeling just followed the luxury goods store into the high imitation storefront, the price almost fell several times.

He is like a Chinese aunt visiting the gold shop, buying a lot of technology products in a hurry, from a light bulb to a car, plane or even a ship.

At this time, the door was pushed open, and Xu Ruorou’s nine women walked in hand in hand.

As soon as I entered the house, the girls stayed on the spot!

"Wow! I am not blind? I am back to the Chinese secular world?"

"Qin Feng, you, where did you get so many outside technology products? Giggle! Even electric baths, I can take a bath tonight."

"Qin Feng, what are you doing?"

The girls completely can't understand Qin Feng's thoughts, and they don't understand where he got so many external products.

Qin Feng just bought the hand, now it is necessary to start to regulate these technology products and improve the construction of the technology city. He looked back at the remaining defects, and suddenly he was shocked. The technology product in the house cost him 49,000 points, and now there are 100,000 left.

"Ah... Qin Feng, you, where did you get so many sets? You, are you not wearing a set?" Xu Ruorou turned out a bunch of condom boxes, shy red face.

Qin Feng burst into a sigh, pretending not to hear Xu Ruorou, and quickly organized the women: "Beauty, help me to put these products together, and put each category together, I want to hold a large-scale science and technology exhibition in Lingxian City. Let our Lingxian City and Lingxian Gate become famous."

The ladies suddenly came to the spirit, they have been unable to find fun in the land of China, and now there is something to be busy.

Qin Feng also shouted all the disciples of Lingxianmen. The next hundred people were busy working to build the Science and Technology Museum. In just two days, a huge science and technology museum has been built.


On the third day, the Science and Technology Museum officially opened!

In fact, when Qin Feng was in the bonfire city science and technology museum, it would make a name for the Science and Technology Museum of Lingxian City. He said that Lingxian City would hold a bigger science and technology exhibition after that. Now the news came out, and it immediately attracted A large number of holy disciples came.

"I am going, this is the legendary Lingxian City, and it feels very different from the construction of other cities."

"Lingxianmen was recently famous in Shenzhou and was passed down as the most mysterious martial art."

"I have seen Qiao Feng, an ordinary disciple of Lingxianmen. The man is very young. This Lingxian Gate is definitely not simple. Let's not make trouble easily."

“This is the Science and Technology Museum? This pavilion is too big, it’s five times bigger than the Fireworks Science and Technology Museum...”

In the early morning, there are many holy disciples gathered in the Science and Technology Museum.

Qin Feng has already arranged for the disciples of Lingxianmen to do reception and security work. As for Xu Ruorou's nine women wearing **** cheongsam, specializing in selling technology products.

As soon as the disciples of the sacred disciples entered the Science and Technology Museum, they were dazzled. Not only was the dazzling array of technology products fascinating, but the beauty and sensuality of Xu Ruorou’s nine women also made everyone want to move. Just thinking of this is the site of Lingxianmen, everyone immediately put away the spy on the nine beautiful women.

Seeing that the museum was full of people, Qin Feng did not rush to the round table.

He had a microphone on his collar. When he spoke, his voice spread loudly in the hall: "You are friends of the Holy Gate. Today is the first science and technology exhibition held by my Lingxian Gate. All the items in this exhibition are clearly coded. The price tag, the virginity is not deceived...Because it is the first time to hold a science and technology exhibition, the party has launched a number of special promotions in order to make profits for the majority of users, such as the purchase of ten pieces, a gift of technology products, and twenty gifts. Two pieces, not capped..."

"I represent the disciple of Lingxianmen. I can assure you that the technology products produced by our Lingxianmen are absolutely the lowest in the whole network. No, the price of the whole Shenzhou is the lowest... The exhibition will be held for three days. Everyone will take the time to buy and miss this. Time, wait another year."

Qin Feng took the outside promotion means and some sets of words to the land of China, and made Xu Ruorou nine female flowers tremble. However, this method is still very useful. The purchase of the exhibition has not yet begun. The disciples of the audience can't wait.

"There is no more nonsense. Today's exhibition officially begins. If you look at any technology products, look for our beauty shopping guide to buy. In advance, remind everyone that nine beauty shopping guides are my people, who should dare to chase Come, I am welcome..."

Qin Feng dismissed everyone's mourning in one sentence, and the group of male disciples envied him and gave him a look.

The crowd suddenly became crazy, like rushing for overseas duty-free products.

"This woman, what is that?"

"You don't know this? This is a TV set." A male disciple ran to Zhang Keke and was stunned by Zhang Keke.

The man felt a little pressure, but continued to ask his head: "TV? Why use it?"

Zhang Keke was impatient, and screamed and shouted: "Are you an idiot? The TV is of course watching TV."

The man was a little angry, but he didn't dare to vent it. He stared at the 58-inch LCD TV and watched it for a while. He didn't understand that it was a trick.

Qin Feng smiled and walked over, and Zhang Keke broke into his arms and knocked on her head: "How do you introduce the product? You learn something..."

Qin Feng looked at the disciple of the holy door and said: "Heroes, this is a 58-inch invincible LCD super burdock big TV..."

As soon as he spoke, Zhang Keke smirked directly. The disciple's eyes brightened and he hurriedly said: "So powerful? What effect does it have?"

Qin Feng did not rush to turn on the TV set and played a martial arts film: "See you, those martial arts cheats that have been lost for a long time are recorded in this TV set. You have to buy it quickly and the TV set will be ten. The cheats were taken away by others."

The disciple suddenly became crazy, took out all the cultivation resources of his body, bought this 58-inch invincible LCD super burdock big TV, and happily left in his arms.

Zhang Keke looked stunned, Qin Feng took a picture on her head: "Stupid girl, now know how to promote it?"

Zhang Keke suddenly came to the spirit and shouted: "I know Qin Feng's brother, cocoa will be the most crowded..."

"Cough cough... how to say it, we are helping people." Qin Feng gave her a look.

Zhang Keke no longer cares about Qin Feng, and eagerly ran to the Siemens double-door refrigerator, a disciple was looking at the refrigerator with curiosity.

"Hey! Don't look at it, this universe is invincible. There are only five refrigerators in the door. You have to buy it and you will start..." Zhang Keke stunned the disciple as soon as he left.

"What universe is invincible? What is this thing?"

Zhang Keke’s eyes became a crescent: “I told you not to tell others that there is a hundred years of ice crystals in it, which can release the ice aura infinitely... Are you a practitioner of ice properties?”

The disciple had already heard the gods, and nodded subconsciously: "Yes, I am a left-handed disciple, and the cultivation is the cold ice practice..."

Zhang Keke is more proud, and smiled: "That's right, you have to buy this thing back quickly, and then sit inside and practice it every day, and keep you ready to climb all the way."

The disciple had some doubts: "Can I try it on the spot?"

Zhang can see that this person is really troublesome, and is patient with the temper: "Well, you are now drilling in, I will energize you."

Zhang Keke plugged in the power of the refrigerator. Qin Feng bought 20 generators and can now maintain the power operation of the entire science and technology museum. After the refrigerator was plugged in, the disciple soon felt the cold air coming. He was very bright in front of his eyes. He thought that this was really a baby. With this guy, there is no need to go to the Ice City to practice breakthroughs...

"Women, this thing I want." The disciple climbed out of the refrigerator, and he was afraid of the eagerness of others to grab him.

Zhang Keke's excited straight clap, this is her first order: "Well, then I will barely sell it to you, you give me 10,000 pieces of Shangpin Lingshi."

The disciple’s mouth slammed and pointed to the price tag on the refrigerator: “The woman, the price of 1000 pieces of top grade stone is marked on it...”

Zhang Keke was not happy at the moment: "That is the starting price. Do you know how many Lingshi can the refrigerator be auctioned? You don't even have to."

The disciple was in a hurry, squatting from the storage bag for a long time, and finally pulled out more than 3,000 pieces of different quality stones: "Women, you see... I am so much."

Zhang Keke quickly pushed Lingshi to her side, and smiled and said: "Let's do it, barely sell it to you."

The left-handed disciple was overjoyed and ran with the refrigerator. He was deeply afraid of Zhang Keke’s regret.

When I ran halfway, I suddenly turned back and asked, "Yes, what is this thing?"

Zhang Keke stunned, and the big-eyed beads couldn’t remember for a long time: "Take him, you love to scream..."

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