Hedonist Sovereign

Chapter 1924: Huo Lingjing

"What is that blue smoldering fire?" The stonefish was horrified.

“The temperature has risen again, and even the rock walls of the cave have melted.”

"Tianhuo? Is this the 20th Tianhuo Lingkui in the Shenzun mainland?" Zhao Ziyu shouted.

Tianhuo Lingkui?

When Zhao Ziyu shouted out the identity of the blue flame, the whole cave suddenly quieted down. Several people felt cold and even forgot the high temperatures around them.

They can't imagine how Qin Feng owns Tianhuo Lingkui. This kind of heaven and earth can't be met. Generally, even if a monk is lucky enough to meet it, he can't accept it.

However, Qin Feng is only the cultivation of the real six spirits. How can he conquer the spirit of the spirit, or that when he conquered the spirit, he certainly did not have the strength.

But the facts are in front of you, and the blue flame is completely transmitted, like a sunflower blossoming over a cave. If it is not a famous spirit in the sky, what is it?

When the spirit of the sunflower appeared, the group of fire worms became very excited, all surrounded by the fire. A sense of consciousness suddenly appeared in Qin Feng’s mind. The consciousness seemed to be connected with the fire spirits outside. When he used the consciousness to issue orders, the fire spirits acted.

"Oh... Congratulations to the host Qin Feng, collected the fire spirit, the system rewards 100,000 points, the total balance of the host points: 1.329 million points."

The system prompts suddenly sounds, Qin Feng understands that the consciousness is the fire worm that he conquered.

Soon after, Qin Feng discovered that he only conquered a fire worm, and this fire worm's status and the wolf king and the head sheep are the leaders of the fire worm group.

"Qiao Shaoxia, let's get out of here."

The crowd has awakened from the shock of the sky fire, seeing the group of fire spirits temporarily stopped, and several people began to remind Qin Feng.

Where can Qin Feng go, not to mention that he has now conquered the head of the fire worm, even if he did not accept the service, he also intends to use the spirit of the spirit to open up a road, because according to his guess, these fire spirits will never It appeared in this cave out of thin air, and there is definitely a treasure hidden in the depths of the cave.

"Don't be afraid, I have already used these fires to suppress these fire worms. They are temporarily controlled by me." Qin Feng did not say anything to conquer the head of the fire spirit, afraid to scare everyone.

That's it, a few people still show a shocking look.

Controlled the fire spirit group? How did this happen?

"Qiao Shaoxia, are you sure to control those fire spirits?" Zhao Ziyu is difficult to accept.

Qin Feng’s thoughts were fretting, and ordered the head of the fire spirit to lead the way to the depths of the cave. Suddenly, the fire-like insects flew away, and the original dark cave road was bright.

"Zhao's predecessors can rest assured that I really control these insects."

In fact, there is no need for Qin Feng to explain too much. When you see the firefly flying at a constant speed, when you fly deep into the cave, everyone knows that Qin Feng is true.

The facts are in front of you, but several people can't figure out how Qin Feng did it. They carefully followed up and completely turned Qin Feng into the backbone.

Soon some people discovered that the temperature in the cave has become lower, although it is still above 60 degrees, it is much better than the ultra-high temperature of several Baidu before, and this is also the order of Qin Feng, he let the fire spirit The insect head gathers the breath of the body, and all the fire worms hold the breath.

After half an hour, I finally saw an empty Dongfu. At this time, the search for insects in the system sent a strong signal. Qin Feng immediately realized that his guess was correct. This cave really hides the baby.

"This cave is so big, maybe there is a baby, let's find it quickly."

After seeing Dongfu, everyone was excited.

Under the proposal of the stone fish, the five people of the Zhaozi fish began to act.

Qin Feng was not in a hurry to find something. He was looking for a worm. The last thing he worried about was that he could not find the baby. He was observing the surrounding environment to see if there was a hidden crisis.

After some inspection, I did not find the hidden array method or the strange atmosphere. Qin Feng felt a sigh of relief and found the past according to the induction of the worm.

Soon, the stone fish shouted in Dongfu: "I found a six-level flint flower!"

His voice echoed in the cave and everyone could hear it.

The six-level flint flower is a kind of refiner material, and it is also a rare treasure outside.

All of a sudden, everyone’s spirits, the discovery of the stone fish shows that there is indeed a treasure in this cave, and it is impossible to have only six treasures of Flint.

Sure enough, after a while, a few people’s excitement came out.

"I found a few fireballs. Do we have a fire-rooted monk in it, or do we practice the fire attribute method? This fireball is a good thing."

"I have three dragon grasses in this small cave house. This is a six-level spirit grass."

"I found a fire sword martial art, and the level seems to be quite high."

The more people look for more excitement, the good news continues to spread.

At this moment, everyone was glad that they did not leave in the middle. They were grateful to Qin Feng, and if Qin Feng had persuaded everyone, how can she harvest so many treasures now.

However, a few people soon discovered that these babies are all fire attributes, whether it is spirit grass, refining materials or martial arts skills...

"Hey? Where did Qiao Shaoxia go? Why didn't he hear his voice?"

When we calmed down from the excitement, everyone found the situation. Just now everyone else shouted and found the treasure, but Qin Feng had no voice.

So several people began to shout the name of Qin Feng, but they did not get a response.

Qin Feng is standing in a closed small cave house. He can't hear the shouts outside, otherwise he will respond immediately.

The closed Dongfu was not closed. When Qin Feng followed the induction of the worm, the hole was sealed.

The cave is full of flaming stones. I don't know what it is. The temperature here is extremely high. Qin Feng guesses that there are at least a thousand degrees. I am afraid that the general monks will melt instantly when they come in.

When Qin Feng entered the cave, he urged the spirit of the sunflower to form a barrier. The fire was protected in his body. Even if there was a fire protection, he still felt hot and hot, and the body seemed to burn.

"Small pigs, what are these stones?"

Qin Feng quickly found the reason for the ultra-high temperature in Dongfu. Eighty percent was related to the red stones that piled up on the hills. These stones were the first time they saw them on Shenzun, although they were collected in the poisonous city. Some of the fire stones are similar, but Qin Feng knows that this is definitely not a fire stone.

"Master! It should be Fire Lingjing!" Xiao Xiang pig's eyes are shining.

"Fire Lingjing? What is that?"

"Fire Lingjing is the sublimation of the fire stone, just like the relationship between Lingjing and Lingshi."

Xiaoxiang pig explained this, Qin Feng thoroughly understood. And he knows that a crystal is extremely precious, and at least millions of top-grade stones must be sublimated to form a spiritual crystal.

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