Hedonist Sovereign

Chapter 715: I also suspect that you are thousands


Recommended reading: ? [Thanks to the ‘Supreme 纨绔 No’ and ‘The regular regular’ brothers’ rewards, both of them are local tyrants who don’t agree with each other. I appreciate your beings! A chapter broke out for two brothers! ! 】

"Wait, the old man in the stool, don't rush, I have something to look for!" Lu Haigang went out a few steps, and came behind Qin Feng's laughter.

Originally thought that the end of the good play, everyone began to gather again and quickly gathered back, Li Ya looked confused at the face of Qin Feng, do not know what Qin Feng called Lu Hai to do?

"The country, what's the special thing about you? I am very busy." Lu Hai stopped and looked back at Qin Feng.

"There is no big deal. You just suspected that I was out of a thousand. Then I can doubt you for a thousand?" Qin Feng took Li Ya to Lu Hai.

Qin Feng said this and shocked everyone.

Both Lu Hai and Qin Feng lost both hands. As a result, Qin Feng also questioned the land and sea. This man's brain is really a problem.

"Dear, don't make trouble, let's go home soon, people want it again..." Li Ya rolled her eyes and almost fainted by Qin Feng's words.

In Li Ya’s view, Qin Feng has now won 10 million yuan in land and sea, and Lu Hai himself is ready to leave. This is the end of the matter. What a good ending, Qin Feng is still not happy, nothing to run and say Lu Hai thousand.

"Hey? I didn't get it wrong? You suspect that Laozi is out of a thousand... Haha, I advise you to go to the hospital to take an x-ray, and you may have a long hair in your head."

Lu Hai’s words amused everyone, and everyone thought that Lu Hai’s words were very reasonable.

Li Yazhen's buried head, she is embarrassed to help Qin Feng to speak, she also felt that Qin Feng brain has indirect symptoms of confusion.

"Hey? This big rich gambling city can't do it. Why did you just question me when I was a thousand? I now doubt that you can't go out of the thousand? Is this one of the six major casinos in Hong Kong? This is simply a black shop!"

Qin Feng suddenly smashed up, and everyone in a sentence scared even the atmosphere.

The big rich gambling city can squeeze into one of the six major casinos in Hong Kong, and the backing and power behind it are quite large. There are countless generations of Hong Kong's local tyrants. These people are arrogant outside, but when they arrive in the six major casinos in Hong Kong, they must do the same in accordance with the rules of the casino.

Qin Feng will stand in the scene of the big rich gambling city and scream that the casino is a black shop. What is the difference between this kind of behavior and finding death?

Everyone can't understand Qin Feng's move, but Qin Feng knows exactly what he is doing.

Qin Feng’s coming to Hong Kong is not a gambling card. He is a very difficult task to complete with Yan. The boss behind this big rich gambling city is Wei family. Wei family is the only clue to this money laundering task. Qin Feng is going to make a big affluent casino, and want to bring out the Wei family behind the scenes...

"Qiao Feng, if you don't want to die, just shut up and go with me!" Li Ya's face was cold, and he took Qin Feng and wanted to leave.

Qin Feng did not leave, Li Ya could not move him.

"Dog legs, what are you doing, I said that he suspected that he was out of the ages, and you quickly cooperated with the uncle to investigate him." Qin Feng took advantage of the dealer to pick up.

The official face of the cold is cold, and he ignores Qin Feng. Lu Hai’s face is black like the bottom of the pot. He has not been so arrogant as he is today.

"You are a countryman, warning you not to yell again, here is the big rich gambling city, you want to die, right?" Lu Hai’s eyes were rounded, he was already guilty, because he and Qin Feng Although the two gambling games did not come out, but they did change the cards with Li Ya.

"Oh, you suspected that I was a normal person in front of me. I am now questioning that you are looking for death. OK, you are not reasonable, then I will look for a bigger official in the casino to evaluate." Qin Feng said Starting to go upstairs, upstairs are vip rooms, the dealers above are better than the dealers downstairs.

"You stand, the top is the vip venue of the casino, you must have a membership card to enter.

The dealer was shocked and quickly went up to stop Qin Feng.

"What do you mean by that, just send me away?"

The dealers were all headed by Qin Feng. Just now Lu Hai and Li Ya changed their cards. The dealer actually saw it, but he felt that Lu Hai was stronger and he chose to stand on the side of the land and sea.

"Well, you have just been searched and proved innocent, then I am now searching for the body of Haige. If there is no card on his body, then there is no one."

The dealer finally compromised, and made a look at the land and sea, Lu Hai did not swear, raised his hands and waited for the dealer to search for his body.

"Slow!" The dealer did not act. Qin Feng shouted at him: "I didn't say that I searched. I want you to call the surveillance video of the game with Xiaoya. I want to see the video proof. ""

After Qin Feng knew that Lu Hai had changed his cards, he lost all his cards. Now he certainly has no cards.

The dealer was embarrassed, and Lu Hai’s face was not black. The two of them really wanted to be blown up by Qin Feng. Is this person still endless?

"Sorry, we will not easily take video videos from the casino. Besides, the first three gambling games, in the end, you will eventually win 10 million of Haige. What are your doubts about Haige’s tens of thousands? "The dealer said quietly.

"This is not the same." Qin Feng said in disapproval: "It is one thing to lose money in the bowel head. It is another thing to go out of the old. Is it possible to get out of the old one if it is lost? The people who come here to play are deliberately letting the old man let himself lose money. Who is special to dare to come here to play?"

Qin Feng’s logic is very problematic, and the dealers are confused. According to Qin Feng, everyone should like to play this game.

"Sir, you don't have to say much, video surveillance will not be transferred. You should either shut up, continue to play in the casino, or just roll!"

The dealer couldn't help it, and angered Qin Feng. He thought that Lu Hai would support him. The dealer was not afraid of Qin Feng, the mainland poor.


The dealer’s voice just fell, and Qin Feng slammed it up.

"How do you talk to the uncle? I see your kid is looking for a pump!"

The dealer was shocked, and some incredulously looked at Qin Feng. The mainland’s countryman came to Hong Kong’s richest man to beat his face. Is the world going to the end?

"You, you dare to fight old..."

The official words were not shouted, Qin Feng sang another slap in the face, this slap is obviously more powerful than the previous slap, the caller of the call is spinning on the ground.

"Hey! You don't believe that Grandpa dares to smoke you? That grandfather is taking a good day!"

Qin Feng screamed, followed by picking up two arms and opening the bow, and the dealer was dizzy.

Lu Hai had already retired a few steps, and those onlookers were shocked and stunned. Li Ya was wide-mouthed and wanted to scream and scream.


The lobby on the first floor was full of crisp slaps, and suddenly attracted people from other tables.

After a while, the tourists on the first floor were almost gathered in the Qin Feng side. They looked at the rhythm of Qin Feng's pumping, and they felt a little refreshed.


I don't know how long it took, a sudden, majestic voice suddenly came.

Everyone heard the sound, and the look changed dramatically, with a touch of tension and awe.

The crowd took the initiative to open a road. An old man in a gray Tang suit walked over with his hands on his back. His eyes were looking at Qin Feng. He saw Qin Feng heard his voice but did not stop. The old man’s eyes flashed. After a touch of cold.

"Qiao Feng, stop working!" Li Ya has run up to pull Qin Feng's arm, Qin Feng stopped.

"Hey? When did you come to an old man? Oh, there is a kid who is disobedient. I taught him a meal, didn't scare the old man?" Qin Feng turned to look at the old man.

The air around it has already frozen, and the crowd has been stunned by the breath.

Most of the old people who come here know each other. This is the gold medal dealer of the Grand Regal Casino. He is said that his gambling skills rank ranks in the country. In his early years, he was also a man of Hong Kong.

Although He Erye is a dealer in the Dafuhao Casino, his status is very high and his rights are very high. It can be said that this mysterious boss in the casino is the one that He Erye said.

Such a famous character appeared, Qin Feng did not see it, but also in the face of He Erye's face angered the wealthy gambling city's internal staff, this person is not afraid of death?

He Erye's face was cold, and he looked up and down Qin Feng again and again. His eyes turned and fell on the smoked dealer.

"You said, what the **** is going on?"

The dealer was beaten by Qin Feng into a pig's head, and his face was burning.

However, in front of He Erye, the dealer was shivering and shivering, and he couldn’t help but scream.

"He, He Erye... He, he suspects that Haige is out of a thousand, I will follow the rules to search for Haige's body, but the person is still not satisfied, he has to transfer the surveillance video of the previous gambling, I said no right When he got it, he started to beat people."

The dealer said things over and over again, specifically for the unfavorable words of Qin Feng.

He Erye’s look is getting colder and colder. This will be the security guards on the first floor of the hall. The eight strong men’s security guards are all standing behind He Er’s body and watching Qin Feng, as long as he’s a word, they immediately Will take action on Qin Feng.

"He Erye, this is my family's dear, there is nothing wrong with him. He suspects that the land is out of the sea. Why can't he adjust the video surveillance of Luhai?" The situation seemed to be on the verge, and Li Ya suddenly stood up.

The eyes of He Erye fell on Li Ya, and the pupil in the old man suddenly tightened. He Er’s hand behind his back was ready to gestate and suddenly he closed up.

"The big rich gambling city has always been based on the principle of fairness and justice. Do you suspect that the land is out of the sea? Well, then I will let people call the video now. If the land and sea are not out of the thousand, then you have to bear the fall of us. The responsibility of the wealthy gambling city reputation." He Erye said one word at a time.

"Yes!" Without waiting for Li Ya to speak out, Qin Feng directly agreed.

He Erye’s body trembled a little. He looked at Qin Feng’s confident appearance, and there was a bad hunch in his heart. Could it be that Lu Hai really had a thousand in the previous gambling? If this is to capture the evidence of Lu Hai, He Erye does not know how to deal with this matter.

"What are you doing here? Go and pick up the video just now." He Er's words are released, even if there is some worry in the heart, there is no room for recovery.

He Erye glanced at the dealer, and the dealer was scared to run upstairs to get the video.

[After 12 noon tomorrow, we will hold a double monthly ticket event and vote for a monthly ticket. The website will automatically count as two. I look forward to your monthly ticket support!

There are a lot of monthly tickets, and there are many outbreaks! ! 】

I have read the book of "Supreme 纨绔"

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