Hedonist Sovereign

Chapter 863: Why are you kissing me?

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After entering the house, Qin Feng took off his shoes and laid comfortably on the big bed.

Qin Feng was abolished by the dragon, and the body became a lot worse. The front of the Dulong brothers had a lot of energy, and Qin Feng’s physical strength cost him more than half.

Ma Cui was holding his clothes with both hands, nervously standing at the door, and did not know what to do.

"Ma Cui, you are coming to lie down... Oh, how come you come to Nakagawa City? Are you lying next to me?"

Qin Feng had no other thoughts on Ma Cui, and he did not look down on Ma Cui because Ma Cui was too fat. Qin Feng is very curious now, how can Ma Cui lay in the underground passage with himself to have dinner?

The lonely man and the widowed woman were in the same room. Ma Cui was still a little nervous, but when she thought of her purpose of looking for Qin Feng, Ma Cui immediately jumped to the big bed.

Then, Qin Feng felt that the whole bed had collapsed...

"Yeah, that, sorry, I, I am so excited!"

Ma Cui also felt the huge collapse of the bed, and suddenly she was ashamed. Ma Cui's heart is extremely depressed. Every time she becomes beautiful and slim, Qin Feng can't see it. Once she gets back, she bumps into Qin Feng...

"Oh! Nothing, in fact, the girl is fat and pretty, I have never played such a fat girl, I don't know what it feels like?"

Qin Feng wanted to make a joke to ease the atmosphere. As a result, Ma Cui was shocked and stunned. Qin Feng was a little embarrassed.

"I just talked about it, don't take it seriously... you haven't answered the question before me!"

"Ah? Oh!" Ma Cui finally recovered from the tension, and his face suddenly became serious: "Qin Feng, are you offending the poison door?"

Qin Feng gave a slight glimpse: "How do you know?"

"It was the master who told me that he said that you had offended the poison door before, and gave the yin and yang two old poisonous kings. Now the poison door is trying to deal with you, and you have already listed you as the number one enemy... ..."

This is what Ma Cui said. Qin Feng knew that he was shocked by another message: "You call the master of the poisonous king called the master? What is going on?"

Ma Cui suddenly became awkward, and she did not expect Qin Feng to be the number one enemy of the poison door!

On the one hand is a slim and healthy master who helps Ma Cui control the poison gas and makes Ma Cui change; on the other hand, he took away the first kiss of Ma Cui, and Qin Feng, who is unbiased against Ma Cui's obesity...

Ma Cui is in the middle, and it is almost impossible to die!

"Qin Feng, I am sorry, I have something to hide you. Actually, I am not called Ma Cui. My real name is Ma Xinxin. I am a foreigner from Majiapu. Weijia Majia is a branch of Majiapu. ...... I have poisonous gas from my small body, I can't go away. The father took me to the poison door to see the doctor a few days ago. The venerable king taught me how to control the poison gas, so I became my master..."

Ma Xinxin said everything through the matter, Qin Feng finally understood.

When Qin Feng was still attending school in Weicheng, Fu Bo told Qin Feng not to offend Ma Cui easily. Ma Cui was also a native of Majiapu.

"This is not a deception. You don't have to apologize to me, but the name of Ma Xinxin is much better. Ma Cui has some rural flavor..." Qin Feng said with a joke.

Ma Xinxin turned his eyes and licked Qin Feng. There was still a trace of style in his look.

Qin Feng was still the first time to lean with such a fat woman. Suddenly she saw some loss of God. Qin Feng found that fat women also have their moving places.

"You hate! Don't make fun of my name, I am embarrassed." Ma Xinxin's face showed a blush, but it was a bit more delicate.

"So how come you will come to Nakagawa?"

"I know that the master is going to send someone to assassinate you. I took the initiative to take this task. I rushed to Kyoto Qinfu to find you in the first time. Your father and grandfather said that you may have gone to the Dragon Hall. I found the Dragon Hall again. Going, just climbing to the top of the mountain, I was stunned..."

"When I wake up, I am lying next to you..."

Ma Xinxin said everything through the whole process, Qin Feng heart!

This dragon is really awkward. It’s not enough to turn Qin Feng into a ugly ugly. I also gave Qin Feng a drag bottle...

"Qin Feng, how have you offended so many people? And one is better than one, you will still be low-key in the future." Ma Xinxin finished, suddenly grabbed Qin Feng's arm, looked worried and looked at Qin Feng .

Qin Feng touched the head of Ma Xinxin and smiled: "Nothing, I am not living well, not afraid."

From small to large, Ma Yuanshan touched Ma Xinxin's head. She hadn't had such an intimate move with other men, and Ma Xinxin was ashamed.

"Since you are a poisonous person, do you want to poison me? Otherwise, how do you go back?" Qin Feng suddenly looked at Ma Xinxin.

Ma Xinxin’s head is the same as the rattle: “I will not poison you, or I will not tell you this.”

There was a warm current in Qin Feng’s heart. He had no intersection with Ma Xinxin. He did not expect this girl to help himself. He did not hesitate to renege on the poison door. Qin Feng did not know what Ma Xinxin thought.

"So what are your plans now? Do you want your family to pick you up?" Qin Feng asked.

"Okay, then I am calling my father now, let him take us to Weicheng." Ma Xinxin hasn't been home for a long time, and this will be a bit of a father.

Waiting for Ma Xinxin to call out, Qin Feng said: "If you go back, I will stay here for a while."

Ma Xinxin suddenly put down the phone and looked at Qin Feng with a puzzled look: "Ah? You don't go back? Why are you staying here?"

"Three months later, I will challenge Shenlong again. In the past three months, I am going to stay in Nakagawa!" Qin Feng analyzed the situation from the moment he woke up. He had already decided, before challenging Shenlong. Always hidden in the dark.

The joy of Ma Xinxin’s face disappeared and he said with a grin: “Do you really want to stay here?”

Qin Feng nodded.

"Well, I will stay with you here...you, you are a big man, you will not live at all." Ma Xinxin was a little shy.

Qin Feng did not expect Ma Xinxin to stay with him, but Qin Feng did not care about this. He is now thinking about improving his strength and re-challenging the dragon.

Qin Feng’s idea has entered the system. He now has 116,000 points. Qin Feng intends to use these points to purchase all kinds of remedies needed for the upgrade.

"Master, you don't have to buy a drug upgrade, you can use Ma Xinxin to upgrade!" Xiaoxiang pig's voice sounded in Qin Feng's mind.

Qin Feng gave a slight glimpse: "How to upgrade with Ma Xinxin?"

"Ma Xinxin is a poisonous body. The body is born with infinite poison gas, and the owner's body is a septic tank. It can transform poison gas into aura to cultivate." Xiaoxiang pig proudly said.

Qin Feng’s face was cold and his nose was discouraged: “Your body is a septic tank!”

"The owner said that it is not it, but this upgrade method saves money and is quick, the owner can try it!"

Qin Feng is very dissatisfied with the words of Xiao Xiang pig, but has to admit that this is a good way.

Qin Feng thought of the last time he gave Ma Xinxin a birthday in Weicheng. At that time, Qin Feng had a lot of poison gas in his body because he kissed Ma Xinxin.

"You, why are you looking at me like this?"

Ma Xinxin suddenly became nervous. She found that Qin Feng’s eyes were staring at her, just like the wolf saw the little sheep.

Qin Feng's eyes fell on Ma Xinxin's lips. Because of obesity, the lips were soft and thick. Qin Feng originally wanted to kiss Ma Xinxin. Looking at it, he suddenly thought of another picture.

"Cough... that Xinxin, I will discuss something with you!" Qin Feng was a little embarrassed.

Ma Xinxin instinctively moved backwards and looked at Qin Feng nervously: "You, what are you going to discuss?"

"Xin Xin, are you not a poisonous body? The gas in the body is not able to go out, and my body is also very special. I am uncomfortable after not smoking some gas for three days..."

Qin Feng made a scorpion in one mouth, and Ma Xinxin’s heartbeat changed faster.

"That, what do you mean in the end?" Ma Xinxin asked with courage.

"It doesn't mean anything, we can complement each other!" Qin Feng laughed badly.

"How, how do you complement each other?" Ma Xinxin’s tears of tears have to fall out.

Qin Feng’s line of sight suddenly moved down and fell on Ma Xinxin’s legs: “Cough... I’ll say it directly, I can help you absorb some of the gas in your body.”

Ma Xinxin saw his own leg along the eyes of Qin Feng, and said with a shock: "Ah... you, what do you want to suck?"

Qin Feng's old face was red, and he quickly looked at Ma Xinxin's mouth: "Like the last time at your birthday party, let's kiss?"

Ma Xinxin’s heart has to be seen from the eyes of the blind man. She is not disgusted by Qin Feng’s play. She thinks that she has no conflict with Qin Feng’s kiss.

It’s just that Ma Xinxin is a conservative and clean woman. Before she does this intimate move, she always has a saying to convince herself.

Ma Xinxin thought for a long time, and could not find a reason to kiss Qin Feng!

As a girlfriend of Qin Feng? But will Qin Feng look at obese himself? The woman around Qin Feng is more beautiful than one!

Posting free for Qin Feng pro? Ma Xinxin felt that it was too frivolous, it was not her criteria.

"Xin Xin, don't be nervous, I just talked casually. If you don't want to, then forget it!" Qin Feng could see Ma Xinxin's embarrassment. He didn't want to force Ma Xinxin to kiss him.

Ma Xinxin suddenly felt a little embarrassed: "I, I am not not allowed, just... I need a reason, why are you kissing me?"

"I was abolished by Shenlong, and Shenlong gave me a three-month deadline. After three months, I will challenge him. Therefore, I want to restore strength as soon as possible, and the poison in your body has improved my strength. A lot of help..." Qin Feng did not hide, truthfully said.

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