
A strong explosion swept across the entire theater, and Zhang Qingyuan was almost blown away.

When the explosion subsided, the ghosts and spirits on the stage had disappeared, and only a three-meter-tall, red, shadow-like illusory ghost was staring at the two of them on the stage.


The red ghost roared and suddenly pounced on the two of them, as fast as lightning.

Zhang Qingyuan was unable to react and was knocked away. A tentacle-like shadow took the opportunity to wrap around him.


The knife flashed, and the shadow was cut off in an instant. The severed hand holding the bone knife flew in front of Zhang Qingyuan and acted as a loyal guard.

"Oh no……"

Zhao Jin was not so lucky. He was entangled by the bloody ghost and dragged into the air, making a strange cry.

The ghost was like the legendary slime. After entangled Zhao Jin, it slowly covered him, as if it wanted to merge this old ghost into its own body.

"You little bastard, what are you still looking at? Come and save me!" Zhao Jin said anxiously.���

Zhang Qingyuan was about to charge forward with the evil-slaying knife in hand, but after thinking about it, he decided it was too dangerous, so he took out the Tiangong jade pendant and activated the talisman inside. Boom...

Thunder sounded, and brilliant lightning fell from the sky, hitting the bloody ghost.


The ghost's body twitched, making a series of rat-like sounds, and subconsciously threw Zhao Jin out.

"cough cough……"

The latter got up from the ground with a somersault, his whole body was covered with mud mixed with blood, he looked miserable, even his Taoist robe was stained.

"Damn you, you ghost thing, I must kill you today."

Zhao Jin's face turned ashen with anger, he raised the magic sword in his hand, a divine light descended from the sky, instantly dispelling the filth on his body, the whole person seemed to be possessed by a god, swinging the sword to cut at the ghost.

The sword light illuminated the sky, at this moment Zhao Jin had some of the demeanor of the sword fairy in myths and legends.

However, the bloody ghost was not a vegetarian either, its body quickly shrank and transformed into the female ghost in the play before, and the ghost hand with red claws slapped towards the sword light.

There was a slight ding sound, and the female ghost was chopped back by one blow, but the sword light was also dispersed. After two sudden attacks failed to succeed, the female ghost also stopped temporarily, and her body slowly fell to the ground.

"Boy, what are you standing there for? Hurry up and put on your Taoist suit." Zhao Jin shouted while staring at the female ghost.

Zhang Qingyuan fixed his phone, took off the evil-suppressing Yincha without saying a word, and then took out the Taoist suit from the Xumi Ring.

In an instant, another divine light lit up, competing with Zhao Jin. Wherever the light shone, all evil retreated, the yin energy dissipated, and the bones buried in the soil instantly weathered into ashes.

"Damn, I feel like I can beat ten of them now!"

Zhang Qingyuan felt the warm yang power in his body, and the feeling of being alive that he hadn't felt for a long time came back to him.

A faint wisp of incense lingered around him, and he looked a bit like a newly promoted grass god.

【Damn, is this dog so bold?】

【It's over, it's over. With this outfit, Gou Dadan has become my powerful rival in love.】

【Kuai Dou Daxian, you have boundless power... Boldly bless me to get rich this year, and reward me in the live broadcast room】

【The man in this fairy's dream who was walking on the colorful clouds……】

With the Taoist equipment on and the aura of the immortal family protecting him, Zhang Qingyuan's status has been raised to a new level.

Netizens in the live broadcast room were shocked and some female fans even fantasized about a romantic plot. As for whose surname the child will take in the future, this is still up for discussion.

""Taishang Yuanshi, Qiankun borrows the law, and the heavenly soldiers help, huh!"

Zhao Jin immediately performed the ritual, but the target was changed to Zhang Qingyuan. As he pointed his hand, another divine light fell from the sky and landed on Zhang Qingyuan.

"Boy, I will borrow the magic soldiers from the sky for you. Hurry up and kill this ghost."

Feeling the new powerful force in his body, Zhang Qingyuan felt like his body was about to explode, and he just wanted to vent it as soon as possible.

He raised his sword and stepped forward, and instantly came to the side of the female ghost. The divine light emanating from his body was like hot oil, and it reacted violently with the female ghost's resentful aura. He chopped down the long sword in his hand.

However, the female ghost did not fight him head-on. She lowered her body and actually shrank directly into the soil.

The sword continued to move, and chopped on the soil, leaving a five-meter-long sword mark on the ground. A large number of bones were chopped into pieces, and the yin energy accumulated in them was also purified.


The ground under his feet suddenly began to shake.



The ground broke open, and countless ghost hands stretched out from the soil and grabbed Zhang Qingyuan. feet.

Before he could make a move, the severed hand holding a bone knife circled around his feet, and the ghost hand was cut off and retracted into the soil again.

On the other side, Zhao Jin was also dealing with the ghost hands on the ground, constantly dodging and moving, and the sword flowers flew to cut at the ghost hands, but there were too many of them. After a while, his feet were entangled by more than a dozen hands, and half of his body was pulled into the soil.

Zhang Qingyuan flew up and rushed over with the severed hand. The severed hand cut off the ghost hand in two swishes. Zhang Qingyuan seized the opportunity, grabbed Zhao Jin's collar and pulled him out of the soil.

Zhao Jin had no time to rest, and fell on a blank piece of ground, shouting:"Boy, help me deal with this ghost, I will use the"Duren Sutra" to solve these ghosts first."

After that, he sat cross-legged on the ground, and the whole person suddenly became a bit sacred, with a sense of compassion like an old monk.

"……The devil lost his eyes, the ghosts were destroyed, Ji Du was dying, and he was reborn……"

"In the past, in the Great Fuli Land in the blue sky, Yuanshi saved countless people and gave them the highest level.……"

In the void, the sound of immortals was reciting. The mysterious and evil theater was instantly suppressed by some kind of force. The yin energy shrank, the evil spirits hibernated, and the ghost hands stretched out from the soil also quieted down at this moment.

The power that can soothe people's hearts and save all evils quietly emerged and spread into the ghost land.

Zhao Jin seemed to be glowing, and the soft and warm immortal light illuminated the land. Even Zhang Qingyuan felt a sense of bliss of liberation.


A sharp roar tried to break the peaceful atmosphere. The next second, a large bump appeared on the ground. A huge skeleton made of countless bones emerged from the ground. The terrifying Yin energy filled every corner of the skeleton. In the core, the female ghost was entrenched in it, staring at Zhao Jin with cold, murderous eyes.

Zhang Qingyuan said nothing, waiting in full battle array, silently guarding in front of Zhao Jin.

《The"Duren Sutra", the full name of which is"Lingbao Wuliangduren Shangpin Miao Sutra", is the fundamental law of Zaoge Mountain and the supreme Taoist sutra.

As Zhao Jin recited it, the female ghost's fierceness was suppressed. Although it was still terrifying, Zhang Qingyuan felt that it was no problem to block it.

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