At the entrance of Chunjiang Community, the fog covering the street dissipated at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The road was still the same road, nothing there, the only difference was that the breath of the living world began to return, and the lingering coldness gradually dissipated.

Beep, beep... the sound of car horns came from the distance.

The people who were shivering at the entrance of the community noticed the change immediately, looked up and looked into the distance, they could already see pedestrians and vehicles on the street, a bustling scene.

""Some people still can't believe that they are saved.

"It’s out…it’s out! My cell phone has signal!"

"It's okay, it's really okay...hahaha"

""Wuwuwu... I will never come again."

Some people laughed wildly, while others cried with joy, venting the fear that had been suppressed for a long time.

However, before they could be happy for a while, thick black fog spread out from the entrance of the community.

"It’s Zhang Dabing, and that old Taoist priest!"

"They must have saved us."

When everyone saw the two people coming out, they quickly surrounded them. Even the media reporters who escaped the disaster took the opportunity to rush over with their cameras.

"Hello, Zhang Qingyuan, I am a reporter from XN Radio. Can you accept our interview?"

Ordinary people are obviously not as strong as professional reporters. In an instant, Zhang Qingyuan was surrounded by four or five cameras, and several microphones were also pointed at him.

The small anchor and the onlookers failed to catch Zhang Qingyuan, but surrounded Zhao Jin in the middle. The old ghost face was almost laughing like a chrysanthemum, but he was forcibly suppressed to maintain the image of a Taoist master.

Next to him, the interview with Zhang Qingyuan began.

"Mr. Zhang Qingyuan, you are very popular on the Kuaishou platform. Can I ask if the underworld has also invented mobile phones? Is it Steve Jobs? Why are you the only one doing live broadcasts, and no one else... er, ghost live broadcasts?"A reporter with an innocent look asked curiously.

Zhang Qingyuan's face changed slightly. He definitely couldn't tell anyone about his mobile phone.

"Uh… I don’t know. Probably because I have the same last name as the Jade Emperor, the King of Hell praised me as a good boy and asked me to promote the culture of the underworld."

This nonsense made the expectant reporters almost unable to follow his train of thought.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh…

The severed hand quietly climbed onto his shoulder, holding up the phone to take photos of the reporters, almost scaring them.

"Mr. Zhang Qingyuan, this hand is……"

"Oh, it, I don't know what's going on, it just stuck to me for no reason, and insisted it was my hand, and I couldn't get rid of it."

After a few simple conversations, a reporter finally asked a serious question.

"Mr. Zhang Qingyuan, do you know how the haunted Chunjiang community happened? Recently, there seem to be people posting videos of encountering ghosts online. Do you think we should pray to the gods for safety?"

"I have already explained this question. Most of the ghosts are from the underworld. Now the evil suppression department is recruiting evil suppressors to come to the world of the living to eliminate these ghosts. As for praying to gods and Buddhas, I don't have any suggestions. Anyway, I have prayed for marriage many times before, and I was still single when I died."

"……Of course, it is also possible that you are not worshipping the right god. After all, if you want to find a partner now, you should worship the God of Wealth, or you can worship the God of Land. After all, the land of the house belongs to the God of Land."


There was a burst of laughter around. Although the words were harsh, they were also realistic.

"By the way, Mr. Zhang Qingyuan, it is said that Wang's Group has built a temple for you in Qingsong Mountain. In the future, can we also go to your temple to burn incense? If we encounter ghosts again, will you come again?"A reporter asked a key question

"This……"Zhang Qingyuan pondered for a moment and said,"Of course, the more incense you burn, the better. The voices and faces of those who burn incense will appear in my mind. If they come often, I may remember them. If they are really in danger, I will naturally not stand by and watch them die." His words were vague and he did not directly ask for incense, but those who understand will understand... Those who come to burn incense when they have something to do should just wait to die.

In the following time, a group of reporters caught up and asked a few questions, most of which focused on some situations in the underworld. After all, myths shine into reality, and many people are still interested.

It was Zhao Jin who couldn't stand it first. After all, he was an old ghost over a hundred years old, surrounded by a group of energetic young people, including many young ladies. The old guy began to get angry and his face flushed.

""Okay, okay, if you have any questions, we'll see you in the live studio from now on. The ghosts here have been killed, and we have to report back to the underworld. We can't delay." He waved goodbye to everyone, and amidst the flashes of the cameras, Zhang Qingyuan lit a black incense stick, and a wisp of black smoke went straight into the underworld. The next second, the underworld river descended, and the ferryman came in a small boat and took the two away.

"Boy, I just heard that someone has built a temple for you in the world of the living?" Zhao Jin asked impatiently on the Yin River.

"Um……"Zhang Qingyuan nodded and said calmly,"The last time I came to the world of the living, I helped a local tyrant get rid of the ghosts in his house, and he gave me money to build a temple for me. What's wrong with that?"

"Damn it! Why didn't you tell me, you son of a bitch?" Zhao Jin's eyes turned red, and he didn't know whether he was anxious or envious.

"Why am I telling you this?"

Zhao Jin grabbed him, then changed his face, tried to put on a kind smile and said,"Boy, you said we have known each other for so long, right?"


"I'm good to you, right?"


"Not only did he help you become a Taoist soldier, but he also let my nephew retrieve your soul for you, and he also helped you and Senior Yu Xuanji to resolve their grievances, right?" The old ghost began to list his merits.

Zhang Qingyuan had a plan in mind, and usually started to say this.���, the next step is probably to repay the favor

"So, what exactly are you planning, senior?"

"Hehehe... Don't say such harsh words. You have already built a temple at such a young age. One person cannot suppress it. Why don't you talk to the rich man in the world and ask him to build a golden statue for me in the temple. From now on, you and I will suppress the temple together and take care of each other to prevent those evil spirits from invading. How about it?"

Zhang Qingyuan lowered his head and thought. Zhao Jin was very anxious and didn't want to wait for a second:"Why? You won't agree to such a small matter? After all, I have been very kind to you these days.……"

"Senior, you have misunderstood. It's not because of this. It's because the temple is called Qingyuan Temple. I was thinking that if you were to put you in there, wouldn't you become a subordinate god in Qingyuan Temple? That's not good!"

Zhao Jin's face froze, and then as if he had made a great decision, he gritted his teeth and said,"Subordinate gods are gods, and I will suffer a little loss. Anyway, you have recognized Master Xuandu as your uncle, and you have already taken advantage of me."

"Just like you said, from now on we will talk about our own things. You call me senior, and I respect you as the main god in the temple. No one will be delayed.……"

As expected, he is a very experienced person. With big interests, he can even trample on his dignity. He had been arguing over the issue of seniority for a long time, and now he has changed his face.

Zhang Qingyuan: Senior, I still like the rebellious you back then!

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