In front of the dormitory building, blood was flowing out from under the door like a stream, and the strong smell of blood foreshadowed the tragic situation behind the dormitory door.

Bang bang...

Zhao Lingshan banged hard on the door, but there was no response from inside.

"When have you finished filming? Get out of the way!"

Zhang Qingyuan walked over, drew his sword, and slashed at the steel door of the dormitory.


The door was chopped into pieces, and three bloody bodies fell out. Their faces were bloody and there was a big hole in their heads. The inside was empty.

"ah……"Zhao Lingshan was frightened and took a few steps back, her face pale.

Zhang Qingyuan walked forward and scanned the dormitory, but saw no one.

"Okay, you can be scared later. Where is your dormitory? Hurry up and find them."

Zhao Lingshan came back to her senses and glanced carefully. In addition to the three people who fell out, there was also a body lying on the window of the dormitory next to the gate. It looked like the dormitory manager.

""On the sixth floor, let's go up." Zhao Lingshan suppressed her fear, stepped on the bloodstains on the ground, and led the two into the dormitory.

The corridor was also very miserable, with bloodstains, corpses, and various equipment such as lost shoes.

There was no one there, probably hiding. From time to time, a terrified scream was heard, indicating that someone was in trouble again.

There was no trouble along the way, and the three of them quickly arrived at the sixth floor. There were several bloody footprints on the ground, extending deep into the corridor.

Zhao Lingshan looked back at the dormitory opposite her. The door was wide open, just like a slaughterhouse. There were three corpses lying on the bed on the ground. Her eyes widened in horror.

There was a layer of mucus mixed with blood on the ground. I don't know what it is.

"I found that pervert in this dormitory before." Zhao Lingshan said sadly.

Zhang Qingyuan scanned the dormitory twice and said,"There are four people in the dormitory, three of them died, and the other one escaped?"

"I do n’t know!" Zhao Lingshan shook her head:"Forget it, let’s find Sijia and the others first."

After that, she turned around and knocked on the door of her dormitory.



""Don't come over here!"

A terrified cry came from inside.

Zhang Qingyuan stepped forward and wanted to go in directly, but a golden light lit up on the door and bounced him out.

"My grandfather's evil-repelling talisman? I remember it wasn't there when I came out."

"Sijia, Tianling, it's me, open the door quickly." Zhao Lingshan shouted outside the door


Shan... Shanshan?"

The door opened and a head poked out cautiously from the crack. However, before Zhao Lingshan could speak, Zhuang Sijia's face turned pale and she tried to close the door again.

"Shanshan... there's a ghost behind you!"

Zhang Qingyuan:"……"

Zhao Lingshan was quick-witted and rushed forward, pushing the door open. Then she saw a cute girl in a small underwear, lying on the ground in fear, revealing a large area of her body. The

18+ content appeared.

Zhang Qingyuan wanted to turn his head away, but thinking that he was in his twenties, it shouldn't be illegal to watch this.

""Wuwuwu... Shanshan, a ghost, a ghost is coming in." Zhuang Sijia's face turned pale and she pointed at Zhang Qingyuan.

Zhao Lingshan came forward, hugged her and said,"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, this is Zhang Dadan, the ghost catcher I hired."

"Zhang Dare?"Zhuang Sijia stopped crying, raised her head, and looked at Zhang Qingyuan quietly with a pretty face.

Zhao Lingshan comforted her for a long time, and the girl finally calmed down. She looked at Zhang Qingyuan furtively with curious eyes. On the lower bunk bed, there was another figure covered with a quilt and shivering.

After a while, Tian Ling was also pulled out of the quilt. She was also wearing very cool clothes and her appearance was not inferior at all.

"……So, Shanshan, what you mean is that the ghost is very powerful and we should hide in the back mountain?"

Zhao Lingshan nodded and said,"Yes, Zhang Dadan has contacted the underworld, and someone should come to rescue us soon."

As she said that, she turned her head to look at Zhang Qingyuan, and suddenly said angrily:"Zhang Qingyuan! Put away your lustful eyes!"

"Cough cough cough……"Zhang Qingyuan looked away awkwardly and said cunningly,"What are you talking about? I'm just appreciating you."

"Bullshit, that was also a lewd appreciation, be careful or I will poke your eyes out."The girl from Northeast China threatened viciously.

The two girls realized that what they were wearing was too tempting and they quickly took out their clothes and put them on.

"Okay, okay, don't dawdle here, hurry up and leave the dormitory and hide in the back mountain first."There was no more scenery to see, Zhang Qingyuan began to urge. After they packed up, Zhao Lingshan also picked up her box. The evil-suppressing talisman on the door was made and pasted by the two girls when they found something wrong.

Fortunately, Zhao Lingshan had demonstrated it to them before, otherwise they might not be alive until now.

""Let's go!"

Zhang Qingyuan opened the dormitory door.

Instantly, the smell of blood mixed with a cold and evil aura came. Outside the door, a woman in pajamas with a blood-red lower body stood at the door, staring at her.


Zhuang Sijia and the other person behind them hurriedly ran back and pulled the quilt over themselves.

"This ghost is so strange?" Huang Shuangshuang poked her head out from behind and asked curiously,"There is yang energy in the body, and it is not completely dead, but the yin energy is so strong."

Zhang Qingyuan slowly drew out the evil-slaying knife at his waist and blocked the door.

He was also puzzled. This girl looked like a ghost and a human, which made him a little confused.

The girl's eyes were dull and her face was stiff. She walked towards him slowly, leaving bloody footprints on the ground. A lot of blood kept flowing down her trouser legs, which was very scary.

At the same time, Zhang Qingyuan noticed that the girl's clothes on her abdomen were bulging, as if there was something alive hidden inside, and it slowly stretched out.

A hand, a gray-green, extremely delicate baby arm stretched open the woman's clothes and stretched out from the abdomen.


A sharp ghost howl sounded, echoing in the dormitory building. Zhang Qingyuan's dark green eyes suddenly locked, and the evil-slaying knife in his hand slashed out.

Squeak... a piece of something like a sausage was cut off, and blood flowed all over the ground.


The girl cried out in pain and could not help but take a few steps back.

At this time, the clothes on her lower abdomen were completely opened, and the scene in front of him made Zhang Qingyuan's scalp numb.

The girl's lower abdomen was torn in half, revealing a big hole, and in her abdomen, a gray-green baby was sitting inside, with an umbilical cord attached to the navel, clearly an unborn baby.


A baby crying and waving its hands is a very cute sight, but this form and this eerie, sharp, and chilling sound are not at all cute.

"This is... a ghost fetus!"

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