Following the order issued by the Prime Minister's Office, at around 2 a.m., the entire Daxia government became busy in an instant, especially near Jiangnan. Officials from the government visited the Taoist and Buddhist temples there and stated their intentions.

Zaoge Mountain and Zhao Yuanshan were also pulled up.

"Master Yuanshan, we know it's too late and we don't want to disturb you, but it's an emergency. Something happened at Jiangnan University." The man who came was a middle-aged man in his thirties, and he said helplessly.

Zhao Yuanshan sat on the chair with his eyes half closed, and said lazily,"Isn't it just a ghost? Zhang Qingyuan is here, and I have communicated with the underworld for him. What kind of chaos can he cause?"

The man smiled bitterly and took out his mobile phone, playing the screen recording of Zhang Qingyuan's live broadcast room.

Zhao Yuanshan didn't care at first, but when he heard about the robbery-level ghost, he almost jumped up from his chair.

"A robbery-level ghost? That kid said that?" Zhao Yuanshan asked with his eyes wide open.

"It was he who said in the live broadcast that he would seek help from the true cultivators in the Yang world, so the Prime Minister's Mansion arranged for us to come to the major Taoist temples to seek support, and then we might set up the Xiankui Division."The middle-aged man revealed a little information.

Zhao Yuanshan put his hands behind his back, turned around anxiously, and muttered:"The robbery-level ghosts, the garbage in the underworld, they only know how to be greedy for money every day, and this kind of thing can make it run to the Yang world."

"Who knows?"

"That brat, you must protect Shanshan!"

If Zhao Lingshan hadn't been at Jiangnan University, he would definitely not be so anxious, and he wouldn't even want to wade into this mess. After all, the Tribulation-level ghosts are no joke. With his mere Soul Refining Return to Void cultivation, he can deal with the Disaster-level without any problem, but facing the Tribulation-level, if he really got stuck, it would be no different from putting his head on his belt.

"Yuanshan Zhenren, what do you think? Tens of thousands of teachers and students from Jiangnan University……"

"Well, needless to say, my granddaughter is inside, I have to go! From here to Jiangnan University, your government should have the means to get me there as quickly as possible, right?" Zhao Yuanshan asked impatiently. The middle-aged man was overjoyed and said,"Master, don't worry, we have prepared a helicopter and will be there within an hour."

At this moment, Lu Zongyun led a group of Taoists and rushed in.

"Uncle Master, what's wrong? Why are you calling us here so late?"

Zhao Yuanshan didn't waste any words and directly arranged:"Go to the Patriarch's Hall and bring the tablet of the 97th Patriarch. I will take him to Jiangnan University."

"Huh? What happened that requires the ancestor's tablet to be moved?" Lu Zongyun was stunned.

"There is no time to explain, you guys ask him. I’ll go pack my things and be right back. Hurry!"


The underworld, Fengdu City!

Zhao Jin, with his hands behind his back, walked leisurely from the inner city to his own grave.

"The kid surnamed Zhang seems to have gone to the human world... This guy has a lot of secrets, I have to find a way to get some of them out."

While thinking, he walked to the front of the tomb and pushed the door open and walked in.

An altar was placed in the middle, which could be seen as soon as he entered the door. At this moment, on the altar, there was a piece of yellow paper covered by light, floating in the air.

Zhao Jin frowned and muttered,"It should be the middle of the night in the human world now, what does this kid Yuanshan want from me?"

After taking down the yellow paper and taking a look, Zhao Jin's face suddenly changed, and then he cursed

"This kid named Zhang has actually provoked a disaster-level ghost again. I am really……"

Just now, a disaster-level ghost was dealt with in Chunjiang Community, and now another one has appeared. It was discovered by Zhang Qingyuan again. He even suspected that this boy had a congenitally unlucky body.

Although he cursed, Zhao Jin knew that the situation was urgent. With that boy's strength, he would definitely die if he faced a disaster-level ghost alone. If he didn't go to support him quickly, he would have to collect his body.

Maybe he couldn't even collect the body, and it might be swallowed by the ghost directly.

He didn't dare to delay, and quickly lit a stick of incense and began to perform a ritual to contact Zhao Yuanshan.

Incense can communicate with gods and connect the yin and yang worlds.

The light in the tomb gradually grew stronger. After a while, Zhao Jin did not wait for Zhao Yuanshan's response, but heard the sound of horse hooves outside the house, and the war horse neighed and stopped at his door.

He opened the door and saw Liu Fuwei standing outside the door.

"Liu Fuwei? Why are you here? Where's that kid Yuanshan?"

General Fuwei got off his horse and said,"Old Immortal, Immortal Yuanshan is in a hurry to go to Jiangnan University and has no time to contact you, so he asked me to come to the underworld to find you."

Zhao Jin frowned, feeling something was wrong:"He also went to Jiangnan University? Isn't there that kid Zhang Qingyuan there? It should be no problem to hold on for a while."

General Fuwei shook his head and said,"Is Immortal Yuanshan worried about this, so he asked me to come here specially.

The message that Immortal Yuanshan sent you just now is wrong.

The ghost in that Jiangnan University is not disaster-level, it may be robbery-level.

Zhang Qingyuan has been trapped in it.

I have sent a letter to the entire Taoist and Buddhist sects in the world for help.

Tens of thousands of teachers and students at Jiangnan University may die at any time.

The situation is very critical.


"What? ?"Zhao Jin almost jumped up:"The robbery-level ghost ran to the mortal world?"

He looked incredulous. The last time, the female ghost in Chunjiang District made him feel extremely outrageous. Now even the robbery-level ghost has sneaked away.

A disaster, a robbery... It indicates the horror of ghosts.

The former is okay, although it is also very strong, but the limit is only to harm an area, but the robbery-level is different. If it is not handled properly, it is easy to destroy a city. This kind of thing has happened in history.

"These damn gods in the underworld, if tens of thousands of people died, and the gods of the land and city in the world reported it to the heaven, they would have to kill everyone and roll their heads……"Zhao Jin was so angry that he jumped up and down.

The thing he feared the most when he joined the Suppression of Evil Division had finally happened. As the head of the Suppression of Evil Division, if there was a large-scale death in the world of the living, he would definitely be the first one to be beheaded.

"Old Master, what should we do now?"General Fu Wei asked

"What else can he do? Come on, take me to the Suppressing Evil Division!"

After saying that, Zhao Jin jumped on his horse, and Fu Wei also jumped on it and carried him towards the inner city.

The ghost soldiers patrolling the city along the way saw him and wanted to stop him, but Zhao Jin directly took out the Zaoge Mountainside Sign and shouted,"I'm working for Master Ge Xuan, get out of my way!"

With a loud shout, the ghost soldiers who wanted to rush forward were immediately scared away.

After a while, the horse stopped at the gate of the Suppressing Evil Division, and Monk Lingzhi came out at that time.

"Amitabha, I have seen……"

Zhao Jin was so angry that he shouted,"Go, bald donkey, stop doing these nonsense, it's urgent, come with me to see the chief of the department."

Lingzhi was scolded for nothing, and the kind smile on his face froze.

But before he could say anything, Zhao Jin grabbed his sleeve and dragged him into the evil suppression department and went straight to Yu Xuanji's office area.

""Senior Yu, Senior Yu, something terrible has happened!" Zhao Jin shouted from a distance as he ran in. Yu

Xuanji, the first in the case, looked at the two people rushing in and asked with a little dissatisfaction:"You have been practicing Taoism for many years and have lived for hundreds of years, but you are still so reckless.……"

Before Yu Xuanji finished speaking, Zhao Jin said impatiently:"Senior, something terrible has happened. The robbery-level ghost has fled to the mortal world. Zhang Qingyuan is trapped in the ghost den, along with tens of thousands of teachers and students of Jiangnan University in the mortal world. They may die at any time!"


Yu Xuanji stood up suddenly, and the copper bell on the umbrella rang...

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