The helicopter propellers kicked up dust all over the ground.

A government helicopter landed on a street near Jiangnan University.

Cars blocked the road and cordons were set up to prevent ordinary people from breaking in.

Zhao Yuanshan got off the plane and saw several men in black and a man in Taoist robes coming over.

"How many more people should we invite?" he asked the staff around him.

"There aren't many Taoists near Jiangnan, and there are only three of you, including Master Zhao."

Zhao Yuanshan's face darkened:"Only so few?"

The staff also looked bitter and said,"There's nothing we can do. The higher-ups didn't pay much attention to it before, and some people with real skills hid among the people, making it hard to find them. We can only hope that they will come over after seeing Zhang Qingyuan's video, but we don't know when that will happen."

Soon, Zhao Yuanshan was taken to a command vehicle not far away. The old Taoist priest who had just been seen had arrived in advance, as well as an old man in a Tang suit with a full head of white hair, who was closing his eyes in deep thought.

"Master Zhao, you are finally here. I am Chen Ze, in charge of the command of this Jiangnan incident."A middle-aged man came up to him and shook hands with him enthusiastically.

His granddaughter was trapped inside. Zhao Yuanshan was impatient now and asked directly:"What is the situation inside now? Is that ghost still killing people?"

As he said that, he turned to the other two and asked:"I am Zhao Yuanshan from Zaoge Mountain. I have not yet asked you two Taoist friends what……"

The old man in Taoist robes bowed calmly and said,"I am Taoist Tongwei from Shanjun Temple. Nice to meet you."

The old man who had closed his eyes also opened his eyes and replied,"I am not a Taoist, but I have some skills passed down from my family. I am sorry to make you laugh. You can just call me Shen Molin."

Zhao Yuanshan frowned slightly. It was not that he felt it was inappropriate. It was just that although these two people had Taoist skills, judging from their aura, they did not seem to be too strong. As for what hidden means they had, he did not know.

But if it was just like this, entering the ghost den would be no different from committing suicide.

"The three of you know each other now. Can you please allow me to introduce the latest situation inside?" Chen Ze asked.

""Go ahead!"

The three of them became alert and looked at the TV screen hanging in the carriage.

"Three, according to Zhang Qingyuan's live broadcast, they are currently hiding in the back mountain of Jiangnan University, and there is no danger for the time being. In addition, just now, Zhang Qingyuan seemed to have awakened the land god of the back mountain.……"

"Wait... there is a land god in the ghost cave? That's not right, right? If there is a land god, the ghosts shouldn't be able to make such a fuss." Zhao Yuanshan asked puzzled. Chen Ze was a little helpless:"The land god temple has been abandoned for a long time and lacks offerings. It was the students brought by Zhang Qingyuan who made temporary offerings to awaken it. According to the land god, he can only protect those people in the back mountain. He has no way to deal with ghosts."

"No wonder……"Zhao Yuanshan scoffed and said,"Every dynasty had to suppress the two religions at first, but when problems arose, they had to rely on us. It's fate."

Chen Ze was a little embarrassed and didn't know how to respond.

"It's useless to say these things now. Master Zhao, let's think of a way to deal with it, right? If my family wasn't in Jiangnan, I would be worried that this ghost would spread and affect the younger generation in my family, and I would definitely not get involved in this mess."Shen Molin said helplessly.

"Is there anything else besides these? Can we contact Zhang Qingyuan inside?"Tongwei Taoist also asked.

Chen Ze nodded:"I will contact him now. You three can ask him directly if you have anything."

As the staff operated, Zhang Qingyuan's live broadcast room appeared on the screen, with a mountain forest in the background. Zhao Yuanshan was sharp-eyed and immediately found Zhao Lingshan in the corner of the screen. After sending the microphone connection application and waiting for a few seconds, Zhang Qingyuan agreed and prompted that the connection was successful.

"Zhang Qingyuan, can you hear us?……"

""Fuck, Master Yuanshan, you are finally here." Zhang Qingyuan shouted on the other end of the video

"Who is it? My grandpa is here? Where is he?"Zhao Lingshan leaned over.

"Girl……"Zhao Yuanshan couldn't help but shout

"Stop it, stop it, you can't see the other side."

Zhang Qingyuan pushed Zhao Lingshan away. Seeing this, Zhao Yuanshan's face turned black and he cursed,"Boy, what the hell are you doing? How come a robbery-level ghost appeared here?"

"Real man, you have to speak with conscience. What does this have to do with me? It was obviously your precious granddaughter who called me from the underworld to help her deal with the pervert, but who knew that I would hit a wall.……"Zhang Qingyuan cried out loudly, saying that he was the most wronged person in the whole place. He had inexplicably turned from a welfare situation into a life-and-death situation.

"Okay, okay, stop talking about that. I want to ask you, what's going on inside? Haven't the people from the underworld come yet?"

Zhang Qingyuan's face became a little serious:"The situation is not good. The land god just said that this ghost is about to become an immortal. The sky has already seen the calamity cloud."

As he said that, he aimed the camera at the red cloud above the ghost den. Compared with before, small electric snakes can be seen flashing in it.


Zhao Yuanshan jumped up and cursed:"Are all the people in the underworld a bunch of trash? Can all the ghosts who are about to become immortals be released?"

The faces of Tongwei Taoist and Shen Molin next to them were as black as water. When they came here, they heard that it was a calamity-level ghost, and they almost came with the determination to survive, but now this ghost is about to become an immortal, it is really a dead end.

Zhang Qingyuan said helplessly:"Who would have thought it would be like this? Fortunately, the ghost has not come to trouble us yet, but those who are still in school are probably miserable. The ghost has produced a large number of ghost fetuses by having sex with women, and the ghost fetuses control the mother to eat people everywhere.……"

"Wait, what did you say? Ghost fetus?"Zhao Yuanshan felt his scalp tingling, and a chill ran from head to toe.

"What happened?"

Zhao Yuanshan slumped down in his chair, his face pale, the corners of his mouth trembling, and he didn't respond for a long time.

""Master Zhao, what happened?" Taoist Tongwei asked.

Chen Ze also came over and said,"Master Zhao, what happened?"

"It's over. It's over.……"Zhao Yuanshan uttered a few words and murmured,"This is a big problem. We can't handle it alone."

"That ghost doesn't want to become an immortal, but a demon!"

"When a woman gives birth to a life, she will naturally generate a ray of innate vitality.

The ghost takes advantage of this natural law to have sex with the woman, and at the same time spreads its own soul into the abdomen of these women to intercept the innate vitality.

However, the vitality is pure, and if it is polluted by the Yin Qi, it will become an extremely evil existence.

At that time, it only needs to give birth to the ghost fetus and devour these ghost fetuses again to re-form the soul body.

With the power of the most evil, it will become a demon that cannot be tolerated by the three realms.


Zhao Yuanshan's tone was extremely heavy, and even people who didn't know the truth would feel their scalps tingling when they heard this.

From a ghost to a demon, just listening to it, you know that it is not something to be messed with.


Chen Ze swallowed his saliva and asked,"Then Master Zhao, what should we do now?"

Zhao Yuanshan frowned and thought for a moment, then stood up suddenly and said sternly,"Boy, I will enter this ghost cave later. You settle those students and meet me at the gate of Jiangnan University."

After that, he looked at Shen Molin and Taoist Tongwei and said,"You two, the ghost fetus needs a lot of blood to be born. The only way is to try your best to stop the ghost fetus from devouring living people and wait for the underworld to come to quell the rebellion. This trip is a 100% sure death. Are you two prepared?"

After a long silence, Taoist Tongwei sighed and said,"We, the people of Xuanmen, have an obligation to do our part."

"Forget it, I don’t have many years left to live, so I’ll just try to save the younger generation’s life by entering this hellhole." Shen Molin also replied.

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