Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh...

Most of the fleeing ghost babies were dispersed by Huang Shuangshuang's thunder talisman, but those that managed to escape immediately gathered in one direction and merged into a ghost child again.

However, his body became shorter, and he looked like a five or six-year-old.


The recovered ghost boy's face was distorted, and the hatred in his eyes almost turned into substance, staring at Huang Shuangshuang.

Zhao Yuanshan excitedly rushed out with a peach wood sword, intending to kill him while he was sick.


Before Zhang Qingyuan could stop it, hundreds of ghost babies had already rushed in from all over the place and quickly merged into the ghost boy's body.

"Damn it……"

Zhao Yuanshan immediately ran back as if his butt was on fire.

The piercing evil spirit surged wildly, with the ghost child as the center, and the surrounding area seemed to have turned into a deadly place. A terrifying force spread outward, and wherever it passed, the grass and trees withered, the walls aged, and large chunks of the wall peeled off in the affected dormitory buildings.

Zhang Qingyuan watched helplessly as the railings in the corridor at the entrance of the dormitory building were covered with rust.

The power of decay made people's scalps numb.���Hurrying to distance myself

"It's bad! This ghost has taken back the ghost baby outside. It is now in its strongest form and has recovered to the calamity level."Zhao Yuanshan said with a worried look on his face, holding the peach wood sword.

At this moment, the ghost baby has been integrated, the dark fog has dissipated, and the figure of the ghost child has reappeared. At a height of 1.6 meters, he is already comparable to a boy of 14 or 15 years old.

If the ghost child of about 10 years old just now could barely gain the upper hand, then the ghost child at this moment is truly crushing.

"You...will all...die!!!"

With the word"die", the killing intent came like a torrent, and the ghost boy disappeared. The next second, he groaned and came out.

Zhang Qingyuan felt that the divine light of the Taoist soldier on his body was greatly suppressed, and he was hit hard in the chest and flew backwards.


Zhang Qingyuan, who was flying in the air, heard a muffled sound. Huang Shuangshuang took out a half-human-high shield with various ghosts and monsters carved on it from nowhere. The ghost boy wanted to catch her, but was blocked by her.


Zhang Qingyuan, who was wearing Taoist armor, had a physical body similar to that of a living person. He fell to the ground and raised a large amount of dust.

A figure wearing a Taoist robe also flew over and almost hit him.


Zhao Yuanshan spit out a large mouthful of blood, his face as white as paper.

On the other side, Taoist Tongwei crashed into the wall of the dormitory building, cracking a large piece of wall, and fell to the ground again. He didn't react for a long time, and it was unknown whether he was dead or alive. As for Shen Molin, the fox fairy helped him block the attack, but he also collapsed on the ground, gasping for breath. The ghost boy only flashed and attacked with a flat attack, and instantly injured four people. It was a completely overwhelming strength.

Rub, rub, rub...

The broken hand ran quickly with two fingers in step, and jumped to Zhang Qingyuan's chest to see if he was okay.

"Cough cough cough……"Zhang Qingyuan was lying on the ground, pointing at the phone next to him, and motioned to pick it up with his broken hand. It should not be broken.

After all, it was a far-leading phone. It was said that it could block bullets on the chest.

On the other side, Huang Shuangshuang was holding a shield. The ghost child seemed to have set his sights on her and attacked her repeatedly, trying to catch her, but was blocked by the shield.

"She is indeed a rich woman.……"

Unable to deal with Shuangshuang, the ghost boy also became angry, and an extremely evil aura surged from his body, with black magic patterns crawling all over his body.

He stretched out his hand and said grimly:"The magic shadow is asking for the soul!" Before he finished speaking, a series of black shadows burst out from his body, most of which rushed towards Huang Shuangshuang, and a few rushed towards Zhang Qingyuan and the others.

"Respectfully welcome General Fuwei!"

Zhao Yuanshan lit a long incense stick and stuck it into the ground. The incense was so strong that a golden passage opened up. Liu Fuwei rode a big horse and led a group of Taoist soldiers to rush out.


Liu Fuwei slashed at the demon shadow with the big knife in his hand. The boiling divine power mixed with the power of incense and directly tore the demon shadow into two halves.

Thump thump...

Liu Fuwei and a group of Taoist soldiers stood in front of him, protecting Zhang Qingyuan and Zhao Yuanshan, and they were safe for the time being.

But Shen Molin and Taoist Tongwei were not so lucky. The fox fairy emerged and wanted to block the demon shadow for Shen Molin, but in just a moment, the fox fairy was defeated. The blood-stained jade fox in Shen Molin's hand broke apart, and the demon shadow rushed into his body, grabbed his soul and returned to the ghost boy's body.

On the other side, Taoist Tongwei, whose life and death were already unknown, could not even resist, and his soul was taken away directly.

However, Huang Shuangshuang, who was given special care by the ghost boy, was at ease. He didn't know when he held up a Luo umbrella. No matter how the demon shadow attacked, it could not break through the fairy light hanging from the Luo umbrella.

"Ahem...boy, what is the identity of the girl you brought? I can't tell how strong she is, but she has a lot of treasures."

"She should be the descendant of a certain big boss. She is not a ghost, but she disguised herself as a ghost and sneaked into the Suppression of Evil Division."Zhang Qingyuan explained in a low voice.

""Team leader, are you okay? Do you want my help?" Huang Shuangshuang still had the energy to pay attention to the situation on his side.

""Ahem, I'm fine. I'll come to help you right away." Zhang Qingyuan said shamelessly.

The little Loli's ability to make money was beyond his expectation. Although he guessed that she must have a way to save her life when he came, he didn't expect so much.

Compared with himself, the little equipment he had bribed from the secret library of suppressing evil was simply not worth mentioning.

""Team leader, I'm fine. It can't do anything to me. Just be careful." Huang Shuangshuang shouted.

At the same time, the ghost child seemed to have noticed the relationship between the two. It turned its eyes and fell on Zhang Qingyuan.

"Not good!"

The next second, the demons surrounding Huang Shuangshuang immediately turned their guns and rushed towards him frantically.

""How dare you, you daring demon!" Liu Fuwei drew his sword and rushed towards the demon shadow without hesitation, trying to stop it.

Before Zhang Qingyuan could breathe a sigh of relief, he suddenly felt horrified... The ghost boy was gone.


A cold breath came from behind him, and a hand like an ice cube pinched his neck.

""Boy, be careful!" Zhao Yuanshan's reminder came too late.

Zhang Qingyuan's eyes widened, and the cold power flowed into his soul through the ghost boy's hand, as if countless ants were gnawing at his soul.

At the true soul light, the Nine Yin Soul Lotus seemed to have sensed his danger, but this time it was unusual, and the blooming lotus seat slowly closed, covering the true soul light.

The next second, the evil power rushed into the core of his soul, but it was a step too late and failed to touch his soul light.

Seeing him in danger, the broken hand jumped anxiously, clenched into a fist and smashed it hard into the ghost boy's face.

The ghost boy showed a trace of sarcasm on his sinister face, and did not take the broken hand's attack seriously at all.



A wave of air shook the ground behind them and created cracks. The ghost boy's face collapsed and he flew out screaming. The severed hand stopped where it was. The big eyeball in the palm of its hand showed some confusion. It looked at the ghost boy who flew far away, then looked at its own fingers, as if wondering when it became so powerful.

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