The Yang world of Jiangnan University landed in the back mountain.

Zhao Jin fell directly from the sky and landed where a group of girls gathered.

"Here comes the one who cleans up the mess. You in the underworld are really good at letting ghosts of this level escape to the living world. After this is over, I will definitely punish you." The land god questioned, holding his long staff.

Zhao Jin turned around and saw the land god, who was more than one meter tall, looking at him unkindly.

""Master uncle!" A surprised shout rang out from the crowd.

Zhao Jin was stunned for a moment, only to see Zhao Lingshan squeezed in the middle, waving at him.

"Lingshan? Why are you here? Where is that guy named Zhang?"

"He went to the campus to deal with the ghost"

""Ah? That guy is so anxious to die?" Zhao Jin was a little confused.

Based on his understanding of Zhang Qingyuan, he should find a place to hide and wait for someone to save his life.

As he was talking, evil suppressors began to fall from the sky one after another, and Monk Lingzhi and Zhou Long also fell.

A group of girls huddled aside, shivering at the sight of these evil suppressors who were surrounded by yin energy and did not seem to be good people.

After a while, hundreds of evil suppressors all entered the world of the living. The thick yin energy gathered in the mountains and forests, the temperature dropped sharply, and even a faint mist rose.

The land god knocked on his long staff and said,"Hurry up, hurry up, stay here, or these girls will be frozen to death."

Zhao Jin bowed to him and said,"We will deal with this ghost invasion as soon as possible, and I hope the god will not blame you."

The land god waved his hand, signaling them to leave quickly and stop bothering people here.

As the god of the land, although he was the last in the order of gods in the heavenly court, his status was much higher than these ghost messengers, so it was not excessive to scold him.

At this time, a black smoke rose into the sky from the direction of the school at the foot of the mountain, like a flare, very conspicuous. This was the unique contact method of the Suppression of Evil Division.

"That kid is still alive, let's go check it out."

Zhao Jin's face lit up with joy, and he rushed towards the direction of the smoke column.


In the stadium, Zhao Yuanshan sat cross-legged in the middle, reciting the"Duren Jing" to pray for the souls of the students who died tragically at Jiangnan University.

Huang Shuangshuang was sorting out the corpses, preparing the final appearance of the mothers who were pregnant with ghost babies, otherwise a big hole in the stomach would be too ugly.

After a while, Zhang Qingyuan caught a glimpse of a large cloud of dark fog floating quickly towards them.

"Yuanshan, and Zhang kid, are you still alive?" Zhao Jin's ghostly cry was heard from a distance.

""Where are the ghosts? Where are the ghosts?" The old ghost rushed out from the mist, turning his head to look around. The pile of corpses on the ground caught his attention, and his face darkened slightly:"So many died?"

"Amitabha, good, good, ghosts are causing trouble, and people are in trouble. My Buddha has mercy, and I wish all donors to be reborn in paradise……"

"Uncle Master, you are finally here." Zhao Yuanshan also finished the salvation and came over.

""What's going on? Where's the ghost?" Zhao Jin asked with his eyes wide open.

Zhang Qingyuan complained,"I notified the underworld last night, but it's only here now. The ghost saw that I was handsome and committed suicide."

"Bullshit, do you think I want to delay this until now? You know what kind of people those bastards in the underworld are. So many evil-suppressing agents have come to the world of the living, and they have to review and ask for instructions, which has delayed them for a long time."

"Stop talking nonsense, where did that ghost go? Senior Yu will be here soon, hurry up and find it out, and wait for Senior Yu to kill it."

"He is really dead. He was killed by our team leader. Our team leader is so powerful. Huang Shuangshuang said weakly.


Zhao Jin and others were petrified... staring at Zhang Qingyuan in amazement.

"Amitabha, Mr. Zhang, the chief has personally stepped in for this matter. If you lied about the military intelligence, you have to think about how to argue for a while."Lingzhi said as if he was thinking about you.

Zhao Jin and Zhou Long looked at him with an expression that said you are finished.

Zhang Qingyuan couldn't hold it anymore and said angrily:"I didn't see you at the critical moment, and now you come to make sarcastic remarks. Even if the ghost is dead, he can't survive even if Jesus comes. I said it."


Before he finished speaking, a thunder exploded in the sky, and the Yin River, which had not yet dissipated, trembled. The black clouds changed wildly and surged. A huge boat like a pleasure boat drifted along the Yin River.

On the bow, the beautiful figure holding a paper umbrella attracted everyone's attention.

【Awooo awooo...Awooo, Sister Yu Xuanji is here!】

【Licking the screen! The dog is brave, the knife is ready, and he will cut his neck immediately, let this sister wait for me, warm her wounded heart】

【By the way, when will sister Yu Xuanji come to help me get rid of the ghost in my bed? It's so cold every night.】

【That is the resentment of your millions of descendants, so do less evil! 】

Accompanied by a pleasant ringtone, Yu Xuanji floated down from the sky holding a paper umbrella.

She was as graceful as a startled swan and as gentle as a swimming dragon. She was as glorious as autumn chrysanthemums and as luxuriant as spring pines. She was as if a light cloud covered the moon and as if the wind blew back the snow... It was like the goddess of Luo River descending to the world. This scene made a group of gentlemen in the live broadcast room scream with excitement.

In the live broadcast room, some female fans couldn't stand it anymore and made sour comments.

【Tsk! What's so great about that? This fairy is still as beautiful as a fairy in ancient Chinese costume.】

【What celestial being? The giant spirit? Zhu Bajie? The blue bull of Taishang Laojun should also be considered a celestial being, right?】

【Get lost!!!]

Yu Xuanji landed in front of everyone and asked calmly,"What's going on? Where's that Tribulation-level ghost?"

Everyone looked at Zhang Qingyuan.

"To Senior Yu, the ghost is dead and its remaining soul is stored in the gourd by me."

"You?" Yu Xuanji obviously didn't believe it:"You dealt with the robbery-level ghost alone? Do you know what you are talking about?"

It seems that I am too low-key... Zhang Qingyuan thought arrogantly

"Sir, I can testify that it was the team leader who killed the ghost child himself. He was very powerful and saved the lives of tens of thousands of people. You don’t know how dangerous it was at that time. The ghost almost swallowed up these ordinary souls.……"Huang Shuangshuang actively took credit for Zhang Qingyuan.

Zhang Qingyuan looked at her with great satisfaction... This little Lolita who is sensible, easy to deceive, and has an extraordinary status is hard to find even with a lantern.

"Did you really kill him?" Zhao Jin looked as if he had smoked a whole pack of cigarettes and still couldn't figure it out.

"Senior, we have known each other for a while. Others may not know, but you still don't know? I, Zhang Qingyuan, usually don't like to be in the limelight, so everyone mistakenly thinks I'm a rookie. This is my fault. Okay, I won't pretend anymore. I'm going to show my cards.……"

""Alright, alright, shut up now. I'm so ashamed for you." Zhao Jin said repeatedly, covering his forehead.

Yu Xuanji spoke again:"Since it has been resolved, don't delay in the world of the living. Leave the aftermath to the people in the world of the living, and go back to the underworld."

"Zhang Qingyuan, you discovered the ghost here, and you solved it. The credit is all yours. I will report it truthfully, and I hope you won't hide anything."

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