"Ask the Heaven……"

Zhang Qingyuan looked at the window that popped up on Kuaishou and sighed softly. He never thought that Daxia would be forced to this point.

"Asking the Heavens? Team Leader, are you saying that Yang Jian Dynasty is going to ask the Heavens? This is a big deal! Huang Shuangshuang asked in shock.

"Oh? You know this?"

"Of course I know. My ancestors said that when asking questions about the heavens, the gods in heaven, including the King of Hell and even the Lord of Mount Tai, would listen and give reasonable explanations based on the feedback from the living world. However, in the past, the emperors who asked questions about the heavens usually struggled because their dynasties were doomed, so it was nothing."

Zhang Qingyuan frowned,"It should be different this time."

He had already guessed what Daxia was going to ask about. It was probably related to the ghosts causing chaos in the living world. The technological explosion should have been a prosperous era, but it caused a situation of chaos caused by ghosts. He must ask clearly.

"Shuangshuang, this time the question in the living world is probably about the ghosts causing trouble. In this prosperous era of humanity, all this commotion has happened. What do you think will happen then?" Zhang Qingyuan asked indirectly.

This little Lolita is of extraordinary status and probably knows some inside information.

Huang Shuangshuang tilted her head and thought for a while, then said,"Ghosts are causing trouble in the living world. If they really ask about this, the underworld must give a reasonable explanation. If it cannot be accepted by the living world, I'm afraid something big will happen, a very big thing.……"


Before she finished her words, a thunder ripped the sky apart, leaving a crack several miles long, and then endless fairy light fell from the sky, accompanied by fairy music, and a figure shrouded in colorful clouds fell from the sky.

The sky began to drizzle, spreading into the underworld, as if it contained infinite vitality.

Zhang Qingyuan reached out to catch a drop, and saw the rain disappear in his hand.

The extremely comfortable pleasure quickly spread throughout his body, even more than the female ghosts in the Qunfang Baigui Building.

""Ah! Someone from Heaven is coming?" Huang Shuangshuang exclaimed.

She saw the figure that descended from the sky, accompanied by fairy light, and landed in the Emperor's Palace in the center of Fengdu City.

At the same time, dozens of terrifying Yin gods that were both fairies and ghosts, exuding great power, came from all directions and entered the Emperor's Palace directly.

"The Ten Kings of Hell, the Five Ghost Emperors... are all here? What happened?"

Among those figures, Zhang Qingyuan caught a glimpse and saw Yu Lei and Shen Tu.

It's just that at this moment, he knew the two of them, but the two did not know him.

What happened in Youdu was isolated from cause and effect, time and space, and destiny by the supreme magical powers of the Great Master Xuandu. Unless one can break through all the cause and effect of time and space and return to one's own existence, one cannot feel what is happening in Youdu. Although Shen Tu and Yu Lei are ghost emperors of the underworld, they obviously have not reached that level.


A copper bell sounded from the roof of the tomb next door. Zhang Qingyuan looked in the direction of the sound and saw Yu Xuanji standing on the roof, looking in the direction of the Emperor's Mansion in the center of Fengdu City.

That is the residence of the Lord of Mount Tai. Although he usually does not live there, it is the center of power in the underworld.

Zhang Qingyuan bravely climbed to the next door, got close to Yu Xuanji, and asked,"Senior, who was that just now?"……"

"Didn't that girl tell you? Someone from Heaven, and a great immortal, otherwise it wouldn't be enough to shake the underworld."Yu Xuanji's words revealed a bit of envy.

Becoming an immortal is her lifelong pursuit, otherwise she would not agree to enter the Suppression of Evil Division. Although she has been dead for a thousand years and it is unlikely to become a celestial immortal, it is still possible to seek a position as a god.

"Someone from heaven? What could it be?……"

Zhang Qingyuan was just wondering when a beam of divine light shot up from the direction of the Emperor's Palace, breaking through the sky of the underworld. The immortal who had just descended followed the beam of divine light and left the underworld.


A beam of light came straight towards Yu Xuanji and fell into her hands.

"Let's go, Zhong Kui has summoned me for something urgent, probably for the immortal who just came."

"Am I going too?"

Under the pink paper umbrella, Zhang Qingyuan felt a pair of eyes falling on him, and heard Yu Xuanji say:"The merits of Jiangnan University are enough for you to ascend to the position of the General of Suppressing Evil, second only to me. Although you have not been officially appointed, you are also qualified enough to go to see Zhong Kui."

Having said that, Zhang Qingyuan naturally would not refuse. He followed Yu Xuanji and walked towards the inner city. A moment later, they arrived at the Suppressing Evil Division.

The two went straight to the chief officer's hall of the Suppressing Evil Division. There were ghosts everywhere and the air was gloomy. Someone had already arrived first.

Zhang Qingyuan followed him in and immediately felt several eyes falling on him.

Zhong Kui sat at the top, with four second-class seats on each side. Three of them were already occupied by people. They were all shrouded in the gloomy air and their appearances could not be seen clearly. Yu Xuanji went straight to the fourth one. He walked to the seat and sat down.

The other three should be the two chiefs of the Suppression of Evil Division, plus the right deputy chief. Zhang Qingyuan had never seen these three people before, and he didn't even know their names.

In addition to the chiefs above, there were two rows of seats below, six on each side, ten of which were already occupied, wearing golden and white evil suppression officer uniforms. They were also extremely powerful ghosts. Zhang Qingyuan roughly estimated that they should all be robbery-level ghosts.

He was a little ghost at the peak of the fierce level, just touching the disaster level, standing here, which was a bit abrupt.

"Okay, Master Dangxie, just choose an empty seat and sit down. Although your appointment as the Suppressing Evil General has not been issued yet, it is basically a done deal, and you are qualified to attend here."Zhong Kui said. Zhang Qingyuan naturally would not be hypocritical, and he chose one of the remaining two empty seats and sat down.

The inquiring and curious eyes around him still did not dissipate, not only the ten Suppressing Evil Generals sitting with him, but also the several chiefs above were looking at him.

"This young man must be Zhang Qingyuan, who was canonized by humanity, right? It is true that heroes emerge young.���, I am honored to be the right chief of the Suppression Division. If you have any problems in the future, you can come to me."

""Greetings, Lord Right Chief." Zhang Qingyuan stood up and bowed.

Then the other two chiefs also spoke in a neutral tone, but they all revealed their names: Left Chief Yan Xu, Right Deputy Chief Tao Min.

After the chiefs were introduced, Zhong Kui spoke again:"Okay, let's talk about getting to know each other later. I summoned you here today for something more important."

"I'm sure you all saw the great immortal from heaven descending to the underworld just now. The Ten Kings of Hell, the Five Ghost Kings, and I were all called to a meeting. This is about asking the heavens and the way in the world of the living. You probably don't know yet."

"Due to the turmoil in Buddhism, the order of the Yin and Yang world has been in chaos.

Recently, many ghosts and evil spirits have escaped into the Yang world to cause chaos.

Therefore, the Yang world Xia Dynasty wants to ask the heavens for the Tao on January 15th.

You should know that this time, the spearhead is that the Yin Division is not managing the Yin world well.

The reason why the immortals came from the heavens is because the ghost disaster at Jiangnan University was reported to the heavens by the Yang land, which angered the Tianzun.

He sent people to reprimand them and announced the matter of asking the heavens for the Tao, so that we must give a reasonable explanation on that day.


"Sir, what does this have to do with us?"Yin Shi asked

"This has nothing to do with us, but before the immortal left, he secretly told me that if the matter of asking the heavens for the way cannot be recognized by the Xia Dynasty in the world of the living, the Tianshi Mansion will ask the Great Tianzun to investigate the underworld, and we will hold the sword!"

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