Inside the Fengdu City Inspection Office, a ghost dressed as a scholar was holding a yellowed ancient book, and his expression suddenly changed.

"Zhang Qingyuan went to the world of the living?"

"What's going on? The nearest Yin-Yang channel in that direction is also thousands of miles away.……"

Lu Zhidao frowned, very puzzled.

As one of the pawns of Buddhism in the underworld, he naturally knew the plan set by several ghost emperors, and his duty was to use the convenience of the Inspection Department to track Zhang Qingyuan's location to avoid any accidents.

Moreover, the direction of the task was also carefully selected, which completely eliminated the possibility of Zhang Qingyuan escaping to the world of the living through the Yin-Yang channel that had mutated in the wilderness of Yintu.

But this guy just happened to escape from the underworld suddenly, which made him puzzled.

Lu Zhidao did not dare to delay, and hurriedly passed the information out. The King of Five Senses on the city wall soon received the news.

The King of Five Senses did not get angry but laughed, and said repeatedly:"Okay, okay... Violating the laws of the underworld and escaping to the world of the living privately is really good."

He angrily went down the city wall and ran straight to the inner city.

Not long after, hundreds of Yama guards came out of the inner city in a mighty manner, and under the leadership of the guard commander, they went straight to the Yin River outside the city.

On the city wall, King Chujiang watched this scene without any action, allowing the other party to do it.


In the world of the living, Zhang Qingyuan stayed in a divine realm created by the incense of the Qingyuan Temple, took out his phone and clicked on the live broadcast.

After Jiangnan University, he had stopped broadcasting for a long time, and even on the day when the Qingyuan Temple opened, he did not broadcast. Instead, he relied on the professional photography team arranged by Lao Wang to film the process of him entering the statue.

"Good afternoon, everyone. The anchor Zhang Dadan has died, but has returned to the world of the living. Can you see where I am?"

As he spoke, he switched his phone to the rear camera and took pictures of the surroundings.

There was an endless stream of people coming to burn incense, but they all seemed to have not seen Zhang Qingyuan, and were busy with their own business.

The live broadcast room soon began to attract people. With Zhang Qingyuan's current number of fans, more than 200,000 people entered the live broadcast room in just a few minutes.

【Eh? Isn't this Qingyuan Temple? You are so bold that you came to Qingyuan Temple without telling us. Wait, I will arrest you now.】

【Anchor, don't move, turn the camera, I think I saw my wife just now】

【Wake up, don't imagine that every woman you see is your wife.】

【Shit, that's really my wife. Who's that guy next to her? He just told me he was in a meeting right now?】

Zhang Qingyuan looked at the Qingqing Grassland brother who suddenly appeared in the live broadcast room and silently mourned for him for two seconds.

At the same time, he also noticed that the wife mentioned by the brother named: ╚Autumn Wind Xiaose was pretty, but she was walking hand in hand with a man who looked seven or eight years older than her, with a bald head and a bit of a leader.

"Don't worry, brother. Is she your wife?"Zhang Qingyuan locked the camera on the woman.

╚Qiu Feng Xiao Se: [It's her, it's her! This bitch, she lied to me that she was going to a meeting, but ended up going to the temple with someone else to burn incense. The guy next to her is her leader, I've seen him before.]

Listening to this brother's accusation, the other people in the live broadcast room all felt sympathetic.

"cough cough……"Zhang Qingyuan coughed twice, hesitated for a moment, and decided to tell this green male compatriot the cruel truth.

"When your wife and the Mediterranean burned incense for me just now, they prayed for a child.……"

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhang Qingyuan saw the woman's phone ringing in the camera, and then she hung up. Then it rang again, and she hung up again...

Forget it, it's too immoral to watch others suffer. Zhang Qingyuan quickly moved the camera away. He was doing a serious business today, not to help catch an adulterer.

【Dog is so bold, what unspeakable things did you do to your phone? Why is the camera lens so gray? Someone finally noticed the abnormality in front of the camera and asked in the comment section:

"This? It is a divine realm created by incense. It is a unique space that overlaps with the Qingyuan Temple, but it belongs to a different world.……"

"The so-called distinction between immortals and mortals is a rule set by the Queen Mother of the West in ancient times when the heaven and the human world were still connected.

Although Emperor Zhuanxu later severed the connection between heaven and earth and completely isolated immortals and mortals, this heavenly rule has been engraved in the way of heaven.

Therefore, every immortal god who builds a temple and accepts worship in the human world will give birth to a divine domain under the influence of the way of heaven.


Zhang Qingyuan briefly introduced it to the netizens, and then changed the subject.

"Okay, everyone, today we are going to broadcast a live show for you."

"Everyone should know about the Ask the Heaven Questions in two days. As far as I know, this time the question is about the recent ghost disasters. Because it involves the underworld, many big guys in the underworld, such as Yama and Ghost Emperor, are now hanging like swords over their heads."

He did not hide anything and directly lifted the fig leaf of the underworld, exposing it to the netizens.

【Why is asking the heavens so awesome? Isn't it just to ask why so many ghosts have come out? Why is the underworld so anxious? 】

Zhang Qingyuan shook his head and explained:"Asking the heavens is an agreement made by the ancient emperors, the heavens, and the underworld. If there is a disaster in the human dynasty, you can climb Mount Tai to ask the heavens to find out the reason. If it is because the underworld or heaven suddenly caused the disaster, you can directly ask them for punishment.……"

"You should all know what the ghost gods in the underworld look like if you have watched my live broadcast before. To put it bluntly, most of these ghost disasters are caused by the corruption of the ghost gods.……"

Then in the live broadcast room, Zhang Qingyuan frantically threw dirty water on the underworld. Although he was also a member of the underworld, so what? If the sky fell, there would be tall people to hold it up. He would definitely not be the first to suffer.

"So, everyone understands. The underworld is worried that the host will be punished by the world of the living when he asks the heavens for the way. It just so happens that the host has been canonized as a god by the human world, so he has been targeted by the Yama Luo, the Ghost Emperor and the like. They want me to come forward to mediate."

"But think about it, my friends. Who am I? I stand up for justice when I see it. How could I possibly go along with the underworld? I must stand on the side of the living world with you all and judge those bastards in the underworld.……"


Before Zhang Qingyuan finished speaking, there was a loud noise in the sky, and then large patches of dark clouds appeared over the Qingyuan Temple.

The sun was shining brightly, but the sky suddenly darkened, and it was even pitch dark.

With the sound of water rushing, a dark river crossed the sky, and a huge dark ship, which was different from a ferry, slowly sailed out. The Five Officials King Flag was hung on the ship, and a group of dark soldiers in armor stood on the ship, overlooking the Qingyuan Temple.

"Zhang Qingyuan, disobeyed the order of Yama Luo, trespassed into the Yang world, violated the Yin law, this commander is the guard under the throne of the Five Senses King, why don't you surrender quickly and follow this commander to the underworld to plead guilty."

Zhang Qingyuan ignored the guards of Yama Luo, facing the live broadcast room, his voice was firm and full of power:"My fellow comrades, the underworld can no longer accommodate me, I wanted to temporarily come to the Yang world to avoid disaster. However, looking at their posture, it is obvious that they are not going to let me go."

He took a deep breath, and his voice became more and more excited:"But, I, Zhang Qingyuan, am bold and strong! The corruption of the Yin gods has caused evil spirits to flood into the Yang world, causing the death of many innocent lives-the tragedy of Chunjiang Community, the tragedy of Jiangnan University, and those corners we don't know yet, how many lives have disappeared in vain!"

His words burned like a raging fire, and he shouted to the camera:"How can the death of these lives be easily covered up? Those Yin gods in the underworld want to evade guilt and keep things quiet? I, Zhang Qingyuan, am the first to stand up and say no! Even if I die again today, I will never negotiate with the Daxia officials for them. Every guilty person, or god, must be judged by justice!"

He waved his fist, his eyes flashing with an intimidating light:"I believe that the power of justice can never be suppressed by evil! I, Zhang Qingyuan, am not fighting alone. Tens of millions of Daxia compatriots are my strong backing! Today I will face the darkness, just for the light in my heart.……"

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