In the divine domain.

Zhang Qingyuan received great blessings. After shooting down the commander of the imperial guards, he seemed to teleport and directly distanced himself.

Looking down, he found that the boys transformed from the ghost fruits were unexpectedly brave. They fought hard with the imperial guards, and both sides suffered casualties.

But the real trouble is the commander of the imperial guards. This guy has suffered two losses and will definitely not give him another chance.

The soul of the commander of the imperial guards who fell to the ground turned into a ball of dark mist, filling the entire Qingsong Mountain divine domain, rushing towards Zhang Qingyuan, blocking all his retreat routes. After retreating again and again, Zhang Qingyuan came to the edge of the divine domain.

He took out the incense and candles that had been prepared long ago from the Sumeru Ring and placed them on the ground, and worshiped to the sky with a pious face.

"The sky and earth are dark yellow, and the gods have descended. The Heavenly Master has given the order, and the Heavenly Soldiers are here to help me!"

The summoning technique that he had obtained from Zhao Jin finally worked. When he finished casting the spell, the condensed incense instantly turned into a thumb-thick green smoke that went straight to the sky.


A thunderclap exploded, and then a divine light descended from the sky and landed on Zhang Qingyuan. Suddenly, a majestic and powerful Heavenly Soldiers projection appeared behind him.

""The Heavenly Soldiers Slash the Evil!"

The projection's eyes flashed with cold lightning, and he drew out the sword from his waist and slashed at the dark fog in front. Zhang Qingyuan seemed to be controlled by some kind of power, and he also drew his sword and slashed. In an instant, the bright sword light was like a meteor across the sky, tearing a crack in the dark fog, and then the meteor exploded and turned into sword light all over the sky, stirring the dark fog into pieces.

Thump thump thump...

The commander of the guards re-condensed his soul, and the sword stood in front of his chest in a defensive position. He retreated hundreds of meters before stabilizing his body.

The heavenly soldiers behind Zhang Qingyuan also turned into light rain and dissipated with the wind. With only one strike, he helped him cross a major realm and slash the commander of the guards back. Taoist magic can still have miraculous effects at critical moments.

"You... are looking for death!"

After being forced back one after another, even a clay man would have some anger. The commander of the imperial guards was immediately furious.

"Today, I will break your soul apart bit by bit!"

After that, the black ghost cave burst out and actually directly covered Zhang Qingyuan's divine domain, repelling his power.

"The path of cultivation is a ladder of one step at a time. It took me a thousand years to reach the calamity level. You are a ghost who has only died for a few months and has become a disaster level by chance. Do you want to compete with me?"

Zhang Qingyuan said with a straight face:"It took me a thousand years to cultivate to this level. Do you want me to praise you? It's really great."


Naked humiliation.

The commander of the guards laughed in anger:"I hope you can still be stubborn later!"

After that, a strange phenomenon appeared in the sky. Blood clouds rolled in the dark ghost cave, and violent blood rain fell. In a moment, a blood-colored depression formed on the ground.

This blood rain seemed to contain some kind of power. Zhang Qingyuan sensed a cold breath trying to invade his soul.

The Nine Yin Soul Lotus was stimulated and automatically appeared under his feet, repelling the power.

Zhang Qingyuan reached out to catch a drop of rain water, and looked closely. He saw a red worm smaller than a hair crawling in it, emitting a faint resentful aura.

"Nine Yin Soul-Born Lotus?"

The cold voice of the commander of the imperial guards appeared behind him. Zhang Qingyuan was startled. Before he could act, he felt a sharp pain behind him. His soul power was flowing out in large quantities. At the same time, a huge force attacked him and knocked him out.


He fell into the blood. Suddenly, millions of red nematodes rushed towards him frantically. Fortunately, the Nine Yin Soul-Born Lotus always protected his soul from being eroded. Otherwise, these worms alone could have eaten him to death.

"Can ghosts also be injured?"

He quickly climbed up, and his soul sensed a wound on his back. His soul body was cut open, and his soul power was flowing out along the wound.

"That knife?"

Zhang Qingyuan's face turned pale, and his soul became somewhat transparent. Looking at the blood knife in the hands of the guard leader, there seemed to be a strange power wrapped around it, which was why it could directly harm the soul. It was similar to the Xie Zhan knife, but much more powerful than the Xie Zhan knife.

"The Soul Devouring Blade... is a gift from the Five Senses King. This commander will use this blade to cut your soul and body apart bit by bit."The guard commander showed a sinister smile on his face.

Damn it!

Zhang Qingyuan cursed inwardly, not daring to be arrogant, and quickly took out the Taoist armor and put it on, at least he could provide���layer of protection.

But this thing can probably only deal with small ghosts. Facing the Soul Devouring Blade, it makes no difference whether you wear it or not.

He hurriedly searched in the Xumi Ring again. When he searched the Shentu Secret Vault before, it seemed that he had casually stuffed a piece of stone armor in it...

After a while, Zhang Qingyuan finally saw the gray-white armor made of pieces of stone among a pile of items. It didn't look magical, but looked like a work of art.

However, at this time, he didn't care whether it was a work of art or not. He put it on first. The more he could block, the better.

Seeing Zhang Qingyuan put on another layer of strange stone armor, the guard commander showed a playful look on his face, as if he was watching an ant struggling in vain.

"Next knife, cut off your calf……"

Before he finished speaking, Zhang Qingyuan hadn't reacted yet. He heard a ding and a strong force came from his calf, causing him to stumble and almost fall to the ground again.

"How can it be?"

"Nothing?" Zhang Qingyuan turned around and saw the guard leader who had appeared behind him at some point. He was looking at the knife in his hand with a confused look on his face, and then looked at the stone armor on his body.

"Can it actually block it?"

Zhang Qingyuan was extremely surprised. He never expected that the useless thing mentioned by Shen Tu's housekeeper would be so powerful.

""Hahaha... let's see if you can still cut me?" He laughed arrogantly.

However, before he finished laughing, there was another ding sound from behind, and a push from behind, which was stronger than the previous one, but it was still blocked, and the huge force pushed him forward a step.

"It's okay, the things that the big guy doesn't like are treasures in the hands of our little Karami."

Zhang Qingyuan was relieved instantly. Just when he wanted to mock him, he saw the commander of the guards silently put away the Soul Devouring Blade, and then took out a two-meter-long mace...

Fuck your mother!

Zhang Qingyuan was dumbfounded. Blunt weapons can break armor, but this stone armor can withstand it, but he can't.


He turned around and ran.

However, the commander of the guards appeared and disappeared in his ghost cave, caught up in an instant, and then hit him in the stomach with a big stick.


Zhang Qingyuan flew more than ten meters away, almost dying overnight. He vomited all the food. The stone armor on his lower abdomen was not broken, but his stomach was almost smashed to death.

Damn... As expected, the most tanky equipment will be hit hard.

At this point, Zhang Qingyuan had the idea of retreating. Fortunately, he had arranged a backup plan in the underworld. If things really didn't work, he could still escape back. He just hoped that the broken hand would not cause any trouble.

At this moment, what he didn't know was that on the underworld dozens of miles away from Fengdu City, a huge hand with blood-red eyes and as big as a mountain slapped down from the air, directly slapping the evil suppressants to death...

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