[Damn, does this mean you don’t want to admit it?】

【Bullshit! There are so many ghosts wandering around in the world of the living every day. Isn't it because your underworld is too useless that this can happen?】

【Investigate! We must investigate, no one can escape, what the dog said is right, these evil spirits just want to cover up the evidence】

【Adding a person's life span to the Book of Life and Death, isn't this a rare occurrence? If it weren't for the monkeys, they would have died long ago.】

【What's the matter with that black monk? Zhang Dabing seemed to have warned people not to go to the temple to burn incense before. Is it because of this?

The netizens of Daxia who were watching the live broadcast were extremely angry and started to criticize in the live broadcast room.

Li Chaogang was wearing a headset, and the staff in charge of the live broadcast reported the situation in the live broadcast room to him.

He just smiled faintly and said:"It is reasonable for the Lord to protect his subordinates, but this matter is not decided by me alone. It is the common voice of hundreds of millions of people in Daxia. At this moment, more than 890 million people are watching us."

"890 million people?"The Lord of Mount Tai frowned and said,"Are you kidding, Li Xiang?"

Obviously, the immortal cultivators don't understand technology. Even as the Lord of the Underworld, he has never heard of live broadcasting.

【Brothers, what should we do if he doesn’t believe it?】

【Thoroughly investigate the underworld!】

【Thoroughly investigate the underworld!】

A large number of comments began to flood the screen, and hundreds of millions of Daxia people shared the same thoughts and ideas, gathering into a force that shook the world.


Thunder exploded, the projection of the heavens was turbulent, a vast river suppressed the light of the underworld starry sky, and countless ordinary, common human projections appeared in the sky, young and old, male and female

"Thoroughly investigate the underworld!"

"Thorough Investigation of the Underworld……"

The shouts resounded through the heavens and the earth, shaking all directions. All the gods in the heavens and underworld felt the pure, fiery will of all living beings, like a flame burning the sky, which made people change color.

The long river of human thoughts, which was even more powerful than when Zhang Qingyuan fought the commander of the imperial guards, almost covered the entire world's sky, making all the gods in the heavens and underworld feel this terrible power.


A muffled sound came from the sky, and a mysterious yellow air, accompanied by the vast human imperial luck, surged out, covering most of the heavens.

The four great heavenly masters bowed and stepped aside, respectfully saying:"Meet the Central Yellow Emperor Xuanling Huang Lao Yiqi Tianjun!"

An old man with a simple face, wearing a Huangjing jade crown and a five-color flying robe, appeared on the sky, looking at the Jade Emperor Peak and the Yinhe Yin Gods, and shouted majestically:"This emperor should not be involved, but as the ancestor of humanities, I have to say a few words after hearing about this matter. Please forgive me, Great Heavenly Venerable"

"" Your Majesty, please feel free to speak." The Jade Emperor said very politely.

The Yellow Emperor Xuanling Huang Lao Yi Qi Tianjun, to put it bluntly, is the ancient human emperor - the Yellow Emperor!

The ancient human emperor said:"The human world is the foundation of the three realms. The mortal world is in chaos, and the three realms are not at peace. At this time of the end of the law, the chaos in the netherworld will affect the mortal world. We must pay attention to it. This emperor suggests that we should investigate the gods of the netherworld."

As one of the five elders of the five directions, the words of the Yellow Emperor still carry a lot of weight.

As the ancestor of humanities in the mortal world, he had to stand up and say a few words.

"This matter will be handed over to the Tianshi Mansion to handle."The Great Tianzun made the decision.

"We will obey the will of heaven!"The four great celestial masters responded in unison.

The underworld gods were as sad as if they had lost their parents. Their faces were so gloomy that they could not bear to look at them.

"Lord Tian, is this matter open to discussion?" Lord Taishan's face was not looking good.

This time, he asked the heavens and asked if he wanted to use this opportunity to clean up the Buddhist pawns in the underworld, but he didn't expect that the operation in the world of the living would actually put all the underworld gods in.

At this moment, Li Chaogang finally realized that something seemed wrong, and his eyes drifted to Zhang Qingyuan beside him, his eyes were as deep as water.

The latter felt a little guilty, and his eyes were erratic.

"Lord, although the problem of scabies does not affect the overall situation, the public opinion in the world is surging. How to calm it down? Do you have any measures?"

The soul's question made Lord Taishan speechless. He looked solemn. Things were out of control. At this moment, if anyone dared to say no, the surging river of human thoughts would probably drown him in an instant.

"I will obey the orders of the Great Heavenly Venerable and Heavenly Lord. As the chief official of the underworld, I will cooperate with the Heavenly Master's Mansion to investigate the gods of the underworld and will not tolerate them."At this time, he could only protect himself and dared not to defend himself.

"Good!" Zhang Tianshi praised

"Then please invite the Exorcist Master Zhong Kui to come and listen to my orders!"Zhang Tianshi ordered.

His words could contain the law of heaven. The passage to the underworld was opened, and a big man wearing a red robe and a horn belt and court shoes walked slowly in.

"Zhong Kui pays homage to the Great Celestial Master and all the Heavenly Masters!"

""Please excuse me, I will ask the Heaven for the Dao today. The Yang world has listed the crimes of the gods in the underworld. By order of the Great Heavenly Venerable, I, the Heavenly Master, order you to hold this magic sword and take charge of the investigation of the underworld. If anyone resists, you can kill them first and report later. Do you understand?" asked Zhang Tianshi

""Zhong Kui, listen to my orders!"

After saying that, the book in Zhang Tianshi's hand fell, and then a fairy sword fell from the sky, with a dragon and a tiger following, and the fairy light was vast. The sword energy that was emitted wantonly crisscrossed the sky, forming the shape of a dragon and a tiger, with unparalleled power.

Zhong Kui was respectful and respectfully took the dragon and tiger fairy sword given by Zhang Tianshi with both hands.

"Prime Minister Li, is this arrangement okay?" asked Tianshi Zhang.

Li Chaogang nodded and said,"Tianshi is very wise and is in charge of Tianshu, so it is natural.

I just ask my Great Xia Dangxie Zhenjun to participate in it so that we can understand the progress in time and give an explanation to the people of Great Xia.

At the same time, I also ask the underworld to send people as soon as possible to clear out the evil spirits and ghosts that are causing chaos in the world of the living.

Otherwise, my Great Xia Xiankui Division alone will not be able to do it.


Zhang Qingyuan showed a stiff smile on his face... This old prime minister really didn't want to let me go, and he had to drag me back into this big pit.

But at this time, he couldn't say the word"no", after all, the other party's request was reasonable.

Before Zhang Tianshi spoke, another old man who was also wearing a Pingtian crown and a Taoist robe of the sun, moon and stars said first:"Daxia Dangxie Zhenjun is a Taoist soldier under this poor Taoist, and he is ranked as a seventh-grade Taoist general. According to what Zhiyang Tianshen and this poor Taoist said, this boy has killed disaster-level ghosts one after another, saving tens of thousands of lives. He is indeed an upright and fair person."

Fair? Upright?

Zhang Qingyuan felt a little uneasy, feeling that these two words had nothing to do with him.

"Oh? Since he is a disciple of Ge Xuan, he must be trustworthy. His surname is Zhang, so he has some blood relationship with me. Let him assist the Exorcist to investigate the underworld."

The two old masters talked back and forth, which made Zhang Qingyuan receive a lot of attention, especially from the gods of the underworld.

Now he really holds the law of heaven and can walk sideways in the underworld.

Zhang Qingyuan bowed and said,"I will obey the orders of the master. I will do my best and dare not neglect it."

It seems to be a good thing. Catch a few blind underworld gods, frame them, and then confiscate their property and exterminate their clan... Well, that's it. Wei Xiaobao also made his fortune in this way... Zhang Qingyuan thought silently in his heart.

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