[So brutal, I saw Chang Wei beating Lai Fu】

【Kuaishou, your boss's father was beaten. 】

Kuaishou employees: [Hurry up! Hurry up! 】

Various gloating remarks appeared in the comment section of the live broadcast room, and some suspected Kuaishou employees were also fanning the flames.

In Su Qiaoyang's office, his face had already turned green, and Yan Ziyue was huddled in a chair with her head drooping, not daring to breathe. Every minute and every second was torture. She was even thinking about whether to quietly notify the employees below to quickly close Zhang Dadan's live broadcast room.

But in this situation, she didn't even dare to take out her phone.

Outside the office, the president's secretary sitting at the door listened to the vague screams coming from inside, the closed office door, and the drawn curtains. She immediately imagined a scene that was not suitable for children. She took out her phone and couldn't wait to share it with the company's little sisters group.

From then on, a beautiful office rumor spread on Kuaishou...

In the live broadcast room, the screams lasted for two minutes, and all kinds of comments kept coming.���Some bosses didn't care whether it was true or not, and they gave out rewards, and the revenue data rose sharply.

After a while, Bian Fei and Deng Qigong dragged Su Jianguo out with the soul-locking chain. The old man, who was originally quite wealthy, was now beaten black and blue. The landlord-style shroud on his body was also tattered, and the small hood on his head was lost.

"" Bang~"

Su Qiaoyang couldn't bear it any longer, and slammed the table hard, shouting,"Asshole! Asshole!……"

Yan Ziyue was so frightened that he stood up from his chair and said,"Boss, I will ban him now, permanently!"

Su Qiaoyang's eyes were red, no longer as delicate as before, and he panted and said,"Banned! Now, immediately, right away!"……"

Upon hearing this, Yan Ziyue was about to take out her phone to call someone below, but Zhang Qingyuan in the live broadcast room spoke

"Hey, hey, hey... I think besides normal viewers, there should be some Kuaishou regulators in my livestreaming room, right? Is today's drama interesting? Please don't block my livestreaming room. If you do, I will come and beat this old man up every now and then. Don't worry, this old man is in good health, and you know where I am. It's no problem to beat him up and make him cry, but he won't die. Don't worry."

"You blocked my live broadcast room, which caused your boss's father to be beaten every day. You should think about the consequences. Also, don't think your boss may not know. I will take Mr. Su to Tongyang Temple to give your boss a dream in a while.……"

After that, Zhang Qingyuan switched the rear camera to Su Jianguo, filming his miserable state, and said at the same time:"Grandpa Su, don't blame me. It's your son who opposes me every day and insists on closing my live broadcast room. Do you want to say a few words?"

Su Jianguo wanted to die. This was simply an unprovoked disaster. Even after his death, people would still find trouble with him.

He raised his head, revealing two black eye sockets, and said incoherently:"Yangyang, these people are really fighting, I can't stand it anymore, so don't embarrass them with your live broadcast room……"

Although his words were unclear, one could still make out what he meant.

Yan Ziyue hesitated on the phone she had just opened, not knowing whether to call. She glanced at Su Qiaoyang secretly...her eyes were blazing with fire, and she suddenly admired the words created by the ancients, which were really very vivid.

In the end, she still didn't make the call, fearing that if the live broadcast was suddenly cut off, her life might be over. She even secretly sent a message to Lu Qi, asking him not to close the live broadcast room, as the boss was watching.

Lu Qi: Boss, are you okay? Did you pee? [Funny expression]

Obviously, the employees below had guessed her situation.

Yan Ziyue: You've lost your bonus this quarter... No, you've lost it this year.

Fortunately, the following scenes were much more normal.

Bian Fei used the soul-locking chain to escort Su Jianguo, and the four of them walked all the way to the inner city. During this period, Zhang Qingyuan did not switch the camera, wanting to see whether the Kuaishou employees dared to cut off her live broadcast. Of course, he didn't know that Su Qiaoyang had already watched his live broadcast, and he received a reminder from the boss, so he didn't dare to cut off even if Lu Qi had a hundred courage.

The three of them escorted Su Jianguo to Tongyang Temple.

During the period, they walked through Fengdu City. The scene in the live broadcast room made everyone hold their breath. The red blood moon in the sky, the dim streets, the netherworld-style buildings, paper lanterns, and beast-suppressing...all kinds of things challenged the hearts of all the audience.

If someone said now that this is not the underworld, no one would believe it.

When they arrived in front of the Tongyang Temple, there was also a majestic and tall door head. The two beast-suppressing sculptures at the door were extremely terrifying, as if they were alive.

In fact, this is alive. If a ghost dares to make trouble at the door, the beast-suppressing will let him experience the cruelty of the underworld law.

"Okay, everyone, we have arrived at Tongyang Hall now. Let's see if it looks like the ancient government office. In addition, the two stone statues at the door are not lions, but beasts, which are very scary. If any of you have the opportunity to encounter such a thing in the future, don't provoke it."

【Forget it, I want to live a hundred years, but I don't want to meet】

【There is really no escape from hell……】

【I have learned a lot.]

Netizens basically have no doubts about his being in the underworld.

Zhang Qingyuan continued to explain:"This place is Tongyang Hall. Simply put, it is the place leading to the world of the living. However, it is not a return to the living, but a dream. Everyone understands this, so I will not explain it in detail. In a while, Mr. Su Jianguo will go to Tongyang Hall to dream, and then Mr. Su will see his amiable old father when he falls asleep next time.""

"How is it? Isn't it great? If any of you miss your deceased family, you can find me. I'll tell you to ask him to dream for you. Of course, just give me a few big planes."

Zhang Qingyuan didn't forget to add.

After all, although Tongyang dreaming doesn't cost money, it's not something you can do casually.

The underworld has a limit on the number of times and time for each ghost to dream.

After a brief introduction, Zhang Qingyuan pointed the camera at Su Jianguo and said,"Grandpa Su, I'm really sorry.

I was forced by your son to do this.

When you go in to dream, please tell President Su not to block my live broadcast room in the future.

Everyone will be happy.

He makes his money and I do my live broadcast.


Su Jianguo was beaten very honestly and nodded repeatedly,"Yes, yes... I know what to do, don't worry, little brother, I will definitely teach him a lesson... No, persuade Yangyang."

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