Boom boom boom...

In the open space of Fengmen Village, with the appearance of the ultimate boss, the situation suddenly fell into a tense situation.

The red-clothed evil spirit appeared and disappeared like a ghost, constantly trying to invade the altar. The paper ash debris falling from the sky became larger and larger, like snowflakes, successfully blocking most of the protection of the altar's divine light.

Zhao Yuanshan stood on the altar, holding a Taoist sword, constantly chanting spells, and lightning flashed in the sky. Every time the red-clothed evil spirit appeared, a thunderbolt struck down, blocking its attack and blasting it away.

Although every thunder method can successfully resolve the crisis, it is strange that none of them hit the red-clothed evil spirit, allowing it to escape safely.

Zhao Lingshan, who was standing aside and watching the battle, thought that her grandfather was not strong enough, or his eyes were blurry, otherwise why he couldn't hit it every time.

"Grandpa, if you can split accurately, I have asked you to wear a pair of reading glasses a long time ago, but you insist on saying that your eyesight is good."Zhao Lingshan couldn't help but say

"Bullshit, you know nothing, shut up now." Zhao Yuanshan couldn't help but cursed

"Tsk! You are not happy when others care about you?"

"Miss Lingshan, please don't disturb the old master. The old master did this on purpose. If he wanted to kill this evil spirit, he wouldn't have to spend so much effort and could just let someone in. But he really wanted to catch the other party, so he deliberately missed the target. Otherwise, if he killed the other party, it would solve the crisis, but it would also cause the soul of Zhang Xiaoyou to be broken and they would never be reunited."General Fu Wei couldn't help but explain.

"So it was Grandpa who let the water go?" Zhao Lingshan thought for a moment, and then asked,"Then Grandpa will be fine, right? Don't let the water go and let yourself capsize."

Liu Fuwei:"……"

If you are a filial son and grandson, you can't expect your grandfather to order good things.

"Miss Lingshan, don't worry. Even this kind of evil spirit can't do anything to the old master. Think about the time when the world was in chaos, and the small country of Sakura took advantage of the chaos to plot against Daxia. The old master was able to remain invincible against the top Yin-Yang master of the other side. This little ghost is still far from being able to do that."

"Damn little ghost, if I hadn't been cautious today, I would have blown you to pieces. Just wait, I'll catch you and light you up like an oil lamp."

Zhao Yuanshan had never been harassed by evil spirits before, and he couldn't help cursing. He didn't behave like a Taoist at all.

When the two sides were deadlocked, a new vision appeared. A river with sparkling waves appeared above Fengmen Village. The sound of the river was clearly audible, and a small boat with a lantern hanging on it was speeding over the river.

"Hey... Yuanshan boy, how come you are so embarrassed to deal with this little devil? It seems that your cultivation of Taoism has not improved but regressed."A mocking voice came from the river, and then the small boat took advantage of the turbulent river and stopped steadily above Fengmen Village.

It was the small boat that Zhao Jin and Zhang Qingyuan were riding.

"Master Zhao is here, that's all right." General Fu Wei said, and then he bowed to Zhao Jin at the bow as a gesture of respect.

"Who is this old man?" Zhao Lingshan asked puzzledly.

"Be careful, this is the master's uncle, named Zhao Jin. I used to work under him. The master must have known that it was difficult to capture the evil spirit, so he invited Zhao Jin from the underworld to help."

Zhao Yuanshan used another thunder spell to split the red-clothed evil spirit, and then asked Zhao Jin with a dark face:"Uncle, I have offered sacrifices to you over the years, why are you so slow at the critical moment?"

"Then you can't blame me. I thought you wanted to get the soul of this kid named Zhang, so I brought him here, but he was dawdling along the way, so it took time."Zhao Jin put the blame on Zhang Qingyuan.

Zhang Qingyuan was stunned... Old ghost, you can't play like this.

"Humph, stop talking nonsense. Since Master Uncle is here, please help me and quickly capture this evil ghost. I didn't expect this place to be a place where yin gathers. It almost gave birth to a bad luck." Zhao Yuanshan urged

"Boy, wait on the boat, don't walk around, I'll be back soon."

Zhao Jin ordered, then jumped down with his magic sword on his back, and instantly appeared in the world of the living.

From Zhang Qingyuan's perspective, the scene of Fengmen Village in the world of the living was projected into the river. As for Zhao Jin, he jumped into the water, and the next second he appeared in the projection.

Zhang Qingyuan watched the cross-border combination of the two old Taoist priests like watching a live broadcast.

""Boy, what's going on now?" Zhao Jin walked up to the altar with a sword in hand and asked bluntly.

Zhao Yuanshan said helplessly:"Uncle Master, my granddaughter is beside you, can you stop calling me 'boy' and shut up?"

Zhao Jin followed his gaze and saw a bright girl under the protection of Liu Fuwei, stretching her head to look over here

"This girl looks pretty good. Are you planning to train that guy named Zhang into her Taoist soldier?"

"Well! Otherwise, I, your nephew, would not have gone to such great lengths to come here and help him collect human souls. Okay, uncle, let's stop talking for now. Let's take down this evil ghost first, and then we can talk about any problems later."Zhao Yuanshan urged

"I know, I know. You are the only one who is always bothering others. What methods have you prepared?" Zhao Jin asked impatiently.

"Someone from Maoshan came to deal with it before. They set up the Six Yang Soul Locking Nail outside, and there is also a body-suppressing stone formation below. Although that person was not strong, there was a problem with the body-suppressing stone, which caused these ghosts to escape. But I have repaired it today. I am just not familiar with Maoshan's methods, so I asked my uncle to come up and preside over it."

"Maoshan’s method?" Zhao Jin stroked his not-so-long beard and asked in confusion:"Since the people from Maoshan have taken action, why do they keep the ghosts and not clean them up, but seal them instead?"

"I don't know���It should be because of the gathering of Yin. It is not easy to deal with. If we suppress a ghost here, it will become a land with an owner, so that no mountain monsters will come to invade and cause more trouble."

Zhao Jin nodded:"That being said, we still have to be careful. Since Maoshan did this, they must have their own ideas. After we capture the evil ghost and find the human soul, we should not kill it, but suppress it again, so as to avoid something we don't know about in it and cause trouble."

"All right! Listen to Master Uncle. I will use thunder magic to defeat the evil spirits and force the ghosts out. I will leave the rest to Master Uncle."

"Got it, let's do it!"

With Zhao Jin's support, Zhao Yuanshan immediately felt more confident. He put on a dark blue Taoist robe, picked up the sword on the table, and prepared to perform the ritual with a serious expression.

"Jade Purity turns blue, the true talisman announces the alliance, the two qi are moved, and the unity becomes true……"

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