Less than ten minutes after Zhong Kui sent the message, a cloud of black mist flew from the sky and landed directly in the courtyard.

A ghost messenger wearing a ghost messenger's uniform, holding an account book and a pen, and looking a bit like a judge, appeared in front of everyone.

""Master, are you looking for a villain?" The ghost asked Zhong Kui with a flattering look on his face.

Zhong Kui frowned. He was upright and always looked down on such people, but this guy was a member of the Six Cases Gongcao Shencao Assistant Li, so he didn't ask.

"I have just told you, sir, that there are three people here who need to enter our Suppressing Evil Division. You come and record the Yinji Divine Scroll."

When the assistant official of the Divine Cao heard this, his original smile froze, and he stammered,"True, True Lord, are all three of them recording the Divine Scroll? This may not be in compliance with the regulations."

Zhong Kui waved his hand and said,"Of course I know it does not comply with the regulations, except for those two people, who are Yin messengers of the Suppressing Evil Division. This Yu Xuanji Zhenren will be the Left Deputy Chief of the Suppressing Evil Division. In the future, he will lead a team of Suppressing Evil Envoys alone. The Left Deputy Chief is second only to me and the two Left and Right Chiefs in the Suppressing Evil Division, but he can also enter the Divine Scroll."

"this……"The assistant official of the Divine Office was still in a dilemma, and whispered,"Master Zhenjun, although the Suppression of Evil Division belongs to the underworld, such an important position as the Left Deputy Chief needs to be approved by the Heavenly Master's Mansion before it can be sealed. It is useless for me to just enter the Divine Registry."

"You don't need to worry about this. Someone from the Tianshi Mansion will report it."

"Then... then okay!" The expression of the assistant official of the Divine Cao did not improve. As if he was forced to do something, he wrote down Yu Xuanji's name on the Yinsi Divine Scroll.

The moment he put down his pen, a golden light shot up into the sky, pierced through the dark clouds, and disappeared in an instant. At the same time, the word"read" appeared on Yu Xuanji's page on the Yinsi Divine Scroll, indicating that the Tianshi Mansion had received the information about the seal, and it would be reflected in the book in real time after the approval.

This is a bit like the meaning of automated office after the Internet boom in the world of the living.

""Master Zhenjun, the divine scroll has been written. As for the Tianshi Mansion, it depends on you. If everything is fine, I will leave now." As he said this, the assistant of the divine officer turned into a black cloud and left.

"etc.……"Zhong Kui grabbed it with his big hand and pulled it out of the black cloud.

"There are two more people here. Wait for me to decide how to record it. Then you can take the official documents to the Ghost Cao to save me from making another trip."

The assistant official of the God Cao heaved a sigh of relief when he heard it. It was just a matter of taking something. It was not a big problem. As long as they didn't make things difficult for them, it would be fine.

After Zhong Kui finished speaking, he walked towards Zhao Jin and Zhang Qingyuan, looking at the two with thick eyebrows and big eyes, as if he was struggling with how to arrange them.

"You are from Zaoge Mountain, so you should know some Taoism. How about being an evil suppressor? It just so happens that Junior Sister Yu has just been appointed as the Left Deputy Chief and is going to form a new evil suppressor army. So you can serve under her. As for the future arrangements, it depends on Junior Sister Yu."

""Junior sister, what do you think?" Zhong Kui asked Yu Xuanji.

"You can do whatever you want, I have no objection."Yu Xuanji replied calmly.

"It's like this over there." After deciding where Zhao Jin was going, Zhong Kui looked at Zhang Qingyuan, feeling conflicted and embarrassed, like he was holding a chicken bone, which was tasteless to eat but a pity to throw away.

"That, Master Zhenjun, I have heard about you since I was a child. You were upright and never corrupted. You were very righteous.……"Zhang Qingyuan was worried that something might go wrong, so he immediately flattered him.

"Stop, stop, stop……"Zhong Kui couldn't stand it any longer and said,"Don't talk about this. If I didn't want to go along with the bad people, why would I have taken the exam? It was because the emperor thought I was ugly and rejected me. I was so angry and embarrassed that I hit my head against the wall and died. Now I regret it. If I hadn't been so impulsive, even if I didn't become the No. 1 scholar, I would at least be a Jinshi, and I would have been rich and glorious.""


Zhang Qingyuan was a little dumbfounded. The script and the characters were a bit wrong.

Zhao Jin next to him was almost dying from trying to hold back his laughter. This was another typical case of flattery.

"You, except for your big mouth, don't seem to have anything outstanding. The evil suppression department is already full, and the evil suppression envoy, with your ability, is just to send supplements to the evil ghosts. If it weren't for Sister Yu, I would definitely not pay attention to you."

You can just say that I am useless, no need to beat around the bush... Zhang Qingyuan silently complained

"You don't have to give me face, he kicked the hill away that day……"Yu Xuanji is finishing off the opponent on the side.

"Hmm!" Zhong Kui's eyes widened when he heard this and he shouted,"How dare you kick the hill?"……"

"Already reconciled!" Zhang Qingyuan hurriedly said:"I came to apologize to Senior Yu and Xiao Qiu today. We have already reconciled. If you don't believe me, ask Senior Yu."

As he said that, Zhang Qingyuan cast a pleading look at Yu Xuanji's back holding an umbrella. He knew that she had eyes behind her, and he only asked her not to make trouble even if she didn't help.

Yu Xuanji didn't say anything, which was equivalent to tacitly agreeing. Zhong Kui didn't want to pursue it. After thinking for a while, he said:"If you don't believe me, I will write you a letter of recommendation. You can go to the Inspection Department to see if there are vacancies there.……"

"Well, Senior Zhenjun, this kid is useless now. He wastes food when he is alive and wastes the land of the underworld when he is dead.……"

Zhang Qingyuan glared at him... You old devil, what are you talking about?

Zhao Jin pretended not to see it and continued,"However, my nephew in the world of the living has decided to recruit him as a soldier of Zaoge Mountain. I think it will be enough for him to be an evil suppressor."

The implication is that if you don't believe him, you should believe Zaoge Mountain, right?

Zhong Kui was able to get a high position in the underworld after his death. In addition to his own special status and fate, he also had a lot of���He was also favored by the Tianshi Mansion, so when Zhao Jin said that he was a disciple of Zaoge Mountain, Zhong Kui didn't say anything.

After all, the founder of Zaoge Mountain is Ge Xuan Ge Tianshi, one of the four great Tianshi, who is considered a big shot in the fairy world and a confidant of the Jade Emperor Haotian.

Seeing that the other party spoke for Zhang Qingyuan, even if he didn't consider Zhao Jin's face, he still gave face to Zaoge Mountain. Zhong Kui no longer hesitated and said:"Okay, let him join the evil envoy, and give it to Junior Sister Yu as well. After all, the Taoist sect has prepared Taoist soldiers. Although they are useless now, they should be useful in the future. What do you think, Junior Sister?""

"You decide, I have no objection."

Zhang Qingyuan was relieved when he heard this, and he said it was a close call. At the same time, he made up his mind to keep a low profile in the future. He should not kick a kid he doesn't know casually. Even if Messi is possessed, he must endure the football addiction. Otherwise, if he offends some big guy again, he will have no place to cry.

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