In the underworld, inside Zhang Qingyuan's grave.

Zhao Jin came up again without saying a word, and when he entered the door, he saw the portrait of Ge Xuan Tianshi hanging on the wall, and nodded with satisfaction.

"Boy, you must worship the ancestors well in the future. People like us in the Taoist sect have been cut off from the possibility of being among the immortals because of the loss of connection between the earth and the sky. However, the underworld is directly connected to the heaven. Sooner or later, you will be able to feel the light of the ancestors."Zhao Jin said proudly.

Zhang Qingyuan was skeptical:"Then what light did you get, senior?"

"Bullshit! If I hadn’t received the light, could I have stayed in the underworld? If I wanted to enter the reincarnation cycle, I could have entered, and if I didn’t want to enter, I couldn’t have entered? If I wanted to go to the world of the living, I could have gone, and if I didn’t want to go, I couldn’t have gone?"

""Like Senior Yu Xuanji?" Zhang Qingyuan asked.

According to historical calculations, Yu Xuanji had been dead for more than a thousand years, but he was still alive and well in the underworld. Even if the Ten Kings of Hell were inefficient, the trial and sentencing had been completed.

"Senior Yu Xuanji is a little special, and I don’t really understand it. Although she was not a direct disciple of my Zaoge Mountain, she was also a disciple of the founder’s lineage, so I was able to talk to her."Zhao Jin explained.

Zhang Qingyuan asked with some suspicion:"The key is, why are you telling me this, senior?"

"Humph... If you were not about to become a Taoist soldier of our sect, and Yuanshan, that useless thing, asked me to take care of you, I would not have the leisure to do so."Zhao Jin said with a stinky face.

Since ancient times, the Taoist sect has always emphasized tranquility and inaction, letting things take their own course, but why is it always called: stinky cow nose.

Zhang Qingyuan felt that he had found the reason in Zhao Jin.

Seeing that his expression was a little strange, Zhao Jin didn't know that this kid was criticizing him in his heart, and said impatiently

"Okay, stop talking nonsense. My nephew just sent me a message saying that he has already granted his granddaughter the title of Taoist priest and asked me to come find you. If nothing goes wrong, you will be enrolled in the Taoist sect and become a real Taoist soldier."

"Let's go, come to me, there are some things that need your cooperation."

This was something that had been agreed long ago, so Zhang Qingyuan didn't feel awkward and followed Zhao Jin to the Yinzhai across the street.

However, he was still a little puzzled:"Senior, what exactly is this Taoist soldier? Can you tell me in detail?"

"Taoist soldiers?……"Zhao Jin hesitated for a moment and said,"Let's take the jade pendant of General Tiangong that you got.

Back then, General Tiangong received the"Taiping Daoism" from the Nanhua Patriarch, so he started an uprising and was called the Yellow Turbans.

He used the slogan"The Blue Sky is Dead, the Yellow Sky Should Be Established" as his banner.

With the help of Daoism, he could turn beans into soldiers.

He fought against the imperial army many times and won every battle.

Unfortunately, he lacked the destiny and failed in the end.


"This bean-casting soldier is a kind of Taoist soldier, but it is different from yours. The beans he uses are things born from the spiritual roots of heaven and earth, while you use the body of a ghost to create a Taoist soldier."

"After becoming a Taoist soldier, you are also considered half a Taoist. Although you are not as good as a real Taoist disciple, you are not bad either. The so-called guardian gods are the Taoist soldiers of the immortals in the heaven. They are the most trusted among the trusted."

"The guardian general? Isn't that a lackey?"Zhang Qingyuan's heart skipped a beat. It seemed that he had sold himself for 350,000 yuan.

"Bullshit, the guardian general is a formal god in heaven who does not belong to the gods. You are a lackey." Zhao Jin was so angry that he wanted to pick up the sword on the altar and chop him.

"Aren’t they still lackeys under the command of the Immortals?"

"You still say, you still say……"Zhao Jin used his sword to knock him twice and said,"If what you said gets to the ears of the day and night wandering gods, I will definitely remember it. In the future, Yama will sentence you for disrespecting the gods and send you to the hell of tongue-pulling."

"Anyway, I don't care. You agreed to it yourself, and I didn't force you to do it. You have to do it whether you want to or not."Zhao Jin said very firmly. Damn it, if he had known that it would be so easy to enter the Evil Suppression Division by following Yu Xuanji's path, he would never agree to Zhao Yuanshan's conditions.

Three hundred and fifty thousand!

He sold himself for such a small amount, and he almost spit out a mouthful of blood.

But now is not the time to think about it. Zhong Kui said something very right before.

He is an ordinary ghost who became an evil suppressor. It is no different from delivering food if he really goes to the Yin and Yang worlds to capture those evil ghosts who are causing trouble. If he can become a Taoist soldier in Zaoge Mountain, at least he will have some means of self-protection.

《The"Dharma Extinction Sutra" spread throughout the heaven and earth, causing chaos in Buddhism and turning the Pure Land into bloody soil. The chaos has not yet appeared in the underworld, but there seem to be some clues in the world of the living.

The person with the ID Wang Zhengyang sent him a video in a private chat, and the person in it seems to be haunted by a ghost.

"What are you thinking about? Hurry up and stand up, I'm going to start."

Zhao Jin shouted, and stood on the altar in his Taoist robes, and lit two red candles. I don't know where they came from, there are only white candles in the underworld.

"The decree of the Heavenly Lord, the Taoist general, now has Zhang……"

Zhao Jin muttered something to himself, and as he spoke he lit up the incense. Wisps of smoke drifted, and like a living thing, they entered Zhang Qingyuan's nostrils.

A sense of warmth spread throughout his body, and Zhang Qingyuan raised his hands, only to see that his originally pale skin had actually turned a little red. The long-lost sense of warmth filled his body, and he felt"alive" again.

"Keep calm, this is just the beginning……"

As he spoke, Zhao Jin lit a booklet and burned it. Instantly, divine light burst out from the altar, as if a god had descended. A majestic and magnificent aura filled the Yin house, turning the Yin soil into the Yang world.

"Disciple Zhao Jin reported to the master and accepted the Taoist soldiers as his disciples.……"

The sword in Zhao Jin's hand was replaced with a green jade scepter. He held the scepter in both hands, like an ancient minister submitting a petition, and respectfully reported to Master Ge Xuan about the matter of recruiting Taoist soldiers.

The ceiling of the Yin house seemed to have a hole broken open, and the hole was bright and bright, leading directly to the fairyland. The breath coming out of the hole made Zhang Qingyuan feel as if he was floating in the air, as if he was flying.

Then a mighty god wearing silver-white armor, holding a sharp sword in his hand, and with a sharp gaze, descended. There seemed to be endless divine light covering his body, majestic and sacred.

Zhang Qingyuan felt as if he was pricked by needles, and the other party's gaze was like a substance, which could have a direct impact on him.

"I am the most yang guardian deity. If you join my school, you should do your best to protect my disciples and practice diligently, so as not to bring disgrace to my reputation.……"

"Yes, please grant me your permission, God!" Without Zhao Jin's instructions, Zhang Qingyuan knew how to answer immediately.

"Approved! You are granted the rank of ninth-rank soldier. If you have meritorious service in the future, you will be promoted accordingly."

As soon as the voice fell, the projection of the god general disappeared, and the sacred aura in the Yin house also disappeared.

However, before the passage connecting the fairy world and the moon and the underworld on the top of the Yin house was closed, a set of bronze armor suddenly fell down. It looked very exquisite, and the word"soldier" was engraved on it.

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