Because of Yu Xuanji's arrival, the Suppression of Evil Division specially reserved an office area for them.

Following them into the yamen, Yu Xuanji sat at the head of the division, still holding the oil-paper umbrella, and never put it down.

Although Zhang Qingyuan was curious, he did not dare to ask. A group of people sat down separately, quietly waiting for her to speak.

"I am the right deputy chief of the Suppression of Evil Division. The Heavenly Master's Mansion has approved it. From now on, you will be directly under my command and start accepting tasks issued by the Suppression of Evil Division."

"I believe you have already understood the rules of the Suppression of Evil Division. You will be evaluated and promoted based on the number of completed tasks, difficulty, and achievements. At present, I am the new head of the division. There are only a few of you under my command. There is no commander yet. After the number of people is increased in the future, you will be promoted according to your achievements."

"Sir, we all know this, please send the task as soon as possible!"Xie Jiang interrupted her impatiently.

Zhang Qingyuan looked over and saw that he and Fan Jian really didn't take Yu Xuanji seriously at all, leaning on the chair with a very frivolous and arrogant attitude.

"Humph! Two ignorant people."Zhao Jin's cold snort came to Zhang Qingyuan's ears.

Yu Xuanji seemed to be too good-tempered. The copper bell on the umbrella rang a few times, and then she took out a file slowly.

"Zhong Kui has given us a task. According to the report from the spies of the Investigation Department, there are ghosts gathering on the Black Soul Cliff, and Jianjiaozi under Zhou Jue Yin Tiangui was seen there. We need to find out the situation, and then the Suppression Department will arrange people to clear them out."

As she said, she pushed the file to the table and said lightly:"Xie Jiang and Fan Jian, this matter is handed over to you, and there must be no mistakes!"


"Let's go check the coins?"

"Isn't that just asking for death?"

When the two heard about this mission, they were so shocked that they almost jumped out of their chairs.

"What? Is there a problem?"Yu Xuanji asked calmly, and the atmosphere in the room instantly stagnated. The two people who were originally shouting suddenly felt as if their necks were pinched, and they couldn't utter a word.

"The Suppression Department has its own rules. If you refuse a mission, you will be sent directly to the hell of sin."

After saying that, Yu Xuanji put away his momentum, and the two of them immediately relaxed and slumped back in their chairs.

After being manipulated for a while, the two finally realized the situation, but Xie Jiang still trembled and said,"Sir, my ancestor is Senior Xie Bian.……"

"So what?" Yu Xuanji interrupted him directly.

At this time, Zhao Jin also mocked him unceremoniously:"Boy, don't say that you two are just descendants of Wuchang. Even if those two old ghosts come, they dare not treat Senior Yu in this way. You are ignorant of life and death. You dare to come here to take the big thing without asking clearly in advance."

"Is there anything particular about this mission? Are they so scared?"Zhang Qingyuan asked quietly. Zhao

Jin replied:"Zhou Jue Yintian Ghost is one of the six old ghosts, older than the Ten Kings of Hell and the Emperor of Fengdu. Jian Jiaozi is a terrifying evil ghost under his command, known as the Eastern Evil God. The Ten Kings of Hell have to take a detour when they see him. Letting these two guys go is to let them die. If it's as I expected, this person should have been hanging in the Evil Suppression Department for a long time, and no one dared to take him."

I understand!

Yu Xuanji was definitely killing a chicken to scare the monkeys. She had intended to let them go from the beginning, so she took this task and assigned it to them.

The rules of the Suppression of Evil Division are here. They have to accept it whether they want to or not. To put it bluntly, it's a dead end.

After throwing the task files directly to Xie Jiang and Fan Jian, Yu Xuanji took out a few more files and gave them to Monk Lingzhi and the big man named Zhou Long respectively. The last one fell into Zhao Jin's hands.

Zhang Qingyuan was a little confused and looked at Yu Xuanji eagerly... Where's mine?

"Your strength is still too weak, there is no mission for you for the time being!"

Yu Xuanji said this, and Zhang Qingyuan felt like he was shot by an arrow.

"Hehe... not bad, a few ghosts are missing from the wild grave outside the city, they may be devoured by evil spirits, this is easy." Zhao Jin looked at his task and laughed obscenely.

Zhang Qingyuan quietly approached and said,"Senior, do you need help?"

""Go, go, go... I don't need any help for this kind of mission, get out of the way."

If two people form a team, they have to share the mission merit. Zhao Jin was naturally not happy and refused directly.

"Amitabha, if you have nothing to do, you can join me." The monk Lingzhi on the opposite side invited him.

Zhang Qingyuan's expression froze, and he stammered,"Uh... well, I suddenly remembered that sharpening the knife does not delay the chopping of wood, so I'd better practice by myself first and wait for a chance."

What a joke, he can't even avoid Buddhism now, how can he team up with the other party?

"Although you have nothing to do, you can walk around the city and Fengdu. If you find anything strange, you can report it to me. I will review it and send it to you. You can also do that."Yu Xuanji added

"Okay, thank you very much... Hey, wait a minute."

Zhang Qingyuan suddenly remembered something and hurriedly asked,"Senior Yu, can I do the mission in the world of the living?"


The copper bell on the umbrella rang softly, and Yu Xuanji replied indifferently,"The affairs of the world of the living have always been patrolled by gods day and night, reported to the city gods of various places, and then transferred to the evil suppression department by the netherworld. Of course, if you receive news from the world of the living, it is also OK."

Zhang Qingyuan rubbed his hands and said,"Senior, a few days ago, a friend of mine burned paper and told me that there is a man named Wang Zhengyang in the world of the living, and his son Wang Chao is suspected to be haunted by evil spirits and has become crazy.……"

He briefly described Wang Chao's symptoms, and then continued:

"Senior, do you think this can be my mission?"You could hear a pin drop at the scene, and a group of ghosts looked at him with strange eyes. Zhang Qingyuan glanced around and found something wrong... Could it be that he said something wrong?���What?

After a few seconds of silence, Yu Xuanji broke the silence and said,"Well, I just checked through the Procuratorate. The Wang Zhengyang you mentioned does have a son named Wang Chao, who is 21 years old and has 73 years left to live. But he seems to have encountered a great disaster and is about to enter the underworld. If he is really haunted by evil spirits as you said, he will die within half a month. I will leave this matter to you to investigate.""

"But there is one thing to note. The Yang world is now in its heyday. You are a deceased person. You should be careful when you go to the Yang world. If you cause a disturbance and are suppressed by the destiny of the Yang world, no one can save you."Yu Xuanji warned.

Zhang Qingyuan didn't think much about it and naturally agreed. He sat down quickly... It seems that he has found a way to complete the task.

""Boy, what the hell did you hide that you can contact the living world so easily? Even I can't do it?" Zhao Jin asked in a low voice.

Zhang Qingyuan's heart tightened, and a cold chill filled his head to his feet... No wonder it was so quiet just now.

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