In the weird and gloomy atmosphere, a frustrated complaint suddenly popped up, which was a bit of a spoiler.


The bedroom door was knocked, making everyone's heart suddenly tense. You looked at me, I looked at you, no one dared to take any action, nor did they dare to respond. Finally, all eyes were on the old Taoist in the middle.

The old Taoist priest from Longhu Mountain was still very impressive, stroking his long beard slowly, calm and composed. But no one noticed that he was holding the whisk, and his hand hanging by his side was trembling slightly...


The knock on the door sounded again

"Open the door!"

"……Fellow villager, open the door! I am a friendly army, I promise not to take a single needle or thread."

This weird way of shouting at the door made everyone want to laugh, but considering such a strange and dangerous occasion, they couldn't laugh.

"Ding dang dang...fellow villager, if you don't open the door, I'm coming in!" As soon as the voice fell, all the sounds disappeared. No one heard the sound of the door opening or the sound of the door being smashed, but everyone felt that the temperature around them suddenly dropped a few degrees, and there was a piercing coldness.

The body trembled unconsciously, and the flashlight on the mobile phone could only illuminate a small corner. Everyone's heart was in their throat. They stared at the direction of the entrance, subconsciously bent over, and made movements that could escape at any time.

Da... Da... Da...

The sound of footsteps came, as if stepping on everyone's heart.

At this time, the dark fog could be seen surging like waves, and the footsteps were getting closer and closer. The sense of depression and coldness was like a cold big hand strangling everyone's throat, and even breathing became difficult.

Gradually, in the black fog, a figure slowly appeared in front of everyone.

Surrounded by black fog, wearing black clothes, with a big"bad" printed on his chest, a long knife and a gourd hanging around his waist, a pale face without the slightest blood color, and the gloomy eyes seemed to freeze his blood as long as he glanced at the person.


A shrill scream came from behind, and the sound was even a little broken. Everyone looked back and saw that the old Taoist priest from Longhu Mountain, who had originally looked like an old immortal, had urinated and collapsed, hiding in the gap between the bedside table.


Everyone was thinking,"Mm-m-p," but they didn't know whether to say it or not.

Where's your magic power? Where's your cultivation? Where's your method of exorcising ghosts?

"Big big big big... Big brother, what should we do?"Wang Qiyang was so frightened that he was shaking and couldn't even speak clearly.

Wang Zhengyang was also scared to death. He was the one who cherished his life the most when he was rich.

If he had the chance, he would have run away long ago. Why would he be here, turning into a"feudal backward element" and silently chanting the names of Buddha, Jade Emperor, and God Jesus over and over again?

Zhang Qingyuan:"……"

I am a friendly army! Didn't I make it very clear just now? Why are you still so scared?


He was about to open his mouth to explain, but as soon as he opened his mouth he realized something was wrong. How could this thing have its own reverberation? The sound coming out of his throat was eerie.


Sure enough, the two words frightened a group of people again. They ran around the house with their heads down. Some hid in the closet, some ran behind the curtains, and the one who crawled under the bed, what was going on? Didn’t he know that ghosts like to be under the bed the most?

The room was suddenly cleared and became very quiet. Only the old Taoist priest from Longhu Mountain who was hiding at the bedside table was holding a bagua mirror and silently chanting a spell to ward off evil spirits.

"Ahem... I say, is this Wang Zhengyang's house?"Zhang Qingyuan asked speechlessly.

As expected, no one answered.

"I'm wondering what's wrong with you guys. Didn't you leave a message on Kuaishou asking me to deal with Wang Chao being haunted by a ghost? What the hell, I told you I'm a friendly army."He said angrily.

Before in the underworld, I always felt that my status as a ghost was not as high as others. Other ghosts were either gloomy or scary. Now that I've become more high-profile, I've encountered this kind of trouble. Where can I go to seek justice?

"Come out quickly, who contacted me? I am Zhang Dabing, if you don’t come out, I’m leaving, okay?"Zhang Qingyuan said half-threateningly.

Creak... the closet door quietly opened, and then a man with glasses looked at him curiously, as if confirming something.

After almost a minute, he seemed to finally recognize Zhang Qingyuan's appearance, and asked tremblingly:" are really Zhang Dabing? The anchor on the Internet?"

"Nonsense, if not me, then who is it? If it weren't for the reward you promised, I wouldn't bother to take care of this shit." Zhang Qingyuan replied unhappily.

Upon hearing this, the assistant crawled out of the closet, walked forward cautiously, looked at Zhang Qingyuan from several meters away, and then shouted with surprise:"Boss, boss, it's Zhang Dadan, the anchor I told you about last time, he is really... a friendly army."

Upon hearing this, there was a rustling sound under the bed, and then a middle-aged man crawled out. It was Wang Zhengyang.

Zhang Qingyuan took this opportunity to educate him:"Don't hide under the bed in the future. If I become a ghost to take your life, I will definitely ambush under the bed first. If you hide under the bed, aren't you delivering food to your door?"

Wang Zhengyang was frightened again, his face was as white as paper, and finally he crawled out with difficulty.

Following his actions, Wang Qiyang and his son and Lin Rong also came out from various corners, gathered together, and looked at Zhang Qingyuan from a distance.

"Don't watch it. If you have the time to watch me, you might as well go to my live broadcast room and give me more gifts."

"Yes, yes, Mr. Zhang Dade... I was the one who contacted you last time. I am the boss's assistant. As long as you can help our boss solve the problem, there will definitely be a reward."After getting over the initial panic and calming down, the assistant spoke much more fluently.

"Even if the problem is not solved, there will be a reward. We can't let you make a wasted trip." Wang Zhengyang added.

As expected of the head of a big family, Zhang Qingyuan liked his vision.

He walked into the bedroom, and everyone quickly opened up a space, not daring to get too close.

"Why is it so dark? Your family looks quite wealthy, can't you even pay the electricity bill?" Zhang Qingyuan asked doubtfully.

Wang Zhengyang didn't know how to answer because he couldn't say it was all because of you.

Complaints aside, the darkness didn't affect Zhang Qingyuan's vision, and he spotted Wang Chao, who was tied up on the bed.

Ordinary people might not be able to find anything, but Zhang Qingyuan's ghost perspective, coupled with the fact that he became an evil suppressor, and his identity as a ghost messenger had certain underworld laws, the strong death aura emanating from Wang Chao could not escape his eyes.

At the same time, he also noticed that two of the three swords that symbolized the yang energy of the living had been extinguished, leaving only the one on the top of his head, which was shaky, and this situation meant that the end was approaching. This was consistent with what Yu Xuanji had found out that he had encountered a catastrophe and was about to die.

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