"I saved up the five taels of Yin money to buy the Yin soldier position for a hundred years.……"

Bian Fei threw out a sentence, and Zhang Qingyuan was silent.

Why is Yin money so valuable? It takes a hundred years to save five taels of Yin money, which is only 50,000 yuan in the world of the living.

"The underworld is different from the living world.

In the underworld, there is only one source of Yin money, which is the offering pavilion.

If you offer sacrifices to your ancestors in the living world, you will get some.

If you don't, you will get none.

Moreover, burning paper money is not something that can be obtained by burning it casually.

It requires a special ritual to make and burn it.

It is not enough to just get some paper money.

Almost all the paper money you see burning in the living world cannot be received by the underworld.


Bian Fei explained the reason, and Zhang Qingyuan gradually understood it.

It is true that the living world burns paper money every year during the Qingming Festival and the Zhongyuan Festival, but most of the ghosts in the underworld are still so poor, which has a lot to do with the wrong methods.

Moreover, after the establishment of the Great Xia Dynasty, technology exploded. Who still believes in this stuff? Not only are fewer people burned, but there are even fewer people who know how to burn it, which has exacerbated the poverty of the ghosts in the underworld.

As for working in Fengdu City, don't even think about it. They have paper people to use, don't ask for money, and are willing to work hard, which is much better than the ghosts.

"In that case, doesn't it mean that after half a year, most of the ghosts will leave Fengdu City because they can't pay the rent?"

"Almost. Otherwise, no matter how big Fengdu City is, it can't accommodate all the ghosts in the world. It will be full in no time."

"The real underworld is outside Fengdu City……"Bian Fei said something meaningful, which seemed to have other implications.

Damn it!

No, I have to find a way to make money and start live streaming. No one can stop me.

As for the problem that the live streaming room will be banned by the Kuaishou platform, Zhang Qingyuan probably has a solution. The only thing missing is the channel.

"Ahem... um, brother. I have some connections in the world of the living, and I can get some Yin money, but it's a bit troublesome."

Bian Fei suddenly stopped, looked him up and down, and asked after a while:"You want me to help you?"

Zhang Qingyuan nodded:"I know someone in the world of the living, as long as I can get him, I can get Yin money, but I need to go through his ancestors, such as his father or his grandfather. I wonder if there is any way to find them in the underworld?"

"Do you want them to come to you in a dream?" Bian Fei immediately guessed his plan.

"Yes, I am in some trouble now. As long as I can send a dream to the person in the world of the living through Tongyang Palace, the rest will be easy to handle."

Bian Fei thought for a while and said,"I am afraid this matter needs the captain to handle it. He knows the underworld messenger of the Inspection Department. If you want to find someone in the underworld, you can only go through the Inspection Department. Otherwise, it will be harder than finding a needle in a haystack!"

"If there is a way, that's good!" Zhang Qingyuan's eyes lit up and he said,"As long as you can help me find the person, I will definitely get more money than you two can afford."

"Well! We have to patrol in the next few days. After we change shifts, I will bring the captain to find you and we will talk in detail then."

Bian Fei did not ask any more questions.

Although they had just met, Zhang Qingyuan did not know what the other person's character was like, but now he had no choice. The live broadcast room account blocking problem must be solved as soon as possible, otherwise it would affect his money-making business. He also wanted to use the money to get into the Suppression of Evil Division and find a backer for himself.

As a well-known Yin God in the three realms, Zhong Kui has believers in the Yang world and someone in the heavens to protect him. Although seventy taels of Yin money is a bit expensive, such thighs are also thicker, and it is worth spending more money.

As they talked, the two quickly left the inner city. Zhang Qingyuan noticed that the blood moon in the sky had fallen to the horizon and it looked like it would fall soon.

After the blood moon fell, all the ghosts came out, and that was when Fengdu City was the most lively.

Bian Fei followed Zhang Qingyuan to his residence, recognized the door, so as not to find it later, and then hurried away to find their captain to report.

Zhang Qingyuan was free, took out his mobile phone and opened Kuaishou, only to see that the news of his comeback to live broadcast had been posted on the hot search, and a large number of live broadcast room recordings appeared on the platform, causing a lot of debate among people

【Resurrection? Uncle Jiu's coffin lid can no longer hold him down】

【I am a disciple of Mount Longhu, and I can guarantee with my reputation as a Heavenly Master that this video is fake, the live broadcast room is fake, and Zhang Dabing being killed by a fierce ghost is also fake.】

【Reject feudal superstition and be a good boy in the new era】


A lot of doubts appeared in the video comment area, obviously not believing his live broadcast content

"……In summary, according to the analysis of the anchor's professional friend, this is absolutely fake, full of traces of synthesis and production. In fact, there is no need to prove this. There are no ghosts in this world, let alone the underworld. This alone can prove that Zhang Dadan's live broadcast is absolutely fake."

A blogger analyzed confidently.

Some people have even used AI to make the same video to indirectly prove him.

But these are nothing. There is also a powerful anchor who threw out a death certificate with the official seal of the Great Xia court in the video.

【Name: Zhang Qingyuan

Gender: Male

Time of death: Estimated 33 hours

Cause of death: External stimulation, cardiac arrest

Body claim: None


The certificate also posted a series of photos of Qingyuan, but they were photos taken after he died, with his eyes enlarged and his expression horrified, as if he had been frightened and died suddenly.

This powerful anchor only posted this photo, with the caption under the video:

【A friend in the government office of XA City in the three western provinces sent me my death certificate, and the time, location and photos all match! Taste it! Taste it carefully!

Things are getting more and more weird. There has been a huge uproar on the Internet. Some believe it, some don’t. They are arguing with each other, and the saliva they spit out can form the sixth ocean.

Zhang Qingyuan was surprised and happy when he saw the effect. He was happy that next time he started a live broadcast, there would definitely be a lot of viewers. He was surprised that if he continued like this, Kuaishou might monitor it more strictly, and it was still unclear whether he could broadcast it. He continued to swipe the screen to watch the video, and a live broadcast room popped up. Seeing the title of the live broadcast room, Zhang Qingyuan suddenly became energetic

【Visit Zhang Qingyuan's grave in person! 】

Click in and you'll see a gangster wearing a big gold chain and with blue dragon and white tiger tattoos on his arms. His online name is [Northwest Tiger Brother] and he's live streaming.

"……Don't worry, brothers. You have all seen the death certificate, right? If you haven't seen it, you can go out and search for it. Brother Hu has found out everything. If the bodies of people who died in our XA city are not claimed, they will be buried in Baolongshan Cemetery after cremation. One of Brother Hu's brothers has already gone to Baolongshan to inquire about it. Brother Hu is rushing over now."

"Is Zhang Dabing dead or not? Is his live broadcast real or fake? We will reveal it later. New brothers please give Brother Hu a thumbs up and click on the fan sign. Brother Hu will lead the brothers to decipher it immediately.……"

Halfway through the conversation, Northwest Tiger, who was broadcasting live in the car, saw a line of small words on the screen: [Welcome Zhang Dabing to the live broadcast room. ]

He instantly stood up and shouted:"Hey hey hey hey... Zhang Dabing is here, brothers, Zhang Dabing is here, our protagonist Zhang Dabing has come to our live broadcast room."

After shouting loudly three times, Northwest Tiger said excitedly:"Brother Dabing, don't blame Brother Tiger for visiting your grave, mainly because the quarrels on the Internet are too fierce. Brother Tiger knows that your live broadcast room has been blocked. I wonder if you have the courage to connect to my live broadcast room to see whether you are real or fake."

"Come on! Come on if you are a real man!"

Looking at the live sharing video that popped up on the screen, Zhang Qingyuan hesitated for a moment and clicked to agree.

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