Walking along the cave corridor, his eyes gradually adjusted to the darkness. The flame on Zhao Jin's fingertips was useless. It was too ugly to even light a cigarette for his elder brother.

"Boy, when you get out, burn two sticks of incense to the Grandmaster to get rid of your bad luck... Not only did you escape death, but you also lost your treasures, the Xumi Ring, the Nine Yin Soul Lotus, and two lotus pods.……"Zhao Jin kept muttering to himself, feeling even more uncomfortable than Zhang Qingyuan.

He just didn't know what would happen if he knew the ring was hidden.

"I have to find a way to get it back.……"Zhang Qingyuan was calculating silently in his heart.

The further he went inside, the more he could feel an inexplicable force wandering silently in the surrounding environment. It was hard to explain. It was not like Yin Qi, but much more obscure than Yin Qi.

It was not any negative energy such as resentment or evil spirit.

The cave wall gradually narrowed, gradually becoming only the width of four or five people standing side by side. At the same time, the traces of artificial excavation here could be seen more and more. In addition to the original single line, there were also some simple mural-style graffiti.

A high black mountain, a steady stream of black water flowed out of it, passing through the vast land, and finally gathered in an endless ocean.

In the black water, you can see ghosts with different shadows sinking in it, struggling or wailing, and the last ocean is the gathering place of countless Yin spirits.

I don’t know where the Black Mountain is. There is a huge city built from the foot of the mountain to the mountainside, and there seems to be something on the top of the mountain, but it was erased from the murals and I can’t see what it is.


The entrance of the cave is getting smaller and smaller, and the sound of rushing water coming from the front makes people’s ears ring.

Looking at the increasingly crowded aisle, Zhang Qingyuan wondered if there would be a passage that was"very narrow at first, but then wide open after a few dozen steps."……"This kind of Utopia-like opportunity.

But it shouldn't be possible. After all, this is the underworld. He wouldn't be surprised to see a cemetery or a mass grave later.

After turning a corner, the road came to an abrupt end, replaced by an empty, huge underground world.

The reason why it is described as an underground world is because this is not the kind of cave with nothing in it. On the contrary, in the empty underground space in front, there stands a black mountain. It is unknown where its peak is, and only the foot of the mountain can be seen.

Walking out of the cave, a sudden sense of insignificance instantly surged into his heart. The things in front of him were too huge, which gave Zhang Qingyuan an illusion.

The vast, dark underground space, the huge and high mountains, everything seems so different.

If this place was on the surface, nothing would be strange, but this is underground, and a mountain has grown underground. It doesn't make sense no matter how you look at it.

""I feel something is wrong. Why are there buildings on this mountain?" Zhang Qingyuan asked in confusion.

Zhao Jin followed him out and carefully looked at the black mountain in front of him. He said in a deep voice:"Did you see the mural just now? It should be this mountain. There is a city on the mountain, the city of the underworld."

"Only powerful ghosts can build cities in the underworld. There is a Lord of Mount Tai, plus the Five Ghost Emperors. Even the Ten Kings of Hell can only build a palace. Could it be that we have come to the vicinity of a ghost emperor's city?"Zhang Qingyuan guessed, recalling the situation in the underworld in his mind.

Zhao Jin shook his head:"No, Fengdu City was built by the Lord of Mount Tai. According to the ancient records left by the ancestors of our sect, the Five Ghost Emperors are located in Taozhi Mountain, Fanzhong Mountain, Luofu Mountain, Baodui Mountain, and Luofeng Mountain respectively. None of them can match, and there seems to be no ghost activity here."

That's strange?

The two discussed it on the spot, and then asked Zhang Qingyuan to try to see if he could escape underground. It still didn't work. Then they could only move forward and go up the mountain to take a look.

"How old are you this year?"

"I am over 130 years old, why are you asking this?" Zhang Qingyuan was puzzled.

"Ahem... Senior, you have lived for more than 130 years, and I am only in my twenties."

"So what do you mean?" Zhao Jin asked, glancing at him.

"What I mean is that I am so young and have a bright future in the underworld, but I haven't lived enough. If there is any danger later, then you, senior,……"


Jin, who was walking in front, drew out the sword behind him, and a cold light shone into Zhang Qingyuan's eyes.

""Okay, okay, it's just a joke, senior, a gentleman should talk, not fight." Zhang Qingyuan said quickly.

"Humph, don't think about anything, you little brat. I have been in the underworld for so many years to become an immortal. If you dare to play tricks on me and harm me, I am not a corrupt scholar who only talks but does not take action."

"No, no, absolutely not. Senior, why are you so annoying?"Zhang Qingyuan quickly denied it.

"Okay, okay, stop talking nonsense, keep your eyes open and be careful, don’t expect me to save you if anything goes wrong."Zhao Jin shouted unhappily.

The two of them carefully touched the foot of the mountain. The tall Black Mountain was like a giant god. The closer they got, the more they could feel an unspeakable sense of oppression.

A stone pillar fell on the road in front of them. The diameter alone was nearly three meters thick and nearly a hundred meters long. The patterns carved on it had decayed and weathered, and the patterns were blurred.

Climbing over the stone pillar, there were more debris piled on the ground in front of them. There were also huge stone pillars, and some building components made of whole huge Yin stones. It was impossible to tell what they looked like in the past.

Everything was dilapidated and had a heavy sense of history.

It was hard to imagine how long this place had existed in the underworld and how long it had been abandoned.

Standing on something like a flying eaves, Zhang Qingyuan looked around and saw that beyond the debris was a road leading to the Black Mountain. There were two stone piers on both sides of the road entrance, with signs of fractures.

Combining the debris that fell in front of the mountain, Zhang Qingyuan guessed,"Why does it look like a mountain gate archway?"

"You guessed it right, it's a memorial archway, but it's not a mountain gate, but a city gate."

Zhao Jin said solemnly, standing on a stone slab full of cracks.

Zhang Qingyuan looked down and saw that in addition to the cracks, there were also raised lines on the stone slab, which seemed to form a complicated font.

""What is this word?" he asked curiously.

Zhao Jin bent down and stroked the raised lines on the stone slab, saying:"If I am not mistaken, this is an ancient Yin script that has long been abandoned."

"Ancient Yin characters? What is that?"

Zhao Jin did not answer, but instead talked about other things.

"Legend has it that when the world was first created, the three realms were first divided.

The legends we are familiar with are all about the ancient gods of the heavenly and human realms.

Little do we know that there were also myths circulating in the underworld.

Before the establishment of the heavenly court, the underworld was ruled by the underworld gods who were born when the world was first created.

Among them, the highest god in the underworld was named Tu Bo, who lived in the underworld and guarded countless ghosts.

Later, the heavenly court ruled the three realms, the underworld collapsed, and Tu Bo died.


"If I am not mistaken, this word should be"You", and under those rocks, there is also a word"Du", so it is called Youdu."

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