"Youdu? That kid said he and his uncle were in Youdu... There really is a Youdu in the underworld, the ancestor is not a liar."

Zhao Yuanshan muttered as he hung up Zhao Lingshan's phone, then went to his bedroom to look around and found a few yellowed thread-bound ancient books.

"In the North Sea, there is a mountain called Youdu Mountain. Black water flows out of it. On it, there are black birds, black snakes, black leopards, black tigers, and black foxes... The ancestors did note that it was the underworld in ancient times and should be abandoned.

Zhao Yuanshan searched around and found that many ancient books mentioned the word Youdu, but none of them could explain it clearly. Most of them were vague, as if they were deliberately erased.

"Forget it, I'd better send a letter to the ancestor to see if he can give me some advice."

After that, he returned to the altar, sealed it with red ink and yellow seal, and roughly described the troubles Zhao Jin encountered, just like the memorials of ancient officials, and then burned it and reported it to the Tianshu.

"Uncle, please be okay. I have spent so much money over the years, but I asked you to save it. I will get it back when I die.……"

Zhao Yuanshan clasped his hands together and prayed continuously. In front of Master Ge Xuan, he went against his ancestors and worshipped all the gods and Buddhas.


"Are you done? How's the contact going?"

"No response."

Half an hour later……

"How is it now?"

Zhang Qingyuan covered his face:"I still haven't contacted you. If there is any news, I will tell you. In less than half a day, you have asked me dozens of times."

From time to time, he would glance at the mobile phone interface, which was still spinning in circles. According to the progress shown on the circle, only about 20% has been sent out. If you want to send it all out, it will take at least tomorrow.

After the escape incident, although some ghosts with the same idea were frightened, such as Zhang Qingyuan and Zhao Jin, they did not dare to act rashly, but there were still two more law enforcement ghosts standing guard at the entrance of the alley.

As time passed, the ghosts in the alley had begun to calm down, like lambs to be slaughtered, calmly accepting their fate, not crying or making trouble, and living a normal life as before.

The next day, when he took out his mobile phone, he saw that the one in the circle had After the transfer, the message has been sent successfully, and the next step is to wait for a reply.

After urging for a whole day without any effect, Zhao Jin did not bother with Zhang Qingyuan. He stood by himself with his hands behind his back, like a little old man, visiting people in the alleys. According to him, he was asking for information and could not put all his hopes on Zhao Yuanshan.

Zhang Qingyuan had no choice but to stay in the house and study the"Taiping Heavenly Book" to see if he could come up with some means to save his life. The earth escape technique that he practiced last time and was not very proficient could help him escape from the evil Buddha successfully.

Naturally, he paid more attention to other magic skills recorded in the"Taiping Heavenly Book".

"Hmm... it is just like the legend. Taoist practitioners also divide their realms according to refining essence into Qi, refining Qi into spirit, refining spirit back to emptiness, and refining emptiness to merge with the Dao. Aren't those crappy authors who write novels online just making things up at random?"

"……It is in stark contrast to the strength of the evil calamity and the ghost."

"It is difficult for the Yin spirits to become saints……《The Taiping Heavenly Book is indeed good, but unfortunately without a physical body, the Taoist cultivation methods above are not very useful to me. However, the Taoist method of cultivating the mind is very effective. Those magic skills can be performed with the help of soul power, which is barely okay."

After carefully studying the Taiping Heavenly Book from beginning to end, Zhang Qingyuan was surprised to find a small magic

"The art of splitting thoughts... Use the soul-carrying object to separate a strand of soul thoughts and parasitize it. Sophora japonica wood should be able to do it, right?"

Thinking of this, he took out the Xumi Ring from the bottom of his shoe and took out a little wood left over from the burning of the little ghost statue at Wang's house. It was the core of the little ghost's parasite, which contained a lot of Yin energy and was not burned by the gasoline. He collected it.

"He separated most of his soul and parasitized on the locust tree. Even if he was finally devoured by Tu Bo, he could use this part of his soul to recover with the help of the Nine Yin Soul Lotus Seeds.……"

At this moment, Zhao Jin came back from outside, with his hands behind his back and heavy steps, looking a little serious.

"Senior...did you get any news?"

Zhao Jin sat down on the chair and did not answer him. Instead, he asked,"Did the girl reply?""

"No!" Zhang Qingyuan spread his hands. He was helpless in the face of a bad signal. He had gone straight from the 5G era back to the era when PHS was not working nine times out of ten.

"But sir, I have an idea.……"Zhang Qingyuan came forward and told Zhao Jin about his idea of splitting his soul to see what he, the Taoist master, thought.

Zhao Jin listened and looked at him with eyes that showed him concern for a mentally retarded child:"Boy, I think your idea is good. If your Zhang family ancestor were still alive and heard your stupid idea, he might be so angry that he would arrest you and beat you up in Youdu, and you would be able to escape from Youdu.""

"Zhang family ancestor... Are you talking about the Jade Emperor? It seems that he is the best in my Zhang family."Zhang Qingyuan asked blankly. Zhao

Jin's face froze, and he was a little angry:"I give you the ability, the Lord of Heaven, the Lord of Haotian, can care about a little kid like you."

"What I mean is that your soul-dividing method is simply bullshit. The so-called soul-dividing in Taoism is a way of using a wisp of thought to sacrifice and refine magic tools. Every sect knows it. It is completely different from soul-dividing. Now you see yourself as a complete ghost, but in fact it is a fusion of three souls and seven spirits, and its core is a point of true soul light. Which soul and spirit do you want to divide? Or are you going to divide the true soul light?"

Zhao Jin directly pointed out the loophole in his so-called soul-dividing method.

Zhang Qingyuan didn't know how to respond, so he could only ask:"What can the senior do?"

Zhao Jin immediately became a little depressed, and was silent for a long time and said:"There is no way, but I have an idea. You also know about the ghost emperor Shen Tu who saw that day. Although his origin is not recorded in my Taoist classics, combined with what I saw in Youdu, he must have been born in the ancient underworld, but in the end Youdu was abandoned, Tu Bo was suppressed by the Heavenly Court, but she survived well and became a ghost emperor. What do you think is the reason?"

"Be a traitor……"Zhang Qingyuan said this casually, but as soon as he said it, he immediately reacted

"Senior, do you mean that Shen Tu is a spy from Heaven?"

Zhao Jin smacked his lips twice and said,"I can't say she is a spy. She may have defected to Heaven. I just don't know if she has contacted Heaven at this time. If she has, I think I can confess my identity to her."

"Already in contact!" Zhang Qingyuan said very confidently:"Senior forgot that when we first arrived in Youdu that day, a ghost on the road said that the Heavenly Court sent the Lord of Mount Tai to the underworld.……"

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