The turbulence in space is unpredictable, and accidents may happen at any time.

For example, the broken hand of Tu Bo that suddenly appeared just now almost took the lives of the two.

Fortunately, there was a butterfly that appeared inexplicably and blocked the crisis for them.

Zhao Jin looked at his nose with his eyes, and stood aside calmly without saying a word, as if he had just forgotten that he had encouraged Zhang Qingyuan to test the butterfly.

Perhaps because he admitted his defeat in time, the mysterious butterfly did not mean to embarrass him, but just drew an"8" while flying.

At this time, the broken hand of Tu Bo, which was dragged by the black and white qi, also came in front of him, but it was too big, almost the size of a football field, and it would definitely not be able to enter the protective shield.

However, the black and white butterfly flew out directly and landed on the palm of the broken hand.

The next second, the mysterious power enveloped the broken palm, which shrank at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the original hideous and terrifying shape, like the palm of a beast, was also changing.

Gradually, it became like a normal human palm, with all five fingers, but it was still a bit blood red, which looked weird.

In just a few seconds, Tu Bo's severed palm became the size of a normal human, and then it was grabbed by the mysterious butterfly and flew in.

Zhang Qingyuan quickly stepped aside, staring at the red palm with great fear in his heart.

After all, this was Tu Bo's hand, although he didn't know what his current condition was.

But it's better not to touch the body part of such a big man.

But what you fear will come true.

The butterfly grabbed the palm and landed directly on Zhang Qingyuan's shoulder.

He felt his shoulders sink, and he dared to turn his head and look away, not daring to resist.

The next second, the tentacles of the mysterious butterfly touched Zhang Qingyuan, and he felt a trace of soul power lost, but the impact was not great, just like a fly kicking a little skin.

The mysterious butterfly took away a trace of his soul power, and then the tentacles touched the lifeless palm.


Zhang Qingyuan didn't react at all, and the palm suddenly jumped up, supported by the index finger and middle finger, like a pair of feet.

"I… Damn, what’s going on?" He asked stutteringly.

Zhao Jin, who was watching from the side, was also shocked and could not speak for a long time.

Puff puff…

The butterfly flew up and circled in front of Zhang Qingyuan for a while, then disappeared as if it had escaped into space, leaving the resurrected broken palm on Zhang Qingyuan’s shoulder.

""Senior, if you're leaving, take this thing with you!" Zhang Qingyuan shouted anxiously.

Of course, there was no response.

Thump thump...

Tu Bo's broken palm tapped on his shoulder. His two fingers were extremely flexible, as if he was expressing some kind of emotion. It was a pity that he had not evolved to the point of communicating with a palm.

……Maybe it has evolved, but only to my own right hand.

Well... someone else's is fine, provided it's a woman and good-looking! Forget Tu Bo's, it looks so ugly, even if it turns into a human hand.

Zhang Qingyuan's face was a little stiff. He didn't know what was going on. He didn't dare to call Butterfly back. What if he angered this spooky hand and it slapped him to death?

A black hole appeared in front of them. The bubble protective shield that the two people were riding in slid past as quickly as a meteor, rushed into the black hole, and broke away from the space turbulence.

The familiar, dim earth appeared before their eyes, with a blood moon hanging overhead, and thick dark clouds covering the sky.



With two screams of terror, Zhang Qingyuan and Zhao Jin fell from midair and crashed directly onto the Yintu wilderness. They were so dizzy that they couldn't recover for a long time.

Zhang Qingyuan was still struggling on the ground, holding his waist. A severed hand emerged from his chest, staring at his face, as if to check if he was okay.

"Ahem... why are you still here, Grandpa, Grandpa Hand, is it not okay for me to call you Grandpa? Go find your master quickly, don't worry about me, I won't die for the time being."

The palm was unmoved, and took a few more steps forward, standing at his throat, and then raised his middle finger and poked his chin.

Zhang Qingyuan:"……"

Brother, what do you mean?

"Hiss... It hurts so much, I almost died here."

Beside him, Zhao Jin also cried while holding his waist, then stood up and cried,"Boy, are you dead? If not, make a sound.""

"I'm not dead yet, but I'm almost dead. This old man has already strangled my fate."

Zhao Jin heard the sound and walked over to see that the thumb and index finger of his hand were in a split position, sitting on Zhang Qingyuan's neck.

"Why is this ghost thing still here? Get rid of it quickly!" Zhao Jin said with a vigilant look.

Not to mention that this was Tu Bo's hand, even if it wasn't, he didn't dare to underestimate the things that came from the underworld.

"I... I want to throw it away, but I have to dare to do it. I just offended the butterfly. It must have left this thing for me on purpose to disgust me."Zhang Qingyuan said like crying.

At this time, the palm suddenly jumped off his body, and then walked to a relatively flat place, and swished, swished, and actually used the ground as a book to write words.

Zhao Jin helped Zhang Qingyuan up. The two looked at the broken palm writing on the ground, puzzled and curious, and couldn't help but move closer. They saw a line of words written on the ground, and it was the simplified Chinese characters popular in the world today.

This is very strange. Although some singers have sung that the whole world speaks Daxia language, this should not include the underworld, right?

【I feel you so close, as if it was your palm before!】

"My palm? That's impossible!" Zhang Qingyuan denied it directly, and subconsciously raised his right hand to take a look.

There were some unnoticeable calluses... It must not be caused by the loneliness in the middle of the night, the yellow brain attack, and the friction.

He saw his palm continue to write, and before answering Zhang Qingyuan,���The problem

【I am sure it is your palm. I have a part of your memory, so I can write. 】

The palm is still very sure

"Do you have my memories?" Zhang Qingyuan was even more confused.


He suddenly remembered the mysterious butterfly's previous behavior. It took a wisp of soul from him and then touched Tu Bo's broken palm. Could it be that

"This... is it possible? Has it really become my palm?" He exclaimed subconsciously.

"" What happened?" Zhao Jin asked in confusion.

Zhang Qingyuan briefly told him what had just happened. Although Zhao Jin was by his side at the time, he didn't know such subtle details.

After listening, Zhao Jin lowered his brows and thought for a moment before saying,"Now that you mention it, it's really possible!"

"I don't know who cut off Tu Bo's hand, and it just fell in front of us. A hand without a main body naturally cannot have independent thoughts, but the butterfly seems to have used your soul to shape a simple spirituality for it, thus turning it into a strange life."

"What should I do? Will this thing keep haunting me?"

"I'm not sure about this. Since it's so close to you, you can keep it. It shouldn't cause you any harm."

"No, I can't do something this dangerous.……"

Zhang Qingyuan was about to refuse when a strong wave of Yin Qi suddenly came from a distance, attracting his attention.

Looking in that direction, he saw two figures, one black and one white, wearing pointed hats, emerging from the wilderness in the distance, running madly in their direction.

Then, a huge dark fog, carrying countless ghosts and spirits, appeared and locked onto the two men, as if they were chasing them.

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