"The eyes of Tubo, seeing the rebirth……"Jian Jiaozi didn't seem to doubt Zhang Qingyuan's words at all, and instead muttered to himself.

""Where is the ancient book you mentioned?" he asked.

Seeing that he had taken the bait, Zhang Qingyuan hurriedly said,"I saw it when I was alive. It's in the world of the living!"

The White Bone Hall was quiet for a while. Jian Jiaozi didn't say anything, so Zhang Qingyuan naturally wouldn't say anything more, let alone offer to help the other party get the ancient book. That would seem too deliberate.

Every fisherman knows that before putting the bait, you should make a nest and then wait for the fish to bite the hook, instead of putting the hook into the fish's mouth.

Sure enough, after a long silence, Jian Jiaozi spoke again:"Can you get the ancient book for me? Or bring that eye to me. I can grant you one condition, as long as I can do it."

"this……"Zhang Qingyuan was"conflicted" and felt very embarrassed.

"Boy, don't be ungrateful!" The machete ghost stared at him and roared, and the knife on his shoulder chopped down on the ground.

"Well... I am naturally willing to serve you, Lord Xiongshen, so I dare not say no. Zhang Qingyuan hurriedly said,"I admit my defeat.""

"Well, Xue Ren, I'll leave this matter to you."

As soon as the voice fell, darkness surged again and submerged everyone, throwing them out directly.

Xue Ren tied them up and entered the dark fog again. In a few minutes, they came to a cemetery, which was full of mountains and fields, densely packed with people and could not see the end.

A large number of ghosts gathered here, constantly going in and out of the tombs. The ghostly aura was eerie, but inexplicably lively. Fengdu City rarely saw so many ghosts gathering. Xue Ren said nothing and led them to a large tomb in the middle that looked like a small hill. On a three-meter-high tombstone were written the words"Xue Ren Ghost General".

Needless to say, this should be his tomb.

After passing through the tombstone, they came directly into the tomb. Zhang Qingyuan looked around with some curiosity. It was also the first time he knew that the tomb looked like this.

There were pavilions, towers, small bridges and flowing water. Everything was like a bright courtyard in the world of the living, but the sky was dark and the overall environment was very depressing, but compared to those Yin houses, it was many times better.

"The grave actually looks like this?" Seeing this scene, Zhang Qingyuan was a little tempted to move his family from Fengdu City to find a piece of land outside and build a grave.

"I advise you to give up this idea as soon as possible." Zhao Jin saw his thoughts and poured a basin of cold water on him:"Do you think every ghost can be built like this? Go back and find a small grave, catch a wild ghost and take you in to have a look, and you will know."

Xue Ren ignored the conversation between the two. After leading them to the yard, he said directly:"You have heard what Lord Xiongshen said. Is there any problem in helping Lord Xiongshen get the ancient book and the eyeball?"

"There must be something wrong!" Zhang Qingyuan said immediately:"The ancient books are easy to say, the blood jade eyeball is in the hands of Yu Xuanji, the chief, and I dare not take it now even if I have a hundred guts, unless……"

"Unless what?" Xue Ren frowned and asked.

"Unless you can give me time, if you let me do it now, it's no different from killing me."Zhang Qingyuan complained.

Xue Ren lowered his head and thought, and after a while asked again:"How much time do you need?""

How much time?

Zhang Qingyuan hesitated for a moment. If he said too much, it would definitely not work, and the other party would not agree. If he said too little, it would be easy for people to guess that he was talking nonsense.

He couldn't help but think of a cartoon he had seen before, which told the story of a rabbit selling missiles.

Thinking of this, Zhang Qingyuan stretched out a finger and made a"1" gesture.

"A hundred years?" Xue Ren felt that his sword was thirsty and couldn't help shouting,"Are you kidding me?"

Zhang Qingyuan shook his head repeatedly, but didn't say anything, and still made a"1" gesture.

"Ten years?" Xue Ren's anger subsided and he sat back in his chair. After thinking for a while, he shook his head and said,"No, I can't give you that much time. Five years at most. There must be results within five years. Otherwise...……"

Otherwise, you're a fool. When I run away, who the hell cares who you are... Zhang Qingyuan complained in his heart.

He pretended to be embarrassed, hesitant, and reluctantly nodded:"Five... five years. I'll think of a way, it should be possible."

Xue Ren heard it and shouted:"Five years! But the ancient book should be very simple, send it to me as soon as possible after you go back."

After that, he stretched out his palm, and a bloody worm appeared in his palm

"This is the Soul-Eating Ghost Bug. It is my unique secret technique. Once it enters the body of a ghost, it will attach to the true soul light. Eat it and you can leave."

Zhang Qingyuan's heart skipped a beat... It's really not that simple. If the other party really lets him go, he will suspect that there is a collective aura of intelligence reduction in the underworld.

After hesitating for a while, it is better to die later than to die early. He will leave this place first and think of a solution later.

He gritted his teeth, took the Soul-Eating Ghost Bug, and swallowed it directly.

Xue Ren showed approval and said,"You are quite courageous. Of course, if you want to find someone to take it out after you go back, it doesn't matter. Just try it."

Looking at his confident face, Zhang Qingyuan's face was a little strange.

Under the soul monitoring, the worm turned into a stream of light and rushed straight to the place where his true soul light was, and then was blocked outside by a black lotus.

It seems that Xue Ren didn't notice... By observing the other party's expression, he finally felt relieved.

"Okay, I'll ask someone to take you out."

"Wait! What about him?"Zhang Qingyuan pointed at Zhao Jin and asked.

Zhao Jin: Touched! You finally remembered me.……

"You can leave by yourself, they are useless, so just stay here and serve Lord Evil God!"

Zhao Jin showed a look of help, an old ghost who had lived for decades and died for decades, it was hard for him to show a pitiful expression.

Zhang Qingyuan said:"I don't care about these two people from the Wuchang clan, but this old man must be taken away. If he dies here or disappears, it will attract the attention of the ancestors of Zaoge Mountain. If it is investigated, it will be difficult for me to hide it. At that time, let alone getting the blood jade eyeball, I'm afraid I will go to the eighteenth level of hell on the spot. After all, I colluded with you, this crime will not be lenient in the underworld."

"Is he from the Taoist sect?" Xue Ren was obviously in a dilemma.

This kind of person is the most difficult to deal with. God knows what the teachers behind him are like. Moreover, they are from Zaoge Mountain and are the disciples of Master Ge Xuan. Once a teacher who has risen to a high position pays attention to them, it will cause great trouble.

After thinking for a long time, Xue Ren nodded and said,"You can take him away, but the remaining two……"

"I have no objection to them staying here!" Zhang Qingyuan ignored the two people's pleading eyes.

What a joke, if it weren't for these two bastards dragging them down, how could he be caught here? And they still want me to help them, do they really think that the whole world is full of saints and white lotuses?

"Sir, Sir... I can also help investigate the Netherworld. You know our Wuchang Clan."

"Yes, we can help too!"

Seeing that Zhang Qingyuan was unwilling to help, the two tried to grasp the last straw.

Xue Ren sneered and said,"Don't worry, I won't kill both of you.……"

After that, he looked up at Zhang Qingyuan and said,"Choose one of them to kill, and then you can take this old Taoist priest away."

Zhang Qingyuan: ???

What do you mean?

"No!"Xie Jiang said with a look of fear.

"Stay with me. The situation was critical before. I had no choice but to drag you into this.……"Fan Jian also grasped at the life-saving straw and quickly explained

"Right, right, right… It was him. He was the one who came up with the idea to lead the pursuers to you." Xie Jiang quickly pointed at Fan Jian.

After hearing this, Zhang Qingyuan looked at the two men and made a decision in an instant. Since Xue Ren wanted him to kill one of them, no matter what the other party thought, if he wanted to get out today, he would not show mercy.

He drew his Xie Zhan Dao and slashed it down without hesitation…

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