Brothers, long time no see! Did you enjoy the last battle between Lord Taishan and Lord Tubo?"Zhang Qingyuan greeted the live broadcast room.

Comment area:

【Don’t be so bold, stop talking nonsense and tell me what to do if you encounter a ghost?】

【Damn it!! Last night, I was driving home and the same person stopped me three times in different places. My foot was welded to the accelerator before I ran away.】

【It's over, it's over. Ever since the dog Dadan was killed by a fierce ghost, why have there been ghosts everywhere recently? More than ten people died in the village next to me in one night, and the whole village moved away that day.】

【There seems to be something wrong with our apartment building recently. Can you come and take a look for me? 】

To Zhang Qingyuan's surprise, the comments section was full of news about encountering ghosts, which made him feel a little depressed.

Thinking of the road he had sneaked into the world of the living before, he didn't know how many such passages in the underworld had lost their protection due to the influence of the Buddha's death, and became free passages between the Yin and Yang worlds.

Looking at the reactions of netizens, the IPs showed that there were people from all over Daxia, and even from abroad. It didn't matter whether they were under the jurisdiction of the underworld or not.

The comment section was in a mess. Zhang Qingyuan waited until the number of people in the live broadcast room gradually stabilized before speaking.

"Don't panic, my friends. The underworld already knows about the evil ghosts in the world. Recently, our evil suppression department is expanding its recruitment, and we will arrange for evil suppressors to go to the world to deal with this ghost."

First, let me reveal some information about the underworld to stabilize the emotions of the friends in the live broadcast room.

At this moment, a large plane flew across the screen, and Zhang Qingyuan immediately said,"Thanks to 'Ye灬是土混混' for swiping the plane.""Ye灬

是土混混: [Anchor, can you get on the microphone?]

Zhang Qingyuan thought about it and agreed to his application for connecting to the microphone. After all, he was the boss who swiped the plane. If it was a scoundrel who didn't have any other light board, he would definitely refuse decisively.

The anchor refuses to get something for free!

""Brother, what's the matter?" Zhang Qingyuan asked directly

"That... host, I feel something is wrong recently. I always feel like I am being watched by something, especially at night when I feel like there is someone at home. Do you think I am seeing a ghost?" The man spoke. He sounded young and his voice was slightly trembling. He was probably scared.

Zhang Qingyuan comforted him and said,"Don't worry, brother. If you have this feeling, it is probably true. If it doesn't work, move to another place. Generally, if there is no big grudge, they won't chase you to kill you."

"And according to what you said, even if I was targeted by a ghost, it is possible that the ghost had no ill intentions, or it could be an ordinary ghost that just didn't find a chance to attack me."

My uncle is a local thug:"Then host, I saw in a movie that a boy's body is full of yang energy, and most ghosts don't dare to get close to him. Don't you think this is the reason why it doesn't dare to attack me?"

"Uh... this……"

Zhang Qingyuan hesitated for a moment and said,"Brother, open your right hand and take a look."

""I opened it and looked, but there's nothing on it?" the local thug asked in confusion.

Zhang Qingyuan said earnestly:"Brother, look at the calluses on your right hand, scrape them off, and then you can tell me that you are a virgin."


【Haha, this guy has calluses on his right hand, and he still says he is a virgin! 】The thug was so embarrassed that he couldn't say anything for a long time, and finally said sullenly:"Am I the only way to run away?"

"Well...if it really doesn't work, you can go find a master in your area, such as a Taoist priest, a Taoist priest, etc., to see if they can help you solve it."

After that, Zhang Qingyuan added:"It's best not to go to the temple, don't worship Buddha... The same goes for other people in the live broadcast room"

【The host said,"Does this mean it's because of the last time the Buddha statue shed tears of blood and then broke into pieces?"

Zhang Qingyuan shook his head and said,"It's not just that. Anyway, if you can avoid going, don't go."

In order to be responsible to his fans, Zhang Qingyuan still gave them a serious warning, lest any unlucky person go to the temple to worship Buddha and bump into the black monk who is"supporting Buddhism"

"Ahem... I can't tell you more about the details, just remember my words."Of course, he couldn't admit that he sent a terrifying black monk to the world of the living.

After disconnecting the microphone, netizens in the comment area were asking about various ghosts, most of which focused on how to save their lives in case of encountering ghosts.

"Well, don't worry, guys. I don't know how to survive under the evil ghost. I'll find a chance to catch a ghost and ask it where it usually lurks and when it kills people. I'll tell you then."

At this moment, another microphone connection request popped up. Zhang Qingyuan was quick and clicked it directly. Then he found that the other party didn't even have a fan sign. He was careless!

But since he was already on the microphone, he couldn't just kick it.

"Hello...can the host hear me?"

"Can...what's the matter, tell me?" Zhang Qingyuan replied

"Host, I am the brother of Northwest Tiger. Tiger has been missing because of a ghost. Tiger said he wanted to ask you for help, but it was too late."

"Brother Tiger, did you encounter a ghost?"Zhang Qingyuan frowned.

Although he had a rough guess in his mind, he had only just heard the other party's younger brother confirm it.

"Right, right...

More than a dozen people have disappeared in the neighborhood where Brother Hu lives.

Brother Hu told us before that he heard someone singing opera late at night, and said he wanted to ask you or Dongbei Mengmiao, but for some reason, he disappeared the next day.

The neighborhood has now been put under martial law by the law enforcement bureau.

We searched inside but found nothing, and we didn't dare to go in.

We only thought of coming to find you after seeing your live broadcast.


【Brother Northwest Tiger... Is it Chunjiang Community? I am also in XN City. I heard on the news that a vicious criminal committed a crime there. But privately, people say it is a ghost.】

【It must be a ghost. My home is in the next neighborhood. My whole family has been staying in the hotel for three days. We don’t dare to go back to sleep.】

【The news was blocked by the authorities. It is not allowed to be posted on Kuaishou. There must be something wrong. 】

In the live broadcast room, netizens from XN City spoke out one after another, saying what they knew

"More than a dozen people are missing? Nothing can be found? Someone is singing an opera?"Zhang Qingyuan pondered what the other party said. It seemed like a ghost.

Could Brother Northwest Tiger be dead just like this?

""Anchor, are you listening? Today, there was a message from the Law Enforcement Bureau that their director will personally lead a team to the community tonight. Can you help Brother Hu?" The younger brother asked very nervously. Zhang

Qingyuan would naturally not refuse, and said:"Don't worry, brother, based on my friendship with Brother Hu, I will definitely not sit idly by, I will definitely find a way to help him." After suddenly getting the news from Brother Hu in the Northwest, Zhang Qingyuan was no longer in the mood to broadcast live. After a brief chat, he cut off the live broadcast and prepared to go out to the Suppression of Evil Division.

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