In the dim underground parking lot, the sound of breathing makes the dead silence more lively.


A terrified scream suddenly broke the silence, and people ran out from the corners one after another, not caring about what happened, just running.

"Be quiet and don't move!"

""What happened? Don't move!"

The organized people stopped the chaotic crowd in time, but no one cared about that at this time. They just knew to quickly escape from the place where the screams came from.


A gunshot instantly suppressed all the commotion, and the people who were running away stopped immediately as if they were under a spell.

"Don't run around! No one can panic at this time, everything is under command!"Huang Changhai shouted, relying on the power of his important position and the uniform on his body, he instantly took control of the situation.

Hu Tianchuan next to him took back his gun and scanned everyone present with a sharp gaze.

"The people from the Law Enforcement Bureau quickly gathered the team and counted the number of people. Who was shouting just now? What happened?"

Behind the crowd, the female anchor Xixi stood up tremblingly, raised her hand with a look of horror and said,"I……"

"Just now...the person next to me with dyed yellow hair disappeared"

"Yellow-haired?" Hu Tianchuan's expression changed, he walked forward and shouted to the crowd:"Li Xiaopao, Ding Peng...are you two there?"

Not far away, another little yellow-haired man stood up and said:"Captain Hu, I'm's just that Xiaopao is missing."

Hu Tianchuan was startled. He knew both guys. They were the younger brothers of Northwest Tiger. Now one of them was missing inexplicably.

Then Hu Tianchuan and Huang Changhai took the female anchor aside and asked about what happened just now, but Xixi was so scared that she couldn't explain it for a long time.

"Lao Lin, Lao Lin...where are you?"

"Is someone missing again?"

""Mom, help me!"

The riots started again, and people started to disappear one after another. The remaining law enforcement officers tried their best to maintain order, but they still couldn't stop the agitated crowd.

No one noticed that the fog that filled the underground parking lot was stirring up air currents, and it seemed that something was sliding past quickly.

Screams rang out one after another. There was a living person in front of them just now, but suddenly the surging fog covered him, and the next second the person disappeared from the spot.

"Ghost... There is a ghost, in the fog, I just saw it."

The word"ghost" once again ignited everyone's fear, but this time they did not flee to the surroundings, but desperately squeezed into the crowd, hoping that others would take the blame for them.

At this time, a small yellow paper man poked his head out of the exhaust vent, saw the panicked crowd, and found the target.

It was about to retract into the ventilation duct, but a gray-green ghost hand suddenly poked out from the fog and grabbed the yellow paper man.

The fog flowed, revealing a figure hidden in it, with a blue face and white pupils, without any life.

The ghost hand grabbed the small yellow paper man, stuffed it into his mouth, chewed it twice, and then spit it out.

The small yellow paper man had one leg bitten off, and was crawling forward on the ground dragging his broken body.

""What...what is that?"

A terrified question came from the other end.

The little yellow paper man had already crawled to where the crowd was gathered, stretching out his hand as if asking for help.

"Paper...paper figures, moving paper figures"

"Ghost, it attracted ghosts!"

The ghost that caught the yellow paper man also showed up. He was wearing a coarse cloth, with messy hair. He stared at the crowd with pupil-less eyes. His gaze was like a poisonous snake, and everyone who saw him had goose bumps.

Bang, bang, bang...

There were several more gunshots. Hu Tianchuan stood in front of the crowd and fired several shots at the ghost. However, the ghost body had no substance, and the bullets went straight through its body without any reaction.

"There are also……"

A middle-aged man suddenly pointed to the left and shouted.

A ghost also walked out of the fog on the other side, with the same deathly aura and a gloomy and terrifying face. Something that made everyone collapse began to happen. The fog that enveloped the surroundings began to fade away, and ghosts appeared one after another. A rough count turned out to be as many as seven or eight, in various positions, surrounding them in the middle.

"Help, I want to go home!"

"Buddha, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva……"

There were cries of fear, but the ghost ignored their reactions and walked towards the crowd with stiff movements. It slapped one person with its hand, and the surrounding dark fog instantly swarmed over and engulfed him.

Although the people in the law enforcement bureau had strong psychological qualities, they were helpless in the face of such an inhuman thing. They could only keep retreating to the center of the crowd as the ghost approached.

At this moment, a cold air suddenly appeared, and the temperature dropped by more than ten degrees. The gray dark fog seemed to be stimulated by something and rushed towards a certain location frantically.

"Get out of here!"

A knife cut through the dense fog, creating a crack half a person wide, revealing a figure inside. A person covered in black air, with dark green eyes, who looked like a dead person, rushed out.

""Humph, you are just a ghost follower, why don't you get out of here!"

Another powerful voice was heard, and an old man in a Taoist robe also appeared, holding a magic sword in his hand, and slashed at the surrounding ghosts.

Zhao Jin's strength was naturally easy to deal with these ghosts controlled by powerful ghosts. A few flashes of sword light swept away the surrounding ghosts, and defeated them into a ball of Yin Qi, which fled away with the retreating Yin fog.

Zhang Qingyuan was still holding the evil-slaying knife, and was rushing towards the ghost follower closest to him, but he didn't expect that the old ghost would act so quickly.

""Senior, you make me look stupid.

" He complained as he put away the evil-slaying knife in a huff.

Zhao Jin ignored him, put the magic sword on his back, his Taoist robe fluttering in the wind, and walked forward with an immortal look, saying lightly:"Don't panic, everyone.

I am Zhao Jin from Zaoge Mountain, and I have been appointed by the underworld to rescue you.

" Zhang Qingyuan followed behind him, staring at the old ghost in front of him in amazement...

Senior, you were not like this before.

With so many people watching, you can steal the limelight if you want, but it's too much to expose your family background.

"Zhang... Zhang is so bold?"

"It’s Zhang Dadan!"

"It's Zhang Dadan who came to save us."

Someone in the crowd recognized Zhang Qingyuan and shouted in surprise and joy.

"You all know me? That's easy. Those who have watched my live broadcast know that I am now a ghost messenger from the Netherworld Suppression Bureau. This time I am here to deal with the ghosts causing chaos in Chunjiang Community. Are you all right?"

Zhao Jin, who was pretending to be a master and ready to accept everyone's thanks, suddenly had a face as stiff as iron, and the hand that was still stroking his beard stopped... The script is wrong. What's wrong with this damn kid?

This Taoist master can't hold it anymore.

"You... you know them?"

Zhang Qingyuan glanced at Zhao Jin and saw his expression as if he had eaten a fly.

So comfortable!

"Quack quack……"The laughter in my heart was inexplicably wild.

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