Ji... the piercing sound of a door opening rang out in the dark corridor, and two heads cautiously poked out from the door, observing the situation inside.

After all, they had already reached the female ghost's lair, and it would be too disrespectful to the horror of the disaster-level ghost to rashly run through the wall.

""Hmm... Intuitively, I think this staircase is not simple." Zhang Qingyuan said solemnly. Zhao

Jin did not dare to be careless and asked,"What intuition? Did you sense danger?"

Zhang Qingyuan shook his head and said seriously,"No, but it's always played like this in horror movies. Either ghost hands grow out of the wall, or something weird happens on the stairs."

Zhao Jin:"……"

I have an urge to hit someone.

"You don't understand shit, stop talking, you're interfering with my judgment!"

Zhao Jin had an expression of disappointment again, then he walked in first with the magic sword in hand.

Zhang Qingyuan hurriedly followed.

When... there was a loud noise behind him, and the door closed and locked automatically. Zhang Qingyuan was shocked. According to the logic in the movie, locked doors and windows are usually a sign that someone is about to fart.

But for the two ghosts, this operation was just like taking off their pants to fart, after all, they could just walk out and run away.

Zhao Jin didn't take it seriously, but Zhang Qingyuan didn't dare to. He kept glancing at the wall, worried that there really was a ghost hand growing inside.

"A promise from you is worth a thousand gold, I am afraid of making mistakes in this life~~"

The sound of opera became clearer and clearer, echoing in the quiet corridor, as creepy as it could be.

When I was alive, I almost trembled. At that time, I thought the opera was quite nice, but now it sounds a bit scary.

【I will never listen to Chinese opera again.……】

Someone swore a poisonous oath in the live broadcast room

【Don't be impulsive, wait and see what the female ghost looks like before making a decision】

【That makes sense, but what if she is beautiful and has a sweet voice?】

【I retracted a vow……】


A loud noise was heard in the quiet corridor, coming from above, followed by the rhythmic clang of heavy objects falling to the ground, accompanied by heavy footsteps. The live broadcast room immediately became quiet, and Zhang Qingyuan asked the man with the broken hand to come to the back with the phone and shoot the stairs.

Zhao Jin in front also turned his head and whispered:"Be careful later, I may not be able to take care of you."

Hearing this, Zhang Qingyuan drew out the evil-slaying knife and checked the Xumi ring at the same time. The Taoist soldier suit lay quietly inside, and there was a pile of things moved from the Shentu secret storehouse next to it. The storage ring could not fit them, otherwise he would have emptied the entire treasure house at that time. Dangdangdang...

The sound was getting closer and closer. Zhao Jin also took the lead and walked up slowly. Turning a corner, he saw a tall figure appear at the stairs. He was wearing a gorgeous costume, with a red face painted, and a large Guandao dragged diagonally in his hand. The sound just now was made by the Guandao dragging the ground.

【Wow, Lord Guan is out!】

【You are so brave, Guan Erye is in front of you, are you going to put in a bid to sell your head? 】

A group of filial sons and grandsons in the live broadcast room gloated over the misfortune, wishing that Zhang Qingyuan would stand upside down and eat three pounds of shit on the spot

""Senior, is this Lord Guan?" Zhang Qingyuan also confirmed in a low voice. Zhao

Jin danced with his sword and roared,"How dare you blaspheme against the Saint Emperor Guan, you deserve to die!"

The old ghost was obviously enraged. He rushed out like lightning in an instant, with lightning flashing in his palms, like a thousand birds, and slapped directly at the ghost's forehead.

However, although this ghost was daring, it was also a fierce ghost. The Guandao in his hand chopped down at Zhao Jin's head.

Zhao Jin quickly changed his moves and slapped the palm thunder on the blade. In an instant, the lightning burst out, and the extreme yang energy instantly dispersed the weird atmosphere in the corridor. The blood light wrapped around the Guandao also retreated like snow melting.

Palm thunder - although it is the most basic thunder method of Taoism, it also has a great restraining effect against the most yin and evil ghosts. The most yang and strong thunder power, ordinary ghosts will be injured even if they just look at it, let alone being hit.

Thump thump...

The ghost retreated several steps and hit its back against the wall. Zhao Jin took advantage of the situation and recited the Golden Light Mantra. The divine light covered his body and he rushed directly to the opponent's head, and the magic sword in his hand chopped it towards the opponent's head.

"Senior, I'm here to help you……"

There was a head to be picked up, and Zhang Qingyuan's body odor from playing games came back, and he couldn't help but rush forward.


The severed hand that was originally holding a mobile phone to broadcast live behind him suddenly appeared in front of Zhang Qingyuan, and then stretched out a finger to point behind him.

The cold wind blew, and Zhang Qingyuan didn't have eyes behind him, but he also instantly realized the danger coming. He didn't hesitate at all, and his body rushed forward, landed on the stairs, and then directly penetrated the floor and fell to the next floor

"A sneak attack from behind? You can’t afford it, little rubbish."

His head popped out from the staircase, looking at the ghost that had just attacked him. It was also wearing Wu Erhua’s costume, with red, yellow and white painted on its face, holding two iron halberds in its hands. Its fierce aura was no less than that of the ghost that played Guan Gong. It was the role of Dian Wei in the drama.

Zhang Qingyuan held the evil-slaying knife in both hands, and his soul slowly emerged from the floor, staring at"Dian Wei". The severed hand ran back to his shoulder with the phone in his hand, and the camera perfectly presented the image of the ghost in the live broadcast room.

【Damn, it's Dian Wei. It reminds me of the fear of being dominated by a squishy character.】

【Be careful of him jumping and slashing! I always get killed by this move. 】

The conversation in the live broadcast room gradually deviated, and Zhang Qingyuan didn't care about these weirdos. This was also a fierce ghost in front of him, and he didn't dare to let down his guard at all. He took a moment to look at Zhao Jin, who was chasing"Guan Gong" and beating him up.

"Take my sword!"

Zhang Qingyuan took the initiative to attack, slashing with the long sword in his hand. Two iron halberds came out, one blocked his sword, and the other smashed towards Zhang Qingyuan's head.

The iron halberd was full of murderous aura, and it was obvious that it had killed many people. If it was hit, his soul would definitely not be able to withstand it.

At this moment, a black shadow emerged from behind Zhang Qingyuan and rushed straight to the face of"Dian Wei".


With a muffled sound,"Dian Wei" flew backwards, a dent was directly knocked out on his face, and most of the resentful aura on his body was also defeated.

"……Where's my phone?" Zhang Qingyuan's focus was obviously different. He turned around and saw that his phone was standing on the window of the corridor. The broken hand clenched into a fist and waved it proudly in front of Zhang Qingyuan twice, as if to ask for credit.

After making sure that his phone was safe, he also praised and said,"Well done."

Then he had an idea and took out a bone knife from Shen Tu from the Xumi Ring and threw it to the broken hand, saying,"Take this and chop."

In the live broadcast room

【Damn, I was wondering why Gou Dadan freed both hands during the live broadcast this time. It turns out that he got a third hand.】

【Whose hand is this? You are so brave, you dog! Can’t your right hand satisfy you?】

【Dog's Bold Right Hand: Hello everyone, that's my love rival. 】

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